What is the Coldest Temp You Will Run Outside in? (Read 1001 times)

12-week layoff

    The coldest temps I have ever braved...30. And I can't imagine wanting to run when it is any colder. I'm in South Alabama, and I'm a wimp. I have, however, ridden my motorcycle in colder temps then that, so I imagine I could if I HAD to.
      I'm in Minnesota, so we have to deal with cold. In past years, though, below zero was usually the cutoff for me. Although if there is no wind, that can change a bit. This morning, I woke up to 8 below, with wind chills of 35 below (F). No thanks. I'll go to the gym and hit the treadmill. Tomorrow the wind is supposed to drop, but still below zero. I will probably get a few miles in if the trails are clear enough.



      "I aim to misbehave."


        That's what you get for living in the prairies. Sure, it's flat...but... I'll go as cold as it gets here although we haven't seen -30 here for a few years and I don't think it even hit -20 last year tho we did get a crap load of snow.
          I'm in Minnesota, so we have to deal with cold. In past years, though, below zero was usually the cutoff for me. Although if there is no wind, that can change a bit. This morning, I woke up to 8 below, with wind chills of 35 below (F). No thanks. I'll go to the gym and hit the treadmill. Tomorrow the wind is supposed to drop, but still below zero. I will probably get a few miles in if the trails are clear enough.
          Thats what it is like today up here in Duluth. I told myself I was going to run outdoors this winter...I lied. LOL I will be making good use of my gym membership this year. Shoveling is the only thing I will do outdoors when its this cold and I wish I didn't have to do it!
          ~Liz, single mama to K, L & C Pain is nothing compared to what it feels like to quit.
            The coldest temps I have ever braved...30. And I can't imagine wanting to run when it is any colder. I'm in South Alabama, and I'm a wimp. I have, however, ridden my motorcycle in colder temps then that, so I imagine I could if I HAD to.
            Brrr I don't know if I've ever even made it out at 30. The coldest run I've had was probably at around 35 or so. I'm in east TX and it just doesn't get that cold here thank goodness. I've never ran in snow either, although I would like to sometime. Maybe I'll get lucky and we will get some snow here this year.

              The coldest temps I have ever braved...30. And I can't imagine wanting to run when it is any colder. I'm in South Alabama, and I'm a wimp. I have, however, ridden my motorcycle in colder temps then that, so I imagine I could if I HAD to.
              really? I don't usually ride if it's less than 35 degrees out. Riding makes you cold, running makes you warm.

              I've got a fever...

                A buddy and I ran once in about -5°F with a windchill of -40°F. I had Vaseline on the exposed skin around my eyes, and I had a mask over my nose and mouth on that stayed warm and moist while I was moving. Stopped at someone's house (they weren't home), and the mask froze up completely in less than a minutes. Looking back, it was pretty dumb. We ran out in the country, mainly because we wanted the wind chill just to say we did it. Ah, to that young , fast, light, and stupid again.

                On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.


                  I don't know what the coldest temp I would run in is. I do know the coldest temp I have run in. -13F It was a 4 mi race. Race usually draws around 800. That day we still had 600 people. They shortend the course for the walkers. This morning it was 4 deg with 30 mph winds for a wind chill of -13......If it wasn't for the Ice we got last night I would probably do my run outside. For saftey I will hit the treadmill tonight. When it's this cold I tend to take routes that keep me out of the wind. (Thats my wussy factor) The cold really isn't all that bad....it's the ice that keeps me inside.

                  One day at a time

                    I'm in Maine, but on the coast so it's not as cold as the midwest! It really depends on the wind. I'm a wind wimp. If it's below 20 but the wind is 15 mph or more, I just go to the gym. If it's a calm day, though, zero degrees is fine! Feels great, actually. I feel kind of sorry for southerners who never get to experience it.
                      I ran outdoors all last winter here in Ontario, and my general cutoff was around -30*C (-22*F) windchill. I'm willing to go a bit colder if it's calm out, but that wind can be brutal, especially along the shore of a Great Lake. I actually quite like running in the winter, with the snow crunching underfoot and so forth. The extra padding makes for quite a comfortable run, I find... and so far no major mishaps! Fingers crossed!

                      "Because in the end, you won't remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn.  Climb that goddamn mountain."

                      Jack Kerouac

                      12-week layoff

                        really? I don't usually ride if it's less than 35 degrees out. Riding makes you cold, running makes you warm.
                        Runners and bikers have the same sort of obsession for their chosen activity. I have the problem of having both obsessions. However, I can satisfy my running jones on the treadmill. Therefore, the seemingly illogical choice to ride in colder temps than I will run in. But yes, you are right. And no, I'm not completely sane.
                          Have you tried riding the bike on a treadmill? No need to thank me, I'm here to help.

                          "Because in the end, you won't remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn.  Climb that goddamn mountain."

                          Jack Kerouac

                          Feeling the growl again

                            I've run about -15F with moderate wind. With all the clothes etc I'm not sure it was worth it other than the HTFU factor (it was a 16-miler).

                            "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                            I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                              So far, 8 degrees Fahrenheit.
                              I'm condemned by a society that demands success when all I can offer is failure. -Max Bialystock
                                I did an hour at -3F yesterday and it surprisingly wasn't bad, other than the annoying icicles on my eyelashes.