More Science of Sport discussion on barefoot running (Read 2796 times)


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    (Actually, a bunch of folks can RUN 100 miles.)


    Yeah sure, next you'll start claiming  that T.Rex IS extinct.

    It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


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      The most you could say is ..


      S.R., what is the term for Trying to bring logic into a "debate" with sj  ?

      It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


        flogging the bishop, perhaps.


        I'm not the right one to be discussing logic.  I'm actually not very good at it.


        Though I was impressed with myself for understanding the difference between BQ and BarBQ.  ("to BQ, or not to BQ")


        I got the BQ.  No more BBQ.



        Good Bad & The Monkey

          Don't be a drag.  Just be a queen.


            Don't be a drag.  Just be a queen.


            If bad jokes got one barred from a thread, I'd have been DQed long ago.




            Good Bad & The Monkey

              I was born this way.

                Even after demonstrating my technique for Alberto Salazar, when I asked him to improve me while I was running at 7MPH with absolutely no arm swing, his response was to turn around and walk away.


                So, like Irish dancing, or Rock 'em-Sock' em Robots?


                Having spent time testing and validating what I teach with Nike's sports research lab, Salazar knew what I do. I asked him to improve me; and the fact stands he couldn't do it.


                Perhaps he realized you're a perfect ass.


                not bad for mile 25

                  Hello Sport Jester, and welcome back!  I thought perhaps you were gone for good.  After having browsed this thread, I am wondering if you can imagine this scenario:  You walk into a room, virtual or otherwise, and are surrounded by people who have vastly more experience and wisdom than you yourself do.  You think to yourself, "How lucky I am to be here.  I will hang out, listen and humbly ask questions, and perhaps improve my knowledge bit by bit."

                  sport jester


                    Of course I've sat in multiple rooms with many "experts" Except I tend to ask questions that can't be answered.


                    So you tell me, how the women of Kenya can carry 20% of their bodyweight with no increase in energy expenditure.


                    If arm swing in running is a counterbalance function, then what imbalance does it counter? Wouldn't a perfectly balanced runner not have to swing their arms at all?


                    What measurements define the perfect runner? How do you know when any athlete has reached biomechanic perfection?


                    Why are track events run counterclockwise instead of clockwise.


                    Why are runners faster on a track than on the street?


                    How far does a marathon runner run? (hint its not 26.2 miles)


                    Why are female athletes 6-8 times more likely to tear their ACL's than men are?


                    And after millions of dollars in "expert" salaries, tens of millions of dollars in research facilities, and thirty years of trying, why can't anyone take the crown for Boston that isn't from east Africa?

                    Experts said the world is flat

                    Experts said that man would never fly

                    Experts said we'd never go to the moon


                    Name me one of those "experts"...


                    History never remembers the name of experts; just the innovators who had the guts to challenge and prove the "experts" wrong


                    Good Bad & The Monkey

                      If arm swing in running is a counterbalance function, then what imbalance does it counter?


                      The other arm.  Dur.


                        If I take a shot at answering your questions, would you finally tell me why you called me a pathetic fool who blew out his ACL?


                        And just for fun, will you explain your preoccupation with SEALs, football, and ACL injuries in a forum about (mostly distance) running?


                        I do not know ANY runners... not one single marathoner for sure... who has blown out their ACL(s) while training or running a marathon.


                        This is not to say that ACL injuries are impossible for runners. I'm sure they exist.  But it's not like achilles tendonitis, PF, or fill-in-the-injury that dogs runners, yet it is the single thing you keep bringing up ad nauseam.





                          See: Common Characteristics of Cranks


                            "In addition, many cranks:



                            compare themselves with Galileo or Copernicus (or in a religious context, Noah), implying that the mere unpopularity of some belief is in itself evidence of plausibility,"



                            Copernicus.  Heh.



                              Oh, for the record, I will stop flogging this thread... I'm out of sparring energy.


                              I missed my 50k this morning, so now I'm going to go run 15-40 miles around Seattle.  In shoes. With food.  I do it because I want to do it and I need the miles for White River. 


                              BTW, Copernicus, please stop PMing me.  I am not going to accept your 100 mile challenge using your after-I-accepted additional guidelines (we're up to facing each other on a treadmill, both barefoot, going 100 miles, no food or water for the previous three days... the idea being that you are trying to equalize something-or-other based on your height and weight although oddly you don't know those stats for me so I don't know what's being "equalized"). 


                              You win.  You are the better runner and the smarter person.  Your dick is also bigger.


                              sport jester


                                I know nothing about your injury history, you were the one who brought it up.


                                My reference was that you were commented on your lousy technique by a ChiRunning runner, and given that its a documented less efficient way to run, was my observation to the discussion.


                                This thread is to barefoot running, and that's where it began.


                                Reality is that 70% of runners injure themselves. Running in one study is the second most common sport (behind basketball) for emergency room visits. My joke with clients is to ask that if an airplance design crashed 70% of the time would you fly in it? Of course not, but that's the risk rate your sport has when you put on your shoes to go out the door.


                                IT Bands, runner's kee (or most patella issues), as well as hamstring strain, and "over use" injuries are preventable by improving technique for most runners. The only way to prefent the injury risk is to improve ones skill. I focus on the issue of injury because it proves that a lot of room for technique improvement exists.

                                Experts said the world is flat

                                Experts said that man would never fly

                                Experts said we'd never go to the moon


                                Name me one of those "experts"...


                                History never remembers the name of experts; just the innovators who had the guts to challenge and prove the "experts" wrong