Downton Half Marathon (Read 409 times)


Self anointed title

    Brief report as I'm too tired, too cold to type properly. It was hilly - they had warned me. It was v rainy. It was bloody cold. I finished the race feeling colder than I can remember since I left my Army days on the Brecon Beacons behind me. My calves were tightening up from mile 10 onwards. Anyway.... goal achieved. Unofficial time was 1:27:09. giving 6:40 pace. A new PR by over 3 mins, beating a time I set 20 years ago - who says we get slower with age?! I think I placed somewhere in the top 20 - 30 out of maybe 400 runners - will have to wait for official results Official time 1:27:08. Placed 18th/320 (should have been larger field but many stayed at home due to the weather ... weird people!) Splits: (although not very even - I think it was a fairly even effort, ignoring the first mile, the variation coming from the hills, so quite satisfied with them) 1m - 6:09 2m - 6:19 3m - 6:52 (start of big hill) 4m - 7:38 (still going up bloody big hill) 5m - 6:42 (still going) 6m - 6:33 (at the top) 7m - 6:12 (recovered) 8m - 7:09 (great. another hill) 9m - 6:44 (ok) 10m - 6:33 11m - 6:45 12m - 7:00 (last hill) 13m - 6:46



      Wow! Great effort, especially in fairly miserable conditions & with all those hills - I love the fact you beat a 20 year old PR.


        Way to go! Big grin

        Half Fanatic #9292. 

        Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.


          Wow Purdey! Awesome job! Smile


          Runners run