Music Management - Playlist or Shuffle? (Read 1531 times)


    At the risk of sounding like I might need some meds, here's what I do (with iTunes). 


    I "rate" all songs with running in mind. 

    1 star=non-running song (too slow, lots of tempo changes, etc)

    2= marginal running song (somewhat slow, etc); laid-back easy days only

    3=good basic pace/rhythm for running

    4=very good running song; steady, upbeat

    5=excellent, uplifting, pump-you-up song


    I then make up "smart" playlists that draw on these ratings.

    Easy days will pull from a 2-3 star mix

    Tempo days are 3 & 4's, etc.


    Once it's set up, it's actually quite easy and convenient to use.


    I'm intrigued by the rating songs suggestions.  I never used that function because there was no context, but this makes sense.  Thanks! 


      I'm intrigued by the rating songs suggestions.  I never used that function because there was no context, but this makes sense.  Thanks! 


      I have an old RCA Lyra that I bought about 6 years ago at Costco that's still kicking.  I did a long run today and couldn't believe the order of some of the songs.  The last two songs of my run today was "Dancing Queen" (I know, but for some reason I like that song) followed by "Lose Yourself" Eminem.



        The last two songs of my run today was "Dancing Queen" (I know, but for some reason I like that song)


        If loving ABBA is wrong, I don't wanna be right. Big grin

        Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

        remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

             ~ Sarah Kay
