Race shirt question redux (Read 1017 times)

    Ok, thanks.. don't wear the race shirt - got it. I need all the help I can get.. got my first race coming up in 2 weeks. So .. can I wear all of one manufacuer's brand of shoes and clothing? Like Brooks shoes, Brooks shorts, and a Brooks shirt? Or will I end up looking like Joey Tribiani standing next to a Ferrari?

    Good Bad & The Monkey

      Is bad mojo to wear the race shirt during the actual race. If you believe in such things as 'mojo'. Austin Powers did. So does Odessa Permian (that's a nod to my west texas friends). It kind of screams 'newbie' to do this as well... even though lots of folks who do it aren't really new. Maybe they are just flaunting their anti-mojo. I believe in mojo. And karma. And here's hoping that karma applies to robots.
      + 42. With the exception that race directors running in their own race SHOULD wear the shirt.

        Ok, thanks.. don't wear the race shirt - got it. I need all the help I can get.. got my first race coming up in 2 weeks. So .. can I wear all of one manufacuer's brand of shoes and clothing? Like Brooks shoes, Brooks shorts, and a Brooks shirt? Or will I end up looking like Joey Tribiani standing next to a Ferrari?
        Nice reference! And, no, you should be ok with that. Most people wouldn't notice (and who cares if they did) unless each item screams BROOKS! BROOKS! BROOKS! Subtle logos don't count. The race shirt is a different thing, though. You'll see several-to-lots-of people wear the shirt during the race. You won't see lightning strike them. Still says 'newbie'.


          Yeah, definitely no race shirt on race day -- especially since most are cotton. Actually, I pass on most race shirts because a) they're cotton b) the design is usually kinda crappy c) they have logos and stuff plastered all over them and d) the "smalls" are usually cut too big for me anyway. I'd rather pay a reduced entry fee and skip the shirt. And on your first race DON'T OVERDRESS. Nothing screams "NOOB" like someone running in, say 55 degree weather, with tights, long sleeved shirts and a hat. I live in Georgia. I've seen it recently, especially with our "cold" morning temps in the 40s and 50s. Too much clothing is just gonna slow you down. (Noobs also wear cotton shirts as well. Stick to synethics -- whatever brand you like, even if it's a sponsor Smile)

            The guy on the right is Casey Moulton, 2:15 marathoner. This is in the very early miles of last month's Bay State Marathon and Casey is wearing the race shirt. Funny thing is I'm wearing the same shirt right now as I type this. Weird. Anyway. Casey = Not a noob.

            Runners run

              Gas is cheaper there.

                It's cheaper still, that was 3 weeks ago.

                Runners run


                  So many rules...maybe I'm at my midlife crisis stage, but I could care less about what people think about what I'm wearing.... I've never worn the race shirt at the day of the race, but now I think I will just so that I can imagine everyone thinking noob thoughts about me. My personal favorite thing to wear is basketball/soccer shorts and a tank top, cotton or whatever I happen to have, and running shoes. Definitely no runners hat. I don't understand the need for those, most runners look dorky enough without the dork hat (myself included).
                  Favorite quote: Stop your crying you little girl! 2011: Mt Washington, Washington Trails, Peaks Island, Pikes Peak.
                    My favorite threads are always race reports, but Jake Knight's entry on 1st Race Tip is an absolute classic. Your answer is found at #24, but make sure you go back and read the whole post.

                    Greater Lowell Road Runners
                    Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

                    May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

                    Menace to Sobriety

                      I also target the women with "girly strides"
                      Me too, but probably for a different reason. Evil grin

                      Janie, today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go f*** himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost sixty thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus.



                        Definitely no runners hat. I don't understand the need for those, most runners look dorky enough without the dork hat (myself included).
                        You mean a hat with a bill to wick sweat and protect the eyes from sun? Yeah, I like my eyes...funny how a Photographer might. Sweat burns, UV exposure causes cataracts. My dorky hat is a bit of optical insurance. Also, us pasty blonde types who have had scalp sunburn just once are not eager to repeat it...that shit really hurts.

                        Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                        remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                             ~ Sarah Kay

                          It's cheaper still, that was 3 weeks ago.
                          funny ... the gas price the only thing i was interested in in that pic at first glance. who's the guy on the left? his thighs seem much larger.

                          A Saucy Wench

                            Gas is cheaper there.
                            Hess. I havent seen a hess station in years. Its like nostalgia. Can I get a hex sign too?

                            I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                            "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7


                              who's the guy on the left? his thighs seem much larger.
                              That's Matt Pelletier--he won the race. I guess his quads are pretty developed but they're certainly not Marcus-esque.

                              Runners run

                                Noobs also wear cotton shirts as well. Stick to synethics
                                Respectifully disagree with this statement....I've been running over 30 years (not that great, but I'm no Noob) and I almost always wear cotton shirts (Spring, Summer and Fall) because they are more comfy for me. By the way - I DO think its cool to show up in last years race shirt --- and even cooler to show up in the race shirt from 5 or 10 years ago.......... Smile Big grin Wink Tongue

                                Champions are made when no one is watching
