Talking during a race (Read 922 times)

Best Present Ever

    when the people are having a conversation that annoys me, i find talking during races annoying. When they're not annoying, it doesn' t annoy me. I just wish there were some way to send the the 'you're annoying' signal. But I don't hear too much chatting during 5ks. Folks are mostly just running hard around me then. And during longer races I've chatted some with strangers, but always fairly briefly. I loves your conversations with Nick, BadDawg. Very sweet. I'd have have never run into either of you to chat, sadly, as i'm not *quite* in the 19 min 5K group ....

    De-slacking in progress

      at my Labor Day 10k, I was struggling around the 5 mile mark, when this "mature" man (probably 15 yrs older than me and I'm 46), caught up to me and noticed my struggling. He was going to blow by me but I noticed he slowed his pace down on purpose to run next to me. He took just a few minutes to offer me encouragement, and of course his "advice". I don't really want to hear how to run while I'm running a race but he had good intentions. Then he said, "I smoked most of my life, got lung cancer and now I only have ONE lung. So if I can make it so can you." At that point he picked his pace back up and I crossed the finish line 2 mins after he did. When I saw him at the finish line, I thanked him for the encouragement (even though it got on my nerves at the time). When I'm running with my DW I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut about how to run. I have to keep telling myself I'm not a running coach. So when we run together, I just let her set the pace and keep my mouth shut. We save the talking for the end of the run about our times and effort as we're logging the info into RA. I haven't run that many races but I've already made 2 new "friends" that are my age. It's great to be around like minded people that are willing to talk about running.

      started running @ age 48 [lost 70#+, quit a 30 year pack/day habit>> ran HM]  Ran a few years then quit. Gained 70#+ back and smoking like before. Time to get healthy again @ 52 years over with the C25K program and beyond again. RE-start date 1-13-14

      A Saucy Wench

        Heh - slaptear - that reminds me of a friend of mine. He can not help being a cheerleader to everyone when running. Doesnt matter if they are faster or slower. "You're doing great!" over and over. dh used to run (just training runs) with him, finally told him to shut the hell up.

        I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


        "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

        Best Present Ever

          yes, really, there's nothing worse than being told "you're doing great!" It always make me wonder how they *think* I think I'm doing!


            I don't mind listening, but usually choose to conserve my own energy and keep quiet. Most of the talk seems of people bragging about their training or races they have run and that's not cool. My first marathon at mile four there was this guy going on and on about how he loved hills. I didn't see him again till about mile 20, he was walking up the hill. I really would have liked to ask him if he still loved hills.


            My dogs are fast, not me

              I am running with a partner which is a new experience for me. I've found that while we chat during training, we are pretty quiet and focused during races. Most of our exchanges during a race relate to where we are for pace, distance, etc.



                For the record, during yesterday's marathon, I was the guy who talked too much during the first 6.5 miles. Sorry. I was quiet after that because my friend turned around at the half marathon turnaround and I was by myself afterwards. I did not have my cell phone, nor did I have locomotive breath. But it was a bit of shuffling madness.



                Options,Account, Forums

                  My last 10K I was chatting during the first couple miles, then I realized I was going slower than my goal, and I sped up, and was working hard the rest of it. I got a big PR, but I bet next time if I go faster than comfortable conversational pace earlier, I'll do even better Smile

                  It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.
