Issues with long distance running (Read 196 times)

    I myself never had any electronical devices to help me with the running, so  I do not know.

    I happen to love my electronical devices.   Garmin watches nowadays can be motivating because the software keeps track of improvements.  Thus I end up comparing myself to myself rather than to others.


    OP your legs may be strong but they are not necessarily trained well for distance running.  My husband does martial arts and has extremely strong legs but he detests running.   In contrast, I detest weigtlifting and strength work, but do it because it is good for me.  Cardiovascular conditioning and oxygen delivery to your leg muscles are more important to the sport of running than leg strength (except in the case of sprinting).  This is why you see "feeble" people excelling at it when you feel like you are struggling.

    "Shut up Legs!" Jens Voigt

    Mr MattM

      I think that grammar is likely your biggest limiting factor.  Outside of that, RUN MORE... mostly easy, and occasionally fast(ish).





      So, from time to time I'm seeing people doing long runs like 20+ kilometers of which they are quite proud of. For me, it strikes as odd. First of all, it is insulting for me to see people getting it so easy, achieving much without putting the effort. Another thing is how curious sight they are. One thing is to meet them running. They most often seem to be struggling, taking breaks and exhibit other symptoms of weakness. Yet, they bring out considerable speeds out of their running,.



      I myself never had any electronical devices to help me with the running, so  I do not know. I always ran daily, usually up to 5 kilometers. For me, especially after a brake, it is always quite difficult to run. It is not a pleasant experience. It is always a struggle, a battle of wills to run. I do wonder why. It is not like I did not had shit tons of training. I ran thousands of kilometers, at my peak I was capable of running 11 kilometers daily. Yet, my aching muscles with contractions would inhibit my progress. It is always an issue. I'm a body builder. I weight over 100 kilograms. Some of that is fat, but I'm rather bearish individual. I certainly had a lot of muscle training and my leg muscles are quite massive in comparison to anyone who undertake long distance runnning.



      So, here is my question. What can potentially hold me back? It is not that I do not try, It is not that I lack motivation. Yet, it is always feeble people all around me are capable of running far longer distances and describe experience as "enjoyable" when for me it is rather an endless march through the pain and suffering,.

      be curious; not judgmental

        Matty M !!!


        Pop over to the "racing" forum once in a while...


        - rovatti

        Ben Obert

          "Yet, it is always feeble people all around me are capable of running far longer distances and describe experience as "enjoyable" when for me it is rather an endless march through the pain and suffering,."


          I would encourage you to learn that there is more than one definition of "strong" - you are one kind, but not the other. And then thank all those "feeble" people who gave you advice. Hope this helps.
