2016 Boston Marathon Thread (Read 667 times)


    I am wondering why the 'Celebration Jacket' is so popular? From what I understand, most people buy it, even if they don't find it looks good. Why? I don't plan on buying the jacket (although I might change my mind), as I don't like its color, but buy a nice looking hoodie, or a T-Shirt, or a polo shirt... something I would actually wear.

    Why is it that it is the jacket that most people want?


      Because its heavily marketed?


      I'm not sure it's true that most people buy it. I've never bought one and I'm pretty sure I never will.

      Runners run


      not bad for mile 25

        Conversation starter. I've chatted with a lot of people I wouldn't have otherwise met, thanks to Boston and NYC jackets. Probably not interesting to people who live in the area, and every 3rd person has been a participant, though.


          FWIW, I bought the jacket from my first Boston marathon - the fiery orange version from 2012 - but don't intend to buy another one unless they bring back the blue and yellow.  I wear mine to work and around town pretty much every day during the the week of the marathon, weather permitting, but that's about it.  I don't run in mine.  I have better jackets for that.  When I wear it, I do feel like I'm part of a larger running community.  Kinda like when I wear my college gear on game day.  And, I've also got nods or comments from random people.  I usually assume they're either fellow runners or tourists from New England.


            Hi Julia!


              Hey there! Sensed someone was talking about the sweet jacket, did ya? Wink


              Hi Julia!


              Consistently Slow

                FWIW, I bought the jacket from my first Boston marathon - the fiery orange version from 2012 - but don't intend to buy another one unless they bring back the blue and yellow.  I wear mine to work and around town pretty much every day during the the week of the marathon, weather permitting, but that's about it.  I don't run in mine.  I have better jackets for that.  When I wear it, I do feel like I'm part of a larger running community.  Kinda like when I wear my college gear on game day.  And, I've also got nods or comments from random people.  I usually assume they're either fellow runners or tourists from New England.

                I did not buy one. I check E bay a couple times a year to find the 2012 jacket. My thinking is people with multiple jackets will eventually decide to unload  one in large. I have only wore the t shirt twice.

                Run until the trail runs out.

                 SCHEDULE 2016--

                 The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                unsolicited chatter


                  I forgot goals too...1st Boston, will be first Masters race.   Goal of 2:56...my wife is from Boston and will be cheering with friends so goal is not to bonk right in front of them.


                  Oh yeah 8th Boston and my goal is to get my picture taken with Bucci in Hopkinton and in Boston.


                    Goal is to beat Bucci and X by a second 2:59:58


                      4th Boston too


                      Goal is to beat Bucci and X by a second 2:59:58


                        Goal is to beat Bucci and X by a second 2:59:58


                        Sub 3 is the goal -- but if I'm doing that I'm going for a pr. Dunno if I said it earlier but I think it's #6 for me. It's also my goal to take the rest of the year off from marathons, just like I did this year.


                          First ever Boston and I'm in hook, line and sinker.

                          Or should I say, BAA hoodie, BAA tech T and definitely the some shade of green jacket.

                          Hell, I'm even going to drive 4 1/2 hours up to New Bedford for my tune up half . Just to get as much of the Boston slash Mass slash New England racing scene experience that  I'm able to participate in. I worked hard for this and I'm very much All In.


                          MTA; It's going to be fun to watch these fast guys go sub 3







                            Could not pay me enough to wear a jacket that color - BAA endorsed or not.


                            This is the 4th time I have qualified for Boston.  I have NOT YET MADE IT TO THE STARTING LINE WITH A QUALIFIED NUMBER.

                            Twice I was sick and once I was injured.


                            I ran Boston in 2014 with a sponsor bib given to me 5 weeks before the race. So I consider this my first real time running Boston.


                            The primary goal is to make it to the starting line.  Secondary goal  = PR =  <3:13.


                            Training plan = Pfitz 12/70 - ish

                            Ready, go.


                              I will be running Boston as well. Excited for my first Boston! My first marathon last October was a great experience but my second one didnt go near as smoothly. Looking for another solid one in April though.

                                Forgot my goal.. Since it took me 6-7 marathons to learn how to train for them properly I'm so happy to finally be there.


                                2:52:59 aka qualifying for NYC!