I have effing had it!!! (Read 993 times)

Think Whirled Peas

    Save a tree, wipe your butt with an owl.

    Just because running is simple does not mean it is easy.


    Relentless. Forward. Motion. <repeat>

      Save a tree, wipe your butt with an owl.
      Owl hater.



        E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com


          Think Whirled Peas

            Who? Who?
            BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I claim sole rights to bad jokes around these here parts, mister! Smile

            Just because running is simple does not mean it is easy.


            Relentless. Forward. Motion. <repeat>

              BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I claim sole rights to bad jokes around these here parts, mister! Smile
              I think there's enough soy-based cheese to go around here.


              Think Whirled Peas

                Owl hater.
                And Amy, I don't hate owls... They're really soft on my bum.

                Just because running is simple does not mean it is easy.


                Relentless. Forward. Motion. <repeat>

                  And Amy, I don't hate owls... They're really soft on my bum.
                  As long as you're using those endangered spotted owls, I guess it's okay.


                  Non ducor, duco.

                    IF there was HALF the passion in regard to children as there are to animals there would be NO tolerance for child abusers and molesters.

                    Think Whirled Peas

                      Hey, Amy...looks like this needs continuance... The owls aren't usually spotted... to start.

                      Just because running is simple does not mean it is easy.


                      Relentless. Forward. Motion. <repeat>


                        IF there was HALF the passion in regard to children as there are to animals there would be NO tolerance for child abusers and molesters.
                        Do you know people who are tolerant of child abusers and molestors?

                        Non ducor, duco.

                          Absolutely there are. It only takes a glance at the judicial system to see how it goes.

                            Hey, Amy...looks like this needs continuance... The owls aren't usually spotted... to start.
                            I'd think they'd end up sort of striped instead of spotted. You have a strange technique.

                            E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com

                            Along for the Ride

                              I'd think they'd end up sort of striped instead of spotted. You have a strange technique.
                              He blots his bum clean. That keeps the feathers fluffy for extended use. THAT's how they end up spotted.

                              Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.

                              Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.


                              Think Whirled Peas

                                I'd think they'd end up sort of striped instead of spotted. You have a strange technique.
                                Don't be silly. Who ever heard of a striped owl?!?!? And strange, my friend, is in the (brown) eye of the beholder.

                                Just because running is simple does not mean it is easy.


                                Relentless. Forward. Motion. <repeat>
