The Sweet Jacket (Read 1362 times)


    This is not a thread about The Boston Marathon Sweet Jacket, though it could be that if you want it to be.


    Anyway, I'm currently wearing my Surf City Marathon jacket.  I like it.  Besides sporting reasonable colors and features (including a tuck-away hood), it reminds me of a race and a specific day where I had a hell of a lot of fun.  So I wear it.  It's cool.


    What pieces of race apparel do you have?  What do you regularly wear?  Why?


    (clarifying note: I don't just mean "shirt" or "hat"... what race is it from?)


    Degree of difficulty: if you don't ever wear something from a race, that's fine and certainly your option/opinion. Is also a different thread...


      I absolutely LOVE the 2009 Boston Marathon long sleeve tech shirt for nighttime running.  It's well made(by Adidas), and that yellow can be seen from space.  The 2010 blue version, meh.

      Greater Lowell Road Runners
      Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

      May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

        I've never been in a race that gave out race items other than a shirt.  I use all my tech race shirts for the gym.  I use all my cotton race shirts for lounging around the house or casual wear to the store or doing yard work.  When I went with the family to Disneyland this past December, my wife commented when looking back at the pics from the trip that I have some type of running shirt on in every shot.  I pretty much only wear running shirts now unless I go into the office. 


          I've never been in a race that gave out race items other than a shirt.  I use all my tech race shirts for the gym.  I use all my cotton race shirts for lounging around the house or casual wear to the store or doing yard work.  When I went with the family to Disneyland this past December, my wife commented when looking back at the pics from the trip that I have some type of running shirt on in every shot.  I pretty much only wear running shirts now unless I go into the office. 


          Yes, I call that "the uniform".  There's a winter uniform (long sleeve cotton race shirt and jeans), a summer uniform (short sleeve cotton race shirt and jeans), and a Hawai'i uniform (short sleeve cotton race shirt and shorts).  But I don't wear the tech shirts much.


          Really though, I was trying to go for an item from a specific race.  Just didn't state it well.  So... of your race shirts, which one(s) is/are the most special?


            Really though, I was trying to go for an item from a specific race.  Just didn't state it well.  So... of your race shirts, which one(s) is/are the most special?


            Definitely my long sleeve tech from the CIM.  First marathon and because I trained with a group for this race.  First time ever running with others and really enjoyed it.  Met some great people who I still stay in contact with and had some really good coaches.  Before getting that shirt my fav was my long sleeve tech from the Clarksburg Country Half Marathon.  I think I'm into the long sleeve tech or maybe it was because that WAS my HM PR until recently.

              I haven't raced them yet, but I'm sure I will be wearing the sweatshirt they give out for the Get Lucky 7k, and the jacket from the Monster Dash HM.


              I also a Headsweat Visor from a triathlon that I wear.


              The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff


              2014 Goals:


              Stay healthy

              Enjoy life



                My short sleeve finisher t-shirt from Ironman Florida.  I believe my wife might have retired it though because it is getting pretty ratty from me wearing it so much.

                Prince of Fatness

                  Most of my stuff is tech shirts which I just use as running shirts.


                  There is one race that I usually run, the Lehigh Valley Half, which tries to be a little more creative with the stuff they give out.  I have a couple of pullover windbreakers from them.  I'll wear them occasionally, but not all over the place because I feel like a billboard with all of the ads.  Last year they gave a cotton vest which I didn't think I would have much use for but have worn it all winter in my office building since for some reason they forget to heat my cubicle.


                  There are a couple of races down at the shore that still give out the cotton tees, and with no ads.  I wear those out all of the time.


                  MTA: Wrong terminology.

                  Not at it at all. 

                    Used to be one of the Peachtree Road Race t-shirts. Now, its the Monkey shirt.


                    Uniform is about right, that's what happens with all of the rest of the shirts. (long sleeves are almost gone, from being used as throways at various races)


                    Boston Jacket gets worn for running type events where the weather dictates.


                    Boston long sleeve is about worn out from duty as a winter running shirt.

                    Get off my porch

                    Prince of Fatness

                      dumb double post

                      Not at it at all. 


                        I have a black, Nike, long-sleeve, dri-fit shirt from the 2009 Lone Gull 10k.  As it was the USATF-NE championships it has the USATF logo (with the wings) and nothing else center of the upper back and a simple silhouette of a lone gull (imagine that) and some small words on the front.


                        Best "freebie" running apparel I've ever gotten.  I wear it all the time and have been known to wear it in polite company when not even running.

                        Runners run


                          Used to be one of the Peachtree Road Race t-shirts. Now, its the Monkey shirt.



                          I liked my 2008 Monkey shirt (the rust colored one) so much that I bought an extra one last year.  And good thing too, the original got one of those random WTF bleach stains soon thereafter.  You know the kind... a nonwhite shirt that has no business being near bleach and as far as I know was never ever near bleach suddenly develops the pigment fade spot.  Bleh.


                          But I now have another.


                            I still have the shirt from my first big XC race.  I wear it pretty much every day I need sleeves when running.  It doesn't get washed very often, for fear that it will go in the washer and there won't be anything left to take out... 


                            I still love that the crazy leaf has a 'stem'.   


                            Oh roo roooo!

                              Just Devin, that has to be the absolute coolest race shirt I ever saw!   Man, I am so jealous....

                                OOOhh I LOVE my Baker Lake 50k fleece pullover. So cozy and warm and awesome schwag.

                                It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great. ~ Jimmy Dugan