Running w/music & apps??? (Read 177 times)


    Just curious, for those of you who run half or full marathons, do you run a) listening to music, b) using a running app, or c) both?


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      It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

        Yep, I listen to music sometimes. I make sure to get headphones that allow ambient sounds in.


        mta: I don't generally carry my phone, though.

        Live the Adventure. Enjoy the Journey. Be Kind. Have Faith!


          Music, yes, for runs where traffic isn't a serious concern. Just be acutely aware of your surroundings. Also, never in races -- some races don't allow them, but for runs that do, I try not to get used to them (and crowd energy is worth feeding off of).


          FWIW - get a pair of Yurbuds. They stay in really well, don't zap your ears when you build up static, and allow ambient noise in (as ultracassie suggested). I also just got a Sandisk Clip Sport player (they came out a few days ago) and it's ultra-light, does everything an MP3 player needs to, clips on, and sounds great.


          Running app - no. I have a Garmin (FR 610), does everything a running app needs to.


          I don't carry my phone either, it's one of those I'd rather not damage on a run, but I have a RoadID for emergencies.


            I pretty much carry my iPhone with my runkeeper app on every run including races.


            I carry it in a race belt that works really well for me.  Usually I run with my blue tooth headphones with one earbud in.


            The runkeeper app will call out my time, distance, pace, HR, about anything I want to know, at about whatever interval I want it to, and during races I usually just have it giving out my audio cues and don't listen to music during races.  It is VERY useful to me to keep me from running too fast at the start of the race.  If you had a Garmin it would do the same thing, you would just need to look at your wrist.


            Occasionally on a race with very few runners spread out over the course I will listen to music though.

            Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

            Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)

            an amazing likeness

              a) no

              b) no

              c) no

              Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.


                Just curious, for those of you who run half or full marathons, do you run a) listening to music, b) using a running app, or c) both?



                no music no apps in races.  normal/training runs, sometimes i will have music most of the time i don't

                  a. no, not during races. Only during some long training runs.

                  b. no apps, I do use a gps watch though which I guess could be considered be the same thing.
                  c. no.

                  WordPress Speed Guides: my personal website with speed and seo guides

                  vincoding.com: repository of useful code snippets that I've saved over time


                    I'll admit that I listen to music during races. During training runs I usually listen to podcasts because I can hear everything happening around me (particularly cars). I don't like running in the road with music. I never run with apps - I just use my Garmin. When I was in between Garmins, I tried using Runkeeper and found it incredibly annoying.


                      Apps? Never. I don't take my phone on runs. I have a Garmin 610 that serves the purpose any apps might fill.


                      Music: Never in races, including half and full marathons. There's so much to enjoy during a race that I don't understand the desire to block any of it out.


                      On training runs I'll often listen to mixes from PodRunner or various audio podcasts such as EscapePod, CarTalk, or NPR's WaitWaitDontTellMe. Sometimes I don't listen to anything. Depends on my mood.


                      In the past I used Sennheiser PMX680i headphones, more recently I've been using Kinvio BTH240 bluetooth headphones. Both specifically do NOT isolate outside sounds the way earbuds tend to do, so I retain an awareness of surroundings. I'm usually on sidewalks, the only roads I run on are residential 25mph streets where I'm facing traffic; and it's simple to pause any music if I need unimpeded situational awareness.


                        I never carry a mp3 player or phone during races.  Once in a while, when I forget my GPS watch, I'll take my phone on a training run and use an app to give me distance and time.  Once in a while I'll take my Nano for some music.


                          a) no

                          b) no

                          c) no


                          +1. That goes for all outdoor training runs too; all bets are off on the treadmill.


                          Still kicking

                            old fashioned FM headphones for training.

                            Nothing for races

                            Channel surfing on the TV for treadmill

                            I'm also on Athlinks and Strava


                              Having only 1 marathon and 1 half under my belt, I may not be the experienced expert you are seeking with this question.


                              Yes, I listen to music. Quiet enough to hear ambient noise. My play list is specifically selected to be between 160 and 180 bpm (a divisor thereof) to keep pace with my running rhythm.

                              I've used several running apps in the last couple of years. Currently using an iPhone. My wife uses Joglog, and really likes the mid-run pace notification options. The Achilles heel of most running apps for me is that I'm running in Alaska, and the cell and wifi signals that iphones like to supplement their gps data with are ..... spotty at best, and there are few apps that handle the occasional erroneous location data point of the iphone well. After testing out several app configurations, I landed on this:


                              MotionX - excellent map performance. Acceptable (though somewhat limited) options for mid-run pace notification. Pretty wonky review and export options.

                              RunMeter - I export gpx files to RunMeter for an in-depth look at how I'm doing, and for exporting to DailyMile.

                              Dailymile has been pretty stale since they disabled their forums - I'll be uploading gpx files here for a bit to see if the data nerd in me finds the analytics here more compelling.


                              I'm currently using a iphone 4s, and the battery is getting kind of old. I'll either be replacing the battery, the phone, or using an external battery case for my next race.


                              Proboscis Colossus

                                Training Runs

                                Apps - Runkeeper, but I don't have any of the audio cues turned on.  I find it's not as accurate as my Garmin for giving me paces and distances.  Really, the only reason I have it on is because I have an "Elite" subscription and I like the live tracking so my wife can find my carcass if the worst happens.  When/if Garmin supports the 620 for Android (as far as their tracking feature goes), I may look at leaving Runkeeper.


                                Music - you betcha, from the phone.  Spoken-word stuff, mostly.  At least during long or easy runs, and warmups/cooldowns.  For speedwork or tempo runs, I find I can focus better on breathing/cadence if I don't listen to anything.


                                I use Yurbuds so I can hear ambient noise.  If it's a low light situation, I've got these Philips headphones with a plastic neckband that is reflective.  They're "on-ear" headphones, so they let in plenty of ambient sound.  If I'm running on a track, I like my Sony Walkman "Meb Edition" mp3 player-headphones.



                                Just Runkeeper, so my family can track me and know about where I am on the course.  No music - races for me are rare, fun events, and I want to get my money's worth, including the sounds of the experience.

                                "God guides us on our journey, but careful with those feet." - David Lee Roth, of all people
