Running with my kid (Read 824 times)


    That's very cool. Must be a totally different perspective on training as a masters runner when you were that fast once...most of us can only imagine.

    Runners run

    12-week layoff

      We shall see; his work schedule is very busy, and every time he picks out a marathon to train for, he ends up being out of town. He will also have to quit lifting weights; he's put on about 20 pounds of muscle since he quit racing. Anyway, I think I may finish a marathon before he does, as I plan to train for one that will be next January. That will kill him. He will start training then.

        My daughter began running around the age of 8 or 9, and was whipping my butt by the age of 11. That was a few years ago, but nowadays at 19 she trains seriously and runs mid 18's for 5k and has gone under 1:30 for HM. I never encouraged her to run, but was always there to help her run properly when she wanted to run. She used to lay out her own runs of 2 to 5k when she was little, and she ran them semi-regularly, depending on the time of the year. Often other sports took precedence, and that was fine with me. Nowadays she just runs, and does a pretty good job.

        One day at a time

          Wow, WM, she's fast! My daughter also started at 8 or 9, and is 11 now. It will be interesting to see how she does in high school. She likes to run with me when the weather is a little warmer! She has to slow down so I can keep up with her.

            DD didn't run much in HS until her final year. She was into V ball and B ball, and those sports took place at the same time as XC and track. When she entered her final year she tried XC and liked it. Ever since, she's continued to run more and get better. But the important point, I think is that she did it because she wanted to, and not because I wanted her to.

            12-week layoff

              Wow! Your daughters are doing great. I look forward to seeing what my daughter will do. We didn't push the older kid to run at all, and she doesn't. She played soccer, and now just works out with weights, and uses the elliptical for cardio. She's 18, and just never loved running. The little one seems to like it, but it will be her choice to run or not. She is sick with a cold right now, so our little running experiment is on hiatus.