What Do You Do for Your Running When You're Not Running? (Read 667 times)

    Aside from eating and drinking properly, are there things you do to improve your running when you are not on an actual run?

    "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus


    One day at a time

      Besides spending a lot of time on RA?
        Besides spending a lot of time on RA?
        Ha, yes.

        "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus



          I try to get as much sleep as I can, keep my allergies and asthma as well controlled as possible, abdominal work to keep me from slouching and falling apart late in a long run or race...

          Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

          remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

               ~ Sarah Kay

            I do abdominal exercises that help strengthen my core. I also perseverate Smile on my next run (will it be easy, will it be tempo, will it be long, what route will I take, how many miles should I run, etc.).

            2010 Races:
            March: Irish Jig 5K - 24:31 (new PR)
            May: 5/3 Riverbank Run 25K - 2:34:12 (new PR)
            June: Brian Diemer Amerikam 5K - 23:39 (new PR)
            June: Reeds Lake Run 5K - 24:48 (this race has kicked my butt two years running)
            September: 2010 Mackinac Bridge Run - 36:59
            September: Park2Park Half Marathon - 1:57:26 (new PR)


              Someone else will say this, I'm sure: Run more. ...And yes, I haven't been, and I'm fixing that. Outside of running more, I'm starting to do some strength training for my core and arms, since its usually my back and arms that hurt first in a race, long before the legs. I'm also adding quite a bit of cross-training this cycle, experimenting to see if swimming and cycling can help build some cardio endurance without breaking me (I injure easily, so doing a massive mileage jump isn't in the cards, I'll get back to 40mpw and hold there for a few months before peaking in the 50s this cycle). Not sure if strength training or cross training helps or not, but we'll see what 6 months of it does for my marathon performance at MCM.

              PRs: 27:26 5k/ 49:52 5mi/ 58:17 10k/ 2:09:24 half/ 5:13:17 Full

              Post-Bipolar PRs: 38:35 5k/ 1:09:34 8k/ 1:09:39 5mi/ 1:33:03 10k/ 3:20:40 Half


              2022 Goals

              Back to 10k


              Arrogant Bastard....Ale

                ...and drinking properly...
                Your recovery beer is always important.
                  I've been taking a spin class twice a week for about six months. So far, I have noticed a big improvement in strength on my hill running.

                    Aside from eating and drinking properly, are there things you do to improve your running when you are not on an actual run?
                    We're supposed to eat and drink properly to help our running? So my diet of bacon cheeseburgers and hostess cupcakes is not helping me?

                      Spinning, yoga, strength training. None of these "make" me a better runner... in fact, I do all of them for reasons aside from running (I teach spinning, I lift because I'm older and wish to prevent muscle/bone loss, and I just like yoga). Specifically to be a better runner, I'd run more. BUT all of these things have pleasant and useful side effects which are nice/cool/good for my running... or in the case of yoga, how I experience my running. I also get good, high quality sleep, drink beer, and do other cardio-vascular improvements.


                        ab workouts. a lot of them.
                        And you know sometimes it gets so painful Just like talking to yourself When everything don't seem to have no rhyme or reason We all go Do do loo do do, do do loo do do Waiting for the sun to shine

                          Try to be a good father to my daughters and a loving husband to my wife.
                            walk 1 mile to my lunch spot and 1 mile back at least 2 or 3 times a week. I sit on my rear way too much at work and a few walking miles helps me to avoid getting to stiff from a morning run.





                              Try to be a good father to my daughters and a loving husband to my wife.
                              this is a good tip. I had been training for a 5k PR and my goal race evaporated last weekend as my wife's resentment of my time spent running started to boil over. So I took my son to his makeup game for a previous rainout. Watching 8 and 9 year olds walk each other turned out to be more fun than the pain of a 5k. But had I banked more karma miles than running miles my 5k PR would be a minute lower than it currently is.





                                ...drink beer....
                                yeah? I only ask seriously because it was surrounded by other serious items (sleep, cardio).

                                "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus
