More Science of Sport discussion on barefoot running (Read 2796 times)





    Hey!  This is a family running site I'll have you know!

    Feeling the growl again

      It must have been 4 or 5 years ago when a friend of mine showed me this mega-thread about "aerobic is dead" at good ol' CoolRunning website.  It was started with this guy by the name of Richard whom, for some reason, everybody was just attacking.  At first I felt it was not fair but, well, very quickly I recognized why.  So I guess I should be a bit careful but, I guess without knowing much of a history, I'd have to say Sport Jester has some intereseting things to say. 



      Yes, you should be careful, but it's probably a good thing to say about you that you are more patient with people than me.


      The caution I have is that the most dangerous people are not those that are completely and obviously whacko, but those that pervert a kernel of interesting ancedote into a whole serving of BS.

      "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


      I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



        I encourage everybody to read that link that dnephin posted.


        It is very much worth it.


          I encourage everybody to read that link that dnephin posted.


          It is very much worth it.


           "I can't work in jobs that involve any level of intellectual competition," he explains. "Because as soon as I start talking, I get called 'crazy.'"




          this thread appears every 2 years and eventually everyone feels pangs of guilt.  but if you are selling mystical running you need to try the soft sell and become more guru.  but you can't go from guru to attack mode in 45 seconds.  because people on a nice running board don't like being shouted at and called pathetic. 






            In my case, I didn't mind pathetic.  I was just defending my sweet, pussywussy ligaments.


            I've been called worse by people within the community.



              how about dicklicker?  have you ever been called a dicklicker?


                Nobby (and anyone else who cares),


                I was in the military (Army) for a few years, and I can attest to some extent the training methods used.


                Generally speaking, the purpose of military physical training is not to make you an athlete of any sort.  Rather, it is to install a level of health (both physical and mental), and prepare your body and mind for the rigors of combat.  One of the things I remember from an advanced leadership course was mention of a study that the more physically fit Soldiers were, the more adeptly they could handle the mental stresses of extended combat operations.


                To sportsjester's comments regarding elite-level training, I cannot directly attest to what they do or do not do.  I know that elite units have far greater leeway in conducting their training and in getting their own equipment, but that is also because they have demonstrated a higher level of aptitude, dedication, and personal intelligence and awareness by successfully passing the selection process and training courses.  These types of units rely on people who can make careful, calculated decisions for themselves.  The fact that their training is completely different is a testament to the different type of people and missions they have.


                That being said, I know the Army has recently banned Vibrams Five Fingers for physical training, so they got that going for them, which is nice.  Kinda shoots this whole thing down, doesn't it?

                Imminent Catastrophe



                  That being said, I know the Army has recently banned Vibrams Five Fingers for physical training, so they got that going for them, which is nice.  Kinda shoots this whole thing down, doesn't it?


                  I linked that article. I think it has more to do with "unprofessional appearance" than function. 

                  "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

                   "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

                  "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


                  √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

                  Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

                  Western States 100 June 2016


                    I linked that article. I think it has more to do with "unprofessional appearance" than function. 


                    True enough.  But if the military were so sold on the merits, one would think that they could get around that.  Not to say that they won't at some point.


                    Besides, a military installation is hardly the best place to run with minimal foot protection.


                      Run like a dino. Whatever Trex was doing, he did it wrong. He's extinct.

                      sport jester


                        Run like a dino. Whatever Trex was doing, he did it wrong. He's extinct.

                         No, T-Rex isn't extinct... They're called ostriches.


                        In a T-Rex fossil, they found soft tissue samples. From them DNA extraction showed they shared a significant percentage of DNA with modern ostriches.


                        They also have identical hip structure, as well as fact that they were viciously fast as athletes.


                        And I don't know what you're doing this summer, but I'm training a collegiate football team...

                        Experts said the world is flat

                        Experts said that man would never fly

                        Experts said we'd never go to the moon


                        Name me one of those "experts"...


                        History never remembers the name of experts; just the innovators who had the guts to challenge and prove the "experts" wrong


                          No.  Really, they aren't.  Not even kind of. (Edit: our man added that section about DNA and identical hip structure after I wrote this post)


                          So... setting aside seals and football teams... and back to running....


                          What specifically are you trying to tell us?


                          sport jester


                            that there are multiple culture documented to be more efficient than we as caucasians.


                            Sure Kenyans dominate distance, but pygmies and the aboriginese are better sprinters than we are. In terms of agility, its porters from Nepal.


                            Speed, distance, agility, and load bearing have all different cultural master. And the academic community can't explain them.


                            In short, I can. For marathon runners, energy expenditure can be cut by 20%


                            For sprinters, speeds can be increased by 20%


                            And in agility, ACL tears can be completely eliminated as a non contact injury.


                            So if you truly want to be a better runner, there are a number of cultures that prove better running models exist.

                            Experts said the world is flat

                            Experts said that man would never fly

                            Experts said we'd never go to the moon


                            Name me one of those "experts"...


                            History never remembers the name of experts; just the innovators who had the guts to challenge and prove the "experts" wrong


                              Ok.  Then you are not talking to me.  I am not caucasian.  I am, however, somewhat "pygmy" like.


                              sport jester




                                So how fast can you walk. 7MPH(with no arm swing at all) for me is easy. Peak walking speed was 9.5 MPH.

                                Experts said the world is flat

                                Experts said that man would never fly

                                Experts said we'd never go to the moon


                                Name me one of those "experts"...


                                History never remembers the name of experts; just the innovators who had the guts to challenge and prove the "experts" wrong