Goal of Sub-3 Hour Marathon (Read 15845 times)


    LFM - I am signed up for that - Sadly I am not running it as they made a race the same weekend the 24 hour national championship race. Great race - Well run - Course is fairly easy, but not flat - I like a little variation to change things up for my legs. I hope you have already signed up as it will close today or tomorrow, if it hasn't already.
    Dopple Bock, thanks for the warning. I'm in but have been trying to get some friends to sign up.

      There were @ 800 spots a week ago - The last 800 go really fast

      Long dead ... But my stench lingers !




        Go get 'em, Alan!
          Good luck Alan, everything looks good for you.

            Good luck!
              I was there in 2006 Grandmas - Foolishly did not respect the heat and humidity and was going for broke to run sub 6:15 pace. Ran 30:40 for 5 miles - already leaving sweat foot prints - Dropped @ 16 - Stupid race strategy - My only DNF, but a smart choice. Weight is a huge deal - Losing 10-11 pounds = 11/155 = 7.1% of body weight If running effeciency is ideal, a drop in weight with all other factors constant (Muscle mass & training) 155 = 70.45 Kg 144 = 65.45 kg 3:07:43 is 50.9 Vdot x 70.45 kg = 3586 MMo2 3586 / 65.45 kg = 54.8 Vdot 54.8 Vdot = 2:56:30 marathon That is not gurantee - Just a data point Data point # 2 = 1/2 marathon in 1:24:06 = Vdot 55.1 = Marathon in 2:55:40 Data point # 3 = March and April @ 240 miles per month 55 MPW You have a lot of possitive data points that would indicate success in sub 3:00 attempt - The next month will be very important - good training, good eating, hydration, sleep - Good taper - Good race strategy execution. I believe its all there for you if you go out and get it.
              Thanks for the vote of confidence, Dopple Bock. I appreciate the calculations you did for me! Your experience at '06 Grandma's brought back memories - that was one tough day to run a marathon. I'm just trying to train to the level so that I can get the sub-3 even if it ends up like '06 or '07 there. Good luck at FANS. I'd like to see you break Danny's record there. Jim, thanks for adding me to the list. I'll try my best to accomplish it. John

                There were @ 800 spots a week ago - The last 800 go really fast
                Lakefront Marathon is full as of 2pm yesterday - hope your friends made it - Its a top notch small to medium sized race.

                Long dead ... But my stench lingers !




                  Thanks for the vote of confidence, Dopple Bock. I appreciate the calculations you did for me! Your experience at '06 Grandma's brought back memories - that was one tough day to run a marathon. I'm just trying to train to the level so that I can get the sub-3 even if it ends up like '06 or '07 there. Good luck at FANS. I'd like to see you break Danny's record there. Jim, thanks for adding me to the list. I'll try my best to accomplish it. John
                  I think if you keep doing what got you to this point in time you will be fine - Just be smart and run to the weather at Grandmas - I ran 2007 and ran a lot smarter and ran 2:50:00 (Damn 1 second)

                  Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



                    Enjoying the discussion Just this week I feel like I've recovered from Boston Good luck Alan Next try for me is Portland in Oct. Will start ramping up mileage in July.

                    ksrunr All American 10K Feb. '10 Cowtown Half marathon Feb. '10 Boston '10


                      I am running the Med City Marathon sunday and I was wondering if I would try to break three there, but I don't think I will. I had a strange stomach problem come on this week that forced me to eat virtually nothing for the last couple days and i had some difficulty drinking also, so I felt pretty dehydrated. I don't think that is the type of depletion that is recommended for the week before a marathon. So instead, if I decide to run I probably will take it easy and go for 3:10 to 3:15. I will save my three hour try to Garndma's next month.

                        I am running the Med City Marathon sunday and I was wondering if I would try to break three there, but I don't think I will. I had a strange stomach problem come on this week that forced me to eat virtually nothing for the last couple days and i had some difficulty drinking also, so I felt pretty dehydrated. I don't think that is the type of depletion that is recommended for the week before a marathon. So instead, if I decide to run I probably will take it easy and go for 3:10 to 3:15. I will save my three hour try to Garndma's next month.
                        Enjoy Med City - Stay smooth out there

                        Long dead ... But my stench lingers !




                          I am running the Med City Marathon sunday and I was wondering if I would try to break three there, but I don't think I will. I had a strange stomach problem come on this week that forced me to eat virtually nothing for the last couple days and i had some difficulty drinking also, so I felt pretty dehydrated. I don't think that is the type of depletion that is recommended for the week before a marathon. So instead, if I decide to run I probably will take it easy and go for 3:10 to 3:15. I will save my three hour try to Garndma's next month.
                          Why waste the effort and 'take it easy' at 3:10 to 3:15 (especially with Grandma's in a month)? If you are only marginally able to run 3:00 then, to me, a 3:10 marathon isn't all that easy! If it were me (and it's not!) I'd either go for it or scratch and wait for Grandma's. Best of luck to you at Med City if you decide to run.
                            Why waste the effort and 'take it easy' at 3:10 to 3:15 (especially with Grandma's in a month)? If you are only marginally able to run 3:00 then, to me, a 3:10 marathon isn't all that easy! If it were me (and it's not!) I'd either go for it or scratch and wait for Grandma's. Best of luck to you at Med City if you decide to run.
                            I'll never understand how someone can race marathon after marathon yet be unable to tolerate enough training to run one that is up to their potential. A marathon race on minimal training (at best) is much harder on the body than a sensible higher volume training program. Maybe it's just me, but one long, hard race takes more out of me than a normal 250-mile month.
                            Age 60 plus best times: 5k 19:00, 10k 38:35, 10m 1:05:30, HM 1:24:09, 30k 2:04:33

                              +1 I paced GB 3:10 group 4-5 weeks before Grandmas - I was shooting for 2:43 - weather and pacing the 3:10 group got in the way. Just like I know it is a mistake to run Green Bay this year 3 weeks before my goal race of FANS24 - It will cost me something - not sure how many miles - but it will cost. I am hoping my high mileage allows me to get away with it and still hit my goals for FANS. To me great marathon training flows, cycles - In the last 6 weeks before the marathon is when all the finishing touches to training and geting your body to peak just right for the big day. I think even an all out half marathon 4 weeks out might be a bit much - Ideally I would race 1/2 marathon 6 weeks out, a 10k 4 weeks out and a 5k 2 weeks out. But we all have things we want to do and they are not always right for ideal training. If I were able to jog a marathon at 8:00 pace, 4-6 weeks out, I do not think it would be much of a negative, but I can not and if I could ... whats the point to pay someone a lot of money for my LSD run?

                              Long dead ... But my stench lingers !




                                I'll never understand how someone can race marathon after marathon yet be unable to tolerate enough training to run one that is up to their potential. A marathon race on minimal training (at best) is much harder on the body than a sensible higher volume training program. Maybe it's just me, but one long, hard race takes more out of me than a normal 250-mile month.
                                Last year I was doing the 250 mile months and my marathon two weeks ago on 350 miles this year, most of which were in the last seven weeks, was faster than any of them last summer. I don't know but I have never had any problems from running a marathon. This probably means I am not running them hard enough, several of my running buddies around here tell me that. Maybe it is that I am just too much of a wimp to push myself hard in the race. That is one of things I like longer races, (half marathons and up) they are a lot easier than the shorter races because I don't have to run so fast. I am sure you all are correct, that better training and fewer races would probably help me shave a few minutes off my time, but I am not sure that is all that important for me right now. If I were top caliber runner it would be different, but instead I am just a decent 50+ year old marathoner who is having fun running a half dozen or more marathons a year.