How competitive are you? (Is this a comet thread?) (Read 1175 times)


    Sorta like Jeff, I am not competitive at all. In fact, I'd venture to say that I am the least competitive person I know. Roll eyes

    Run to Win
    25 Marathons, 17 Ultras, 16 States (Full List)


      Okay, I am totally competitive when it comes to racing. I will chat it up in teh starting area because it helps calm my nerves. I totally check prior years times to see where I might end up if exactly the same people showed up and ran exactly the same times (not likely). My family has a game we play at the start of every race where we all pick the person we think will win. My son is such a trooper as he usually picks me (even though I never have), but usually it is the guy with the racing flats on. If I am close to someone at the end, I am the one that will try to out-kick them in the last 200 yards (my final kick is really only good for that long, but it is a hell of a good 200 yard kick Big grin ) But, I do admit that if I do pass someone that looks like they are suddenly struggling I will try to throw out some words of encouragement (whether they want them or not). Hey Speaking of competitive - anyone catch the Biggest Loser this week. They had a competition where they took all the weight they had lost and allocated it to other players. Then that weight was added to the weight of a car they had to pull a half mile. Tara got over 250 pounds added to her and she still kicked all their butts in the car pull. It was pretty cool to see after everyone ganged up on her.
        Usually pretty competitive in everything I do .... I guarantee this will be the best post on the thread! I am guilty of the middlepack sprint to the finish, even though i know it probably looks silly being that slow overall. Not really being blessed with a distance runners body i still am able to out kick most at the finish no matter how tired I am. One of my first long distance races (10 miler last august) I started to kick with about 1/3 mile to go and passed some guy who was probably in mid 60's (I am 39). He try to out-kick the kick so had to start the sprint and i think I ran him into the ground as checking finish times he was not even close. I felt guilty for a moment ... "I hope i did not give that old guy a heart attack" ... then that past .... "That old guy was beating me for 9.7 miles so he had it coming right??" i have been passed by many runners in my races, but never in the last 1/4 mile .... I rule the school over the old guys, pretty matching girls and teenage boys!! hopefully now that my times are getting more respectable I will be around the faster runners who may pass me at the finish.

        "It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it Great!

        Menace to Sobriety

          I felt guilty for a moment ... "I hope i did not give that old guy a heart attack" ... then that past .... "That old guy was beating me for 9.7 miles so he had it coming right??"
          Damn right! Not fast here, either, but competitive within the context of my abilities. I look up last year's times and see who the AG winners were and shoot for them. In sports that I'm better at, golf and basketball, I'm "stand on your thoat and won't let you breathe" competitive, but that's only because I've mellowed some in my old age.

          Janie, today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go f*** himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost sixty thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus.
