Ambit3 run settings (Read 19 times)

Best Present Ever

    Does anyone have one? I'm finding it not very intuitive to use.  First, I'm having trouble with the metric/imperial settings. On the watch, I've selected imperial and my data shows up as miles there. I also have imperial selected under settings in my Movescount.com account.    When  I upload my FIT files to RA, however, all my laps switch to display as .62 mile laps. If anyone has a thought about where there is a setting lurking that I am overlooking, please share.


    Second, I would like to have a display screen on the watch that shows my overall average pace for the run as the large center number.  I can only put pace/mile there as far I as can tell.    I can set average pace to be one of the little numbers the watch scrolls through, but my old lady eyes can't really see that while I'm running.  I think it's not possible (i'm offered speed, pace and some other things I'm not that interested in) but hoping I'm wrong. 

      Hi mommy of three

      I have one too and wish I had gone for a Garmin.

      Anyhow I transfer the files as gtx so this might do the trick regarding conversion. It seems that movescount is making the conversion twice.


      Regarding average pace - I dont know....good luck!

      HM: 1:47 (9/20) I FM: 3:53:11 (9/23)


      2024 Goals: run a FM & HM + stay healthy!