Newsweek Article (Read 904 times)

    Anyone else see this My Turn article in Newsweek? www.newsweek.com/id/171263
      The last 4 sentences of the article are very accurate for me.
        That's a great final paragraph. The Boston Marathon starts in her town, I wonder if the annual arrival of thousands of emaciated square-jawed ectomorphs influenced her decision to lace up and hit the streets?

        Greater Lowell Road Runners
        Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

        May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.


        Good Bad & The Monkey

          10 000 miles over 20 years. Wow! That is like 500 miles per year. Or <10 miles per week! you go girl ;) miles="" per="" week!="" you="" go="" girl=""></10 miles per week! you go girl ;)>
            No matter. Dr. Kenneth Cooper, the fitness guru who coined the word "aerobics," says that if you run more than 15 miles a week, you're running for something other than fitness.
            I guess I better cut back on the mileage to focus on fitness.



              I guess I better cut back on the mileage to focus on fitness.
              I suppose he may have meant: "If you run more than 15 miles a week, you're running for more than good cardiovascular health"

              The process is the goal.

              Men heap together the mistakes of their lives, and create a monster they call Destiny.

                This was a really good article......good writer..Big grin That stupid Kenneth Cooper book still haunts me. I read it and my wife read it (years ago). Of course I run and she doesnt and so every now and then she will ask me how many mile I ran this week.....or that week....Ill tell her 25 or 30 or 19..... and she will alway ask me why...it only take 15 mpw to get fit - the rest is a waste of time. I wish Kenneth Cooper would have said anything over 40 MPW is for some other reason - there would be a lot less argements in the John-A household.....

                Champions are made when no one is watching

                  I'm THIN and when I was doing low heartrate training I had cars stop and offer me a ride! Very embarrassing. Dr. Cooper himself ran a lot more than 15 miles a week. He DID mean cardiovascular fitness. He recognizes that most runners do it for other reasons- competiveness, psychological well-being, weight-loss etc.

                  Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                    I was just trying to be a smartass. Smile. For the record, I'm not a long-legged ectomorph. Come to think of it my jaw is not all that square either.


                    A Saucy Wench

                      These are both good paragraphs for totally different reasons
                      Nowadays, though, there's Lycra and Enell, amazingly forgiving shorts and anatomically engineered tights. We can all look good, at least as good as anyone can look running around town in her underwear.
                      But this is the beauty of the run: a mile into a good one, you stop caring about what anybody thinks. Push past the pain, ignore the passing cars, and soon you arrive at a place where your head is clear, your breathing calm, and the cares of the day fade away. This is why we run, all of us—the thinnest and the fattest. This is why we race. This, and sometimes there's free beer at the finish line.

                      I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                      "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

                        a lot of that was rather insulting. it comes off as someone who is a bit self loathing about being chubby. and rediculously rude. should I call basketball players pituitary freaks? should i call football players roid hounds? just dumb. (even I am not that bitter and I have a BMI of 27).





                          That stupid Kenneth Cooper book still haunts me.
                          Which book? I felt very unfit by the standards set forth in one of his books.


                          Yoda the 4-eared cat

                            I'm THIN and when I was doing low heartrate training I had cars stop and offer me a ride! Very embarrassing.
                            I go very red in the face when I exercise, which doesn't mean anything about my fitness level (my super athletic and scrawny brother also gets very red). But as a plodder, I have had people asking me if I was feeling okay. Not good for the ego.

                            Think Whirled Peas

                              The spirit cries "gazelle." The shadow yells "walrus."

                              Just because running is simple does not mean it is easy.


                              Relentless. Forward. Motion. <repeat>

                                Which book? I felt very unfit by the standards set forth in one of his books.
                                Model - at this point, I dont think I can tell you because it's been so many years since I read it..... Not to incinuate here, that he tried to tell us not to run or workout. Just that the 15 MPW for fitness thing has been a thorn in my side for a lot of years......because the 15 MPW has become the standard for all fitness for my wife, and she simply doesnt understand more then 15 mile per week.....Not to mention 15 miles in one day.....and a Marathon is clear up there in the CRAZY-INSANE and NEEDS HELP -TAKE THIS GUY AWAY AND GIVE HIM MEDICATION Category.... I only have to say the word marathon to get a good eye roll and the question 'Why???? You should only run run 15 Miles per week' Thus my statement concerning Dr Cooper's 15 MPW fitness standard....(by the way, I am positive he meant a MINIMUM fitness standard). It been a long time since I read Dr Cooper but I think he was great.

                                Champions are made when no one is watching
