More Science of Sport discussion on barefoot running (Read 2796 times)

Imminent Catastrophe


    2. I'll race you 101 miles.  Pick the time and place.  I'm completely serious.



    I'll crew for you. I can count to 100.

    "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

     "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

    "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


    √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

    Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

    Western States 100 June 2016


    Options,Account, Forums

      Hey, the first ten pages of this thread were kind of interesting, before s.j. showed up and starting insulting everyone under the sun as a diversion.

      It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


      Options,Account, Forums

        I'll crew for you. I can count to 100.


        Wow. You have a lot more fingers and toes than I.

        It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


          I challenge everybody to a pedicure contest. That's right, break out your nail clippers and bring it.




          Now THAT is good stuff.


          But as a barefoot guy, you have to use your teeth.



            I'll crew for you. I can count to 100.


            Appreciate the offer, as I can only count to 21.


            sport jester




              Nobody can run 100 miles.

               And that's my point. Even if you are a faster runner, you won't run it for the full distance. Its kind of like the tortoise and the hare. You'll jump out of the gate and go running by. But once you can't run anymore, I'll aways be able to out walk you.  I consume far less energy per step regardless of speed.


              The "rules" you complain about are what really determines how good a runner you are. I really don't care how fast you can run, my question with anyone is how efficiently you run. And if you have to wear shoes, then you aren't very efficient. And if energy consumption for the race is unlimited, then you can easily fuel yourself to overcome your technique inefficiency.


              In a SEAL training environment, they train to survive 72 hours with no resupply. So lets make that the race rules; No food or water for three days prior to the race.


              The questions isn't if you're a faster runner, because you probably are. I'm also assuming that you're shorter, and lighter, which is a distance running advantage But the longer the race distance and you resort to walking, then I have the easy biomechanic advantage.



              I'm sure that you'd love me to go away, however the childish antics of trying to make fun of me or insult me, or challenge me to a competition, I can always create an environment that I'm guaranteed to win.


              The question I get asked regularly is why if what I teach is so much better, why doesn't anyone train with you, set a world record and have the glory.


              Because human psychology in facing new ideas is called fight or flight. Even after demonstrating my technique for Alberto Salazar, when I asked him to improve me while I was running at 7MPH with absolutely no arm swing, his response was to turn around and walk away.


              You aren't going to leave this forum, so the challenge to a race is what you think will do it. That's trying to fight.


              But in the end, I teach a running technique that's thousands of years old, practiced by a variety of cultures around the world, and is documented to be a better way to run. Stew's website gives the exercises which introduce you to the basics of the technique. Military people have different needs in combat survival, and how they move is just as important of a weapon/skill as the rifle they carry.


              And yet for the same time you spend writing to mock me, harass me, or try and intimidate me, you can take out a piece of masking tape and try it.


              The funny thing is that the only people who tell me what I teach doesn't work, are the ones who refuse to try it. One of the forum runners who wrote me for advice ended up in her very first 5K trail race not only finished, but took second place for her age group.


              One runner placed in the top ten for racing up the Empire State Building Challenge following what I teach.


              The reason Stew enjoys my technique is because it cured his IT Band pain. A number of runners in pain find that they're running easier.


              Biomechanics is easy, if I change the way you move, I can only do it one of two ways; easier or harder. And I have yet to meet a motivated athelete who doesn't enjoy and appreciate what I teach.


              The only question I have for you is why you won't try something that's already been proven to be a better way to run.

              Experts said the world is flat

              Experts said that man would never fly

              Experts said we'd never go to the moon


              Name me one of those "experts"...


              History never remembers the name of experts; just the innovators who had the guts to challenge and prove the "experts" wrong


                1. And that's my point. ... I consume


                2. The "rules" you complain about are what really determines how good a runner you are. 


                3. In a SEAL training environment, they train to survive 72 hours with no resupply. So lets make that the race rules; No food or water for three days prior to the race.


                4. I'm sure that you'd love me to go away, however the childish antics of trying to make fun of me or insult me, or challenge me to a competition, I can always create an environment that I'm guaranteed to win.


                5. You aren't going to leave this forum, so the challenge to a race is what you think will do it. That's trying to fight.


                6. But in the end, I teach a running technique that's thousands of years old,


                7. And yet for the same time you spend writing to mock me, harass me, or try and intimidate me, you can take out a piece of masking tape and try it.


                8. The only question I have for you is why you won't try something that's already been proven to be a better way to run.



                I have annotated the things I wish to comment on with numbers to help with clarity.


                1. THAT's your point?  What's your point?  And what do you consume? (edit: ok, you went back and finished that sentence: "I consume far less energy per step regardless of speed."... ok then)


                2. Nobody was complaining until you showed up and started acting the fool. My ability to run barefoot after eating nothing for three days has absolutely nothing whatsoever at all even kind of anything like how I do in races... which is how I define how "good" a runner I am.  You are saying you have a different definition.  Which is fine... but what you refuse to understand is that I do not care about your definition and your definition isn't appealing or meaningful to most/all people posting in a running message board.  Your definition to most of us is, at best, silly.  By that I mean the combined bit about barefoot (which some people would find lots of meaning in) with the fasting shenanigans (which IS shenanigans)


                3. No.  For the umpteenth time, I don't give a rat fart about the rules you are now adding, nor do I care if your dick is bigger than my dick.  I won't agree with this "rule" because 1) it is not medically sound, 2) it has nothing at all whatsoever to do with anything. You've augmented your original challenge with something over-the-top dumbass.  So, fine, if this is the technicality you want to get yourself out of the race, fine, your dick is bigger than mine and you win.


                4. Except that you waited until AFTER I accepted your challenge to start throwing extra rules out there.  "...and do it barefoot!" happened after I accepted.  "...and with no food FOR THREE DAYS!!!" happened after I accepted it.  What's next?  Naked?  Carrying a bag of sticks???


                5. You brought up the challenge, Mr Wizard.  All I did was accept.  Read your #5 to yourself and reflect.


                6.  Shit and shinola are two different things.


                7. Masking tape.  I know other uses for masking tape.


                8. Because 1) I don't give a rat fart about that and 2) you dance around and throw words out there, but you have yet to define why it is "better" in a way that provides meaning and a sense of wonder (heh) to your audience. 


                So I accepted your challenge to a 100 mile race, on which you placed a couple odd rules, and claim that you will win through tortoise/hare mechanisms.  Fine.  You consume.  Yes you do.



                Good Bad & The Monkey

                  (Actually, a bunch of folks can RUN 100 miles.)


                    I probably cannot run 100 miles end-to-end. I'd have to stop to go potty. Maybe change shoes.  Look at butterflies.


                    Anyway.  The original challenge as stated by Other Robert was a 100 mile race.


                    We show up, we each go 100 miles.  I will approach the race how I approach the race.  You do the same thing, your way.


                    Then we will see who does better.


                    I'm not asking you to wear shoes or stuff yourself silly full of indian food.  Asking me to run barefoot after a three day fast.... and laying this down AFTER I have accepted your challenge... just makes you look like a petty fool.




                      Now THAT is good stuff.


                      But as a barefoot guy, you have to use your teeth.


                      Damn, I'll have to start stretching my hamstrings. But you're right, that would be more "natural."


                      Re the study, I tend to ignore such things because they never contact me for my input. I really am that petty and self-absorbed.


                      Re sj, I think I was thinking he meant SEAL like the animal this whole time. I was like, what's he doing to these poor seals, and why all caps?


                      Anyway, in the spirit of running camaraderie, wish me luck as I plan to kick the ass of the Kernersville (NC) 4th of July 5k on Mon, then The Bear 5 mile race up Grandfather Mtn on Thu. If you're around, feel free to introduce yourself. Touching my feet will cost you a dollar. Group discounts available.


                        I'm not asking you to wear shoes or stuff yourself silly full of indian food.  Asking me to run barefoot after a three day fast.... and laying this down AFTER I have accepted your challenge... just makes you look like a petty fool.


                        Wait - Indian food is involved? Count me in! Man, I haven't had naan in ages.

                        Feeling the growl again



                          Because human psychology in facing new ideas is called fight or flight. Even after demonstrating my technique for Alberto Salazar, when I asked him to improve me while I was running at 7MPH with absolutely no arm swing, his response was to turn around and walk away.



                          Probably because you come across as even more of a crackpot in person than on the internet.  You probably snuck in someplace you weren't supposed to be and ambushed him.

                          "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                          I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                          sport jester


                            Having spent time testing and validating what I teach with Nike's sports research lab, Salazar knew what I do. I asked him to improve me; and the fact stands he couldn't do it.

                            Experts said the world is flat

                            Experts said that man would never fly

                            Experts said we'd never go to the moon


                            Name me one of those "experts"...


                            History never remembers the name of experts; just the innovators who had the guts to challenge and prove the "experts" wrong


                              Also, when was your encounter with AS?  I'm betting it was after the heart issues.  That's the calm, internally-centered AS.


                              Old school AS might have just punched you.



                                Having spent time testing and validating what I teach with Nike's sports research lab, Salazar knew what I do. I asked him to improve me; and the fact stands he couldn't do it.


                                Calling bullshit.


                                Let's say I buy the setup here.  That you showed him and he did not "improve" on the whatever-it-was.


                                It is not true to say "the fact stands he COULDNT do it."


                                The most you could say is "the fact stands that he HAS NOT done it".


                                Perhaps that implies he could but hasn't.  Perhaps that implies he doesn't want to.  Perhaps that implies that he couldn't.  But you don't know that, at least based on how you presented it.  It's not a fact... it is your interpretation.


                                And that's IF we buy the story in the first place.