Garmin 405 usage questions (Read 520 times)


    Hi All,

    Just recently started using this and enjoying the extra information from my runs...

    A few questions:

    1> What initiates GPS tracking? Is it when GPS is turned on or when I start the Timer?

    2> I am running a race and want to ensure that tracking only starts when the race starts- can I do this by turning GPS on a while before the race and then just start the Timer when race gun goes off?

    3> Does GPS stop when I stop the timer?

    4> Do I also need to turn GPS off or will standby turn it off?

    5> How often do you all recharge?  I had 15% left this morning and battery died before I completed my run.

    Thanks in advance,



      Unless you are specifically training indoors with the foot pod, leave the GPS on.  If you go from inside to outside and press the 'Training' part of the bezel, the GPS will attempt to find a signal if it doesn't already have a lock on one.  Just wait for the 'Looking for Satellite' (or whatever it's called) bar to go away and you know you have a signal.  It will track you as long as it is outside and finds a signal regardless of what buttons you hit I think.  When you want it to start recording your workout, just hit the 'Start' button.  Same goes for using it in a race.  Just be aware that if you enter the training mode there is a timeout feature that will take you back out to the time if you don't press any buttons within a specified time period.  If this happens, just go back into training mode again.


      As far as charging, I just plug it in whenever I'm not using it to make sure it is juiced up at all times.

      Imminent Catastrophe

        What jdazzle said, plus:

        1. GPS tracking is normally off to save battery life and is initiated when you enter training mode (touch "training" at the 3:00 position on the bezel). Like jdazzle said, if you don't start the timer it will revert to standby mode (showing time of day) after a few minutes to save battery life.

        2. You should enter training mode a few minutes before the race starts to give the GPS time to locate the satellites. This can sometimes take as much as 5-10 minutes, especially if you've traveled a long way since the last time you used the watch. Then touch "training" again just a minute or two before the race, to make sure the watch hasn't timed out and gone into standby mode. 

        3. GPS will stop a few minutes after you stop the timer. If you enter training mode again you will see "Locating Satellites" displayed but it will find them within just a few seconds. 

        4. see 3. You can turn off GPS if you want to use the watch indoors.

        5. I charge it every time I use it.

        More tips:

        It's a good idea to lock the bezel during your workout. Otherwise a drop of water or your sleeve might activate it.

        Also, I reset the watch immediately after the workout (press and hold the lap/reset button for 5 seconds). That way your workout is finished and is saved in memory.

        "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

         "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

        "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


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