Not seeing Garmin imported runs (Read 353 times)


    same as me~ TCX and FIT both are not show up~

      No .fit or .tcx files available after file import yesterday or this morning. Is this working for anyone?


      The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff


      2014 Goals:


      Stay healthy

      Enjoy life



      Waltons ThreadLord

        I have not had any problems importing my Garmin runs, so it is not a universal issue.

        5k 23:48.45 (3/22); 4M 31:26 (2/22); 5M 38:55 (11/23); 10k 49:24 (10/22); 
        10M 1:29:33 (2/24); Half 1:48:32 (10/22); Marathon 4:29:58 (11/23)

        Upcoming races: Scotch Plains 5k, 6/12; Firecracker 4-miler, 7/4


          I have not had any problems importing my Garmin runs, so it is not a universal issue.


          Are you importing manual files?  If so, what file type?  Thanks!


            One run showed up this morning automatically, but the second one did not, even after I uploaded it manually (a .fit file).


            I'm having roughly the same issue, but it started this evening (neither automatic via Connect nor manual import of *.FIT file works). Yesterday Connect worked fine, but today it didn't. Also tried the whole Disconnect and Reconnect routine, importing files manually. Nada. I've seen cases in the past where manual import needed to happen multiple times to see a file, but this is the first time it just refused to work altogether. BTW, Garmin Connect for today's run imported perfectly when I tested with both Training Peaks and Strava, so it's definitely not a Garmin Connect issue.


            EDIT: it appears RunningAHEAD was hours behind in processing files. When I checked again at 8:30pm the file from Connect was there (FYI, the run was uploaded to Connect at about 12:15pm, so it was more than 5 1/2 hours behind since it refused to show at 5:15 - 5:20pm). If this is how it's going to be, Strava is looking better by the day.



              ... I've seen cases in the past where manual import needed to happen multiple times to see a file, but this is the first time it just refused to work altogether...


              This is true for me too.  I always select my .fit files for upload that my TomTom downloads to my computer.  They usually show up right away but sometimes I have to try it again to trigger it. But for the last 4 days, nothing.   I've tried multiple times - basically every time I see someone post here "it's working for me now" I give it a try.


                I rarely have to do a manual import of a data file but I did on Wednesday.  As of now it still has not shown up on RA  You can 'hack' it (sorry, I do hate that word but I'm gonna use it anyway) by manually importing your run into Garmin Connect which will then sync to RA automatically if you have the data connection already set up.  I just successfully did it for that one run that would not manually import.


                  I'm having the same issue in all of my browsers. I"m not sure, but it seems as though this issue began the day the servers were relocated. Please advise.


                  delicate flower

                    I just had all four of my manual uploads from last night show up.  One workout, but I tried loading it four times.



                      Mine from Wednesday just showed up.

                        Yep, just had all the ones I tried to put in earlier in the week flood in.  Thanks Eric!


                          My manual imports all showed up tonight.  Whatever was blocking them must have been cleared.  Thanks Eric!

                          eric :)

                            Hi all,

                            The server move caused all sorts of problems. For starters, the primary and backup firewalls crashed on start up. The bulk of the down time was spent troubleshooting why I can't get into the network. There were several other servers that crashed when they were brought back up after the move, but were ok after I rebooted them.


                            The Garmin imports are processed by a background service. This service also sends out training plan and forums emails. For some reason, the sending of emails were very slow. I wasn't able to tell where the problem was based on the logs. I restarted the email server, this background service, and just like that, everything went back to normal.


                            Everything should be processed by now. Let me know if your workouts have not come through yet.


                            eric Smile


                              Thanks Eric.


                                My last run to import was January 4. Nothing since that date shows up