Dick's comes through (Read 1737 times)

    Hey. That should cheer Thunder up.


    If thunder would like to pay the extra 20 bucks per pair for both my wife and I on a monthly basis, I would be happy to buy from a local store. Thunder, just send me your bank account # and routing info and I'll start today!

    not bad for mile 25

      Yeah, rotating for dryness is good 'cause it discourages growth of microorganisms.

        If thunder would like to pay the extra 20 bucks per pair for both my wife and I on a monthly basis, I would be happy to buy from a local store. Thunder, just send me your bank account # and routing info and I'll start today!

         What do you and your wife do when your favorite shoe has changed or disappeared, though? How about when newer, better, lighter stuff comes along?

        "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus


           What do you and your wife do when your favorite shoe has changed or disappeared, though? How about when newer, better, lighter stuff comes along?


          I'm going to guess they buy a different shoe.  Am I right?

          Runners run


            I'm going to guess they buy a different shoe.  Am I right?


            Maybe they will switch to being mr and mrs barefoot flatfooter.






              Runners run

              Why is it sideways?

                Ethics alert. The OP did not behave ethically.

                The shirtless wonder

                  I thought this was about a condom breaking.


                    Yes, but this is Dick's.


                    How many instances/examples do we already have for unethical dick behavior???


                    One eye for a one eye, I say.


                    Aye aye, Captain.


                      Ethics alert. The OP did not behave ethically.


                      took two pages for someone to point that out.

                      That was my first thought, but didn't want to say it. 


                      You know RoadRunnerSports has a 90 day return policy... hmmm.


                        It's not stealing if you steal from a big box store since big box stores are evil.

                        Runners run

                        Best Present Ever

                          If thunder would like to pay the extra 20 bucks per pair for both my wife and I on a monthly basis, I would be happy to buy from a local store. Thunder, just send me your bank account # and routing info and I'll start today!


                           Don't know about Thunder's Fleetfeet, but my local running store sells shoes for about the same price as the big boxes.  I occasionally see on-line stores that have them for less, but not that commonly.  It's easy for me to go the local store (I walk near it on my way to and from work morning and evening, often walk by it during the day on my way to various places).  It's pleasant to go in there.  I know the owner & his wife (who are almost always there), his kids (two of whom work in the store), and almost always see friends in there to boot.  It makes me happy to support a local business, so even if I do pay more, I buy most running stuff there. Of course, if it were inconvenient, unpleasant or a lot more expensive, I'd rethink things.  Folks often tell me the local store is more expensive, though, and it's really not. 


                            It's not stealing if you steal from a big box store since big box stores are evil.


                            Dick's box isn't as big as you might think.  And anyway, it isn't the size of the box.


                            Edited to add: while this is clearly a junior-high level penis reference, there's actual meaning in here too.  Dick's is "big box" compared to mom and pop running store, but it isn't quite The Wal-Marts either.  And from an ethics perspective, yes "big box" be evil.  I know some little boxes with questionable ethics, though.  Not that we're talking about that.



                              ANYWAY.  I will never run barefoot because it scares me.  So I wouldn't be bareflatfooter.  I believe this makes me pussyfooter.


                                took two pages for someone to point that out.

                                That was my first thought, but didn't want to say it. 


                                You know RoadRunnerSports has a 90 day return policy... hmmm.


                                But they do not employ people that live, spend and pay takes in your local community, at least not in my community.


                                The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff


                                2014 Goals:


                                Stay healthy

                                Enjoy life

