Dick's comes through (Read 1737 times)

    ANYWAY.  I will never run barefoot because it scares me.  So I wouldn't be bareflatfooter.  I believe this makes me pussyfooter.


    if the avatar fits, wear it.


    The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff


    2014 Goals:


    Stay healthy

    Enjoy life



      rrs has a store here (and some other places).  So does fleet feet.  Both are chains. Fleet Feet is huge (however, I do not know how FF works... whether it is a franchise business... whether it uses its largeness to get better deals from suppliers/distributors or not... etc etc... I imagine that in some respects it is kinda 'mom and pop local' and in other respects it really kind of isn't).


      As for the pink coat, careful man.  "I bust you up". 


      Why is it sideways?

        Yes, but this is Dick's.


        How many instances/examples do we already have for unethical dick behavior???


        One eye for a one eye, I say.


        Aye aye, Captain.


        Are you getting funnier or am I just now getting it?


          Ethics alert. The OP did not behave ethically.



          How is it unethical to buy a warranty on an item (that is good for one year) and then when parts of that item fall apart, return it under the warranty to get a replacement (well, in this case a gift card so I could buy a replacement)?


          Now, if I had taken a knife to the item (as suggested by the sales clerk when I bought the shoes and the warranty btw) that would be unethical.


            Because of this:

            >> She said it covered normal wear and tear, so if anything happened to the sneakers in the next year,


            ...it doesn't seem unethical to me.


            It *does* seem like a dumbass too-long warranty to offer up to a person who runs any kind of mileage whatsoever.  Which may be why Dick's doesn't have that exact warranty anymore.  Kind of like how McDonalds first iteration of their monopoly game had waaay too many winners. 


            But perhaps I'm not thinking through the issues enough.


            Time to run.


            Prince of Fatness

              Now, if I had taken a knife to the item (as suggested by the sales clerk when I bought the shoes and the warranty btw) that would be unethical.


              Yikes!  I heard that L Train bought all of his shoes at Dick's.  Ethics violation!

              Not at it at all. 

                rrs has a store here (and some other places).  So does fleet feet.  Both are chains. Fleet Feet is huge (however, I do not know how FF works... whether it is a franchise business... whether it uses its largeness to get better deals from suppliers/distributors or not... etc etc... I imagine that in some respects it is kinda 'mom and pop local' and in other respects it really kind of isn't).


                As for the pink coat, careful man.  "I bust you up". 

                 It's a franchise and I can tell you that Fleetfeet Mahwah, run by Joel and Jill G., is very much a small, local business. 

                "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus


                  If it had been questionable ethically, (which in this instance, I don't think it was) it wouldn't make it okay just because it involved a big box store or some other 'evil' entity.


                  Runners run


                  not bad for mile 25

                    I'm confused.  Warranties usually exclude normal wear and tear, and only cover product failure, such as an eyelet ripping out.  If that warranty covered normal wear and tear, then certain (unnamed) pair-a-month runners could get twelve pairs for the cost of one pair plus $9.00.


                      Edited to add: while this is clearly a junior-high level penis reference, there's actual meaning in here too.  Dick's is "big box" compared to mom and pop running store, but it isn't quite The Wal-Marts either.  And from an ethics perspective, yes "big box" be evil.  I know some little boxes with questionable ethics, though.  Not that we're talking about that.


                      I got both the junior-high level penis reference AND the actual meaning.  And I wasn't actually lumping Dick's (heh) in with Wal-Mart but rather just being intentionally ironic in a throwing-fuel-on-the-fire kind of way.


                      For the record I couldn't give a rat's ass whether people buy their running shoes online, in a big(ish) sporting goods store, or in a small specialty running store (be it one-of-a-kind or a franchise.)

                      Runners run


                        How is it unethical to buy a warranty on an item (that is good for one year) and then when parts of that item fall apart, return it under the warranty to get a replacement (well, in this case a gift card so I could buy a replacement)?


                        Now, if I had taken a knife to the item (as suggested by the sales clerk when I bought the shoes and the warranty btw) that would be unethical.


                        I think some of the warranties / service plans that retailers try to foist upon us are unethical and buying them illogical. Therefore, beating them at their own game once in a while seems like good sport and I see no problem with it.


                        Dick's hat the first opportunity to write a warrenty that would better protect themselves. They also had an opportunity to reject the claim or ask for further info. They can also track and look for habitual claimers and deal with them on a case by case basis so they don't get shafted, if you know what I mean.


                        not bad for mile 25

                          I think some of the warranties / service plans that retailers try to foist upon us are unethical and buying them illogical. Therefore, beating them at their own game once in a while seems like good sport and I see no problem with it.


                          Dick's hat the first opportunity to write a warrenty that would better protect themselves. They also had an opportunity to reject the claim or ask for further info. They can also track and look for habitual claimers and deal with them on a case by case basis so they don't get shafted, if you know what I mean.


                          The extended warranty business tends to be fairly scammy.  I would take advantage of whatever benefits they might provide if I bought one.

                            Dick's hat the first opportunity to write a warrenty that would better protect themselves. They also had an opportunity to reject the claim or ask for further info. They can also track and look for habitual claimers and deal with them on a case by case basis so they don't get shafted, if you know what I mean.

                            Why didn't Dick's do that?  Didn't they have the--


                            Meh, too easy.

                            "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

                            -- Dick LeBeau

                            Why is it sideways?

                              Okay, the ethics alert has been downgraded from obvious attempt to work the system to the sorta secondary ethics violation of participating in shady processes. 


                              not bad for mile 25

                                Why didn't Dick's do that?  Didn't they have the--


                                Meh, too easy.

                                 Uhh...attorneys? Smile
