What caliber gun do you carry? (Read 1836 times)


    I saw that labrat Wink

    Sulphur Springs 50km-- Ancaster, ON-- May 28, 2022

    Tally in the Valley 12 hours-- Dundas, ON -- July 30, 2022 (Support SickKids Toronto)

    Stokely Creek-- 56km-- Sault Ste. Marie, ON-- Sept. 24, 2022



    Feeling the growl again

      good grief people - Baltimore is not that bad. I used to run around JHU all the time and I only got shot at once. (bb gun)  Joking


      I spent years in Detroit and Baltimore scared me.  Wink

      "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


      I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



      Self anointed title

        One of the things you learn when you are properly trained in the use of firearms is when to use them, and more importantly, when not to use them.


        "courageous restraint?"




        Self anointed title

          If someone breaks into my home  ...  I am killing the MFer.  I don't care why and don't care to ascertain it.  End of story.


          Shoot first, ask questions later?

          I prefer Scout's cry that those who are properly trained to use lethal firearms should also know when NOT to use them. FWIW I would count myself as somebody who is well trained in the use of lethal force.




            Shoot first, ask questions later?

            I prefer Scout's cry that those who are properly trained to use lethal firearms should also know when NOT to use them.


            Well, if someone breaks into my home  ...  that is the time I have deemed as when to use the firearm  (there are others too).  No warning.  No conversation.  I am trained.  I am proficient.  I know when to flee and I know when to fight.


            Self anointed title

              Well, if someone breaks into my home  ...  that is the time I have deemed as when to use the firearm  (there are others too).  No warning.  No conversation.  I am trained.  I am proficient.  I know when to flee and I know when to fight.


              What if that person hadn't maliciously broken into your home? What if they were fleeing an attacker themselves and sought refuge? What if they had (stupidly) entered to ask direcitons? What if it were your absent son, coming home to surprise his Dad, and he hadn't turned on the light coz it would ruin his surprise?



                I saw that labrat Wink


                haha - i'm learning restraint... it's very difficult though...Joking


                Spaniel - i admit - i didn't ever run around the JHU hospital - which would definitely be a bad idea... 


                  What if that person hadn't maliciously broken into your home?  

                  Why would someone break in non-maliciously?



                  What if they were fleeing an attacker themselves and sought refuge?  

                  They would be shouting and calling for assistance.  I think I would know the difference.



                  What if they had (stupidly) entered to ask direcitons?  

                   That is what a doorbell is for.  Otherwise, I would Darwin them.



                  What if it were your absent son, coming home to surprise his Dad, and he hadn't turned on the light coz it would ruin his surprise?

                  He knows better.


                    I once lived in a neighborhood where lots of houses looked the same.  I also... recently... lived in a complex where all the floors looked the same.  I have in my lifetime 1) pulled into the wrong driveway and walked up to the wrong door and 2) got off on the wrong floor and went up to the wrong door.


                    So, I'm fiddling with the door and it hasn't quite registered that I'm in the wrong place.


                    I'm an idiot and so perhaps you could "Darwin" me for that, but I don't think that's worth shooting me for.


                    RLLoving, you could be the nicest person in the world... dunno.  But in the construct of this thread, you scare the shit out of me.


                    By that, I mean the overly dramatic message board theoretical version of "scare the shit".



                      This is where mikey posts "Come on now."



                      One day at a time

                        My daughter's piano teacher lives in one of three duplexes that are identical except for their color.  One of the first times I drove my daughter to her lesson, I accidentally dropped her off at the WRONG residence and drove off again (one of those days when Mom was supposed to be in three places at once).  When I got home, she called, almost hysterical.  I asked to speak to the elderly homeowner, and convinced her to walk my daughter next door.  Ugh, I will NEVER forget that.  Now I always wait when I drop her off, until she gives me the thumbs-up sign.


                          So, I'm fiddling with the door and it hasn't quite registered that I'm in the wrong place.



                           you scare the shit out of me.


                          There is a difference between being outside and fumbling with the key  ...  and figuring out how to get inside.  Yes, I would be alarmed and armed while you were fumbling with the door.  But that wouldn't get you shot.  Break in  ...  that would.


                          As to scare you.  I don't care.  Don't break in.  Don't endanger my family.  Then we have no problem.


                          As to the genesis of this thread.  I do not run with a gun.  I carry pepper spray.  But I would have no issue with running with someone who did carry a gun.


                            As to scare you.  I don't care.  Don't break in.  Don't endanger my family.  Then we have no problem.


                            Well, this will still get filed under "you don't care", and that's ok, but I'll say this anyway.


                            You don't have the level of control of me to decide whether WE have a problem.  As stated, I suppose, you are saying that as long as I don't endanger your family, you don't have a problem with what I do.  Which is cool.


                            Nevertheless, *I* have a problem with your willingness to shoot my, or another person's, ass.


                            So as Jeff Spicoli nicely explained to Mr Hand when trying to understand the concept of "our time" as applied to enjoyment of pizza, it is indeed possible for "we" to have a problem.


                            In message board terms.


                            "Come on now".




                            (seriously, I'm only sort of serious.  I do not want to get shot. Over a misunderstanding. I'm not going to architect a situation where this might occur beyond what I laid out, which thankfully, apparently won't get me shot.  I still don't want it.  I WANNA LIVE)



                            Options,Account, Forums

                              Why would someone break in non-maliciously?



                              No knock warrant served on wrong address. Has happened. But that's ok. After you shot them, their backups would shoot you, so the problem would take of itself.

                              It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                                Here is a story about the dumbassest marketing stunt in the world.


                                I'm happy nobody was packing and suddenly felt the need to defend themselves.


                                I'm also saddened that the people involved didn't realize in advance that they were being super dumbasses.  But I wouldn't think they'd "deserve" to be shot.