Progression run? (Read 54 times)

Jogger bobby

    Is this a real workout? what purpose could it serve?


    normal long run is 12


    Start at easy pace (9 mi/mile). every mile drop by 15 sec/mi til the last mile is 5k-10k pace. (7:05-7:30). So this is about a 8-9 mi run.


    this is in lieu of hills one week.

    Born: 1973

    Marathon PR: 3:44 (2000)

    5k PR: 22:02 (2022)

    1 mile PR: 6:09 (2022)



    5k - 21:42

    Mile - 5:59

    400m - 1:10



      Progression runs are awesome. It's about holding pace consistently and speeding up even as you might be getting tired. Give it a try! Smile

      Half Fanatic #9292. 

      Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.

        The purpose of a progression run is to improve endurance and pace control. By starting at an easy pace and gradually increasing the speed, you train your body to handle changes in pace and finish strong, simulating the end of a race.


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