Anyone else marathoning this Saturday? (Read 505 times)

    I'm running the Northern Central Trail Marathon in Sparks, MD. It's really small, but any chance I could meet any RAers there?
      I am marathoning but I will be at the MS Gulf Coast Marathon. Mine is small too. Wait that didn't sound right....the race has few entries. It is a small 2 loop course around Stennis Space Center. Good luck with your race and maybe our paths will cross in the future.

      "You may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas"  Davy Crockett

        I'm running a half tomorrow, but I'm in Jacksonville, FL. Sorry. GOOD LUCK and Happy Thanksgiving.
          I ran the Northern Central Trail Marathon last year, but won't be there this year. Don't know if you've run it before, but it's a nice race. I'll take the trail over the road any day. Good luck.

          Running Boston in memory of my son.  Want to help?


          2014 Goals:

          1. Run Boston for Matthew (< 2:40 if possible)
          2. Run 5k < 16:00
          3. Hold off father time for at least another year

          Go Pre!

            wish I could be there Kevin. I am running a half locally...nice & chilly! We shall meet again though.

              I'm running the Northern Central Trail Marathon in Sparks, MD. It's really small, but any chance I could meet any RAers there?
              I'll be there trying for my first BQ (3:15:59).
                Good luck, Kevin. Sorry I missed you, but you are now "On Deck" at the sub-3 thread.
                Age 60 plus best times: 5k 19:00, 10k 38:35, 10m 1:05:30, HM 1:24:09, 30k 2:04:33
                  Thanks guys. I'm really looking forward to this. Greg, good luck on the BQ.