Newest iPod Touch (Read 902 times)


I've got a fever...

    I don't know anything about the iTouch, but I hear that the iPod Touch is great.

    On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

      true that the ipod touch doesn't connect over 3G; so if you're out and about and need to log a run on RA, then you have to get to a McDonald's or *gasp* Panera for the free wifi.


      I don't really use the 3G service on my iPhone that much and I force myself to use it more often because I know I'm paying for it.

      nothing to see here.  

        If you have a MiFi, and a little bit of technical ability, you can set up your iPod Touch as a VOIP phone with the MiFi providing you constant connectivity.  If you run plain SIP over their network, Verizon will figure out what's going on, but if you run it over an encrypted tunnel like SSH to home, they won't know any better.  Of course this requires jailbreaking, which you should do anyway.  It also requires a headset of some sort -- the iPod touch doesn't have a stock microphone.


        I figure since my corporate overlords require me to carry the mifi and blackberry at all times anyway, I might as well not carry a personal phone and rely on VOIP.  It's worked out pretty well so far for me, but most people who would need to contact me in an emergency have my corporate line as well.


        Maybe not so good if you don't have an unlimited or pooled MiFi account.  Probably depends on your usage.

        CyclingAHEAD until 2012

          Is it hard to upload photos that you take with the  iPod Touch ?    


          I mean, I don't have an mac --  so, is there an easy way to upload photos to social network or email  ( assuming I have a wifi connection)


          I know, this is probably an idiotic question.  

          - Anya

            I don't know anything about the iTouch, but I hear that the iPod Touch is great.


            Better now?

            - Anya


              If you have a MiFi, and a little bit of technical ability, you can set up your iPod Touch as a VOIP phone with the MiFi providing you constant connectivity.  If you run plain SIP over their network, Verizon will figure out what's going on, but if you run it over an encrypted tunnel like SSH to home, they won't know any better.  Of course this requires jailbreaking, which you should do anyway.  It also requires a headset of some sort -- the iPod touch doesn't have a stock microphone.


              I figure since my corporate overlords require me to carry the mifi and blackberry at all times anyway, I might as well not carry a personal phone and rely on VOIP.  It's worked out pretty well so far for me, but most people who would need to contact me in an emergency have my corporate line as well.


              Maybe not so good if you don't have an unlimited or pooled MiFi account.  Probably depends on your usage.




                I don't know anything about the iTouch.


                Huh, Scout's mom told me you were writing a book.

                When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?



                  My 11 year old says the same thing. But it sounds like "look Dad, I can use my iPod as a phone".

                  When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?


                     the iPod touch doesn't have a stock microphone.


                    Sure it does but a headset with mic will probably give a better experience if you want to use it as a communications device. I hate to say it but, having the technical ability doesn't mean one has the interest to manage what you've outlined above. Fortunately there are several apps, not to mention facetime, that you can use (skype, fring, etc...) that require no jailbreaking or network trickery. Lifehacker covered this one last year and outline the pros and cons reasonably well.


                    The rear camera isn't as good as the iPhone camera but integrates with apps (social media, email, etc..) just fine.


                    Verizon isn't the only mi-fi option. We've got Virgin at similar or lower cost and no contract, which is always nice. Sprint may have it too.

                      Ahh they must have added it when they added the front camera -- I have an older one. 



                      There's not really anything to manage on mine (I think I followed the older lifehacker guide)  -- but I guess if they finally decided to let vanilla skype in, that would be better (obviously I haven't been keeping up).  I thought telcos would kill skype traffic on mifis though.

                      CyclingAHEAD until 2012

                        Is it hard to upload photos that you take with the  iPod Touch ?    


                        I mean, I don't have an mac --  so, is there an easy way to upload photos to social network or email  ( assuming I have a wifi connection)


                        I know, this is probably an idiotic question.  



                        Assuming that by social network you mean facebook, yeah it's retarded simple.

                        CyclingAHEAD until 2012

                          Assuming that by social network you mean facebook, yeah it's retarded simple.



                          The lines are starting to blur.



                          - Anya

                            I bought it, and I really really love it so far. I got it for $209 at Best Buy this past weekned. I've already shared new pictures and videos with everyone, and it's so easy. The one thing I don't like about it, is the music part. It's so much bigger than my old baby Nano, it's just harder to run with. So, I'll just keep the baby Nano for runs. I adore the camera and the video aspect of it.

                            - Anya

                            Imminent Catastrophe

                              The camera is primarily a video camera, so the photos you get are very low resolution (720x960), which won't even print a decent 3x5. 

                              The iPod Touch is great.  I like having it separate from my phone.

                              "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

                               "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

                              "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


                              √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

                              Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

                              Western States 100 June 2016
