SIGH. My log has given up on me. (Read 1027 times)


One day at a time

    +1 to Aimster's post!

    Best Present Ever

      Okay, as dangerous as this is I'm going to make an assumption based on the "mom" part of your name and make this suggestion: That darn laundry can wait. Chances are someone owes your kid(s) a playdate. As long as you can step over whatever is on the floor on your way out the door to your run, just leave it and get out the door. Oh, and when mama runs, everyone is happy. Best of luck
      this is how it works in my house (except for the play date part and adding "whatever work is pending can just wait a tad longer ...)
        Awesome responses everyone!! Thanks!!
        Okay, as dangerous as this is I'm going to make an assumption based on the "mom" part of your name and make this suggestion: That darn laundry can wait. Chances are someone owes your kid(s) a playdate. As long as you can step over whatever is on the floor on your way out the door to your run, just leave it and get out the door. Oh, and when mama runs, everyone is happy. Best of luck
        Unfortunately, I work full time, which is more the problem than the kids. Work hours are daylight hours. Sad HOWEVER, I have now run twice this week. I have yet to update my log though. I figured running was more important than updating. Big grin I am BACK, baby!


        Best Present Ever

          Awesome responses everyone!! Thanks!! Unfortunately, I work full time, which is more the problem than the kids. Work hours are daylight hours. Sad HOWEVER, I have now run twice this week. I have yet to update my log though. I figured running was more important than updating. Big grin I am BACK, baby!
          me too! i run in the dark, mostly. Glad you're back.

          Feeling the growl again

            I thought this was a 12 step program
            Yeah, they left that out: Step 11: Go to fridge for beer Step 12: Enjoy beer

            "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


            I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills

