2016 Holiday Running Streak (Read 351 times)


It's Tuesday every day

    Okay - a good day here: December mileage = 304.75 (goal was 275), still in streak, and caught the 2016 Pace Bunny. (Was only halfway there on 30 Aug!)


    *Thanks*, FSBD, for doing this. Never would have caught Bunny without this.


    RunsInSkirts: way to go! You're still in! I knew you could do it.



    Outside Lane

      Congrats!  That's fantastic and inspiring.  What were the keys to your success?


       I still lost 23 lbs and did it in what I hope is a way that I can sustain if for some reason I don't run as much in 2017. 



      See how they run...


      not bad for mile 25

        I'll push myself a little and try for 215.  Thanks.


        I really didn't think I was going to make it, but hit 215.6 for December. 2608 for the year, exceeding my annual goal. Thanks and good luck, everybody!


        It's Tuesday every day

          Hey, congrats!!! Good luck for 2017, too!



          I really didn't think I was going to make it, but hit 215.6 for December. 2608 for the year, exceeding my annual goal. Thanks and good luck, everybody!


            Streak accomplished! Thanks for doing this. I was in for 108 miles and ended up doing 132.8. The quotes were great and inspiring. What's next?


              Streak success!  I worked 13 hours on 12/31, so I came home and napped and then got on the treadmill at 11:30. Watched the ball drop and kept on running, so I ran every day Thanksgiving through New Year's Day, finishing with 23 hours to spare!  Looking forward to hearing how everyone else gets it done. (And headed to bed since I have to be at work at 7)

                I need 2 km today to round up the streak. I˙ll do it in the evening, we still have a house full of friends and I˙m sore from yesterday˙s 5K (PR with 23:52, first time under 24, yay!).


                I did not reach my goal by far, but am still happy that I managed to run every day. I think I might have the most minimums of all of us, but hey, 2 km are still 2 more than zero.


                Team Me, Myself & I

                  I made it, thank you FSBD for organizing this.

                  Happy New Year everyone


                    Happy New Year!  Last day of the holiday streak. That doesn't mean you're can't keep going though.


                    "Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another."


                    And we have a bonus quote today from ch17


                    "I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence."

                    We are the music makers,

                        And we are the dreamers of dreams,

                    Wandering by lone sea-breakers,

                        And sitting by desolate streams; 

                    World-losers and world-forsakers,

                        On whom the pale moon gleams:

                    Yet we are the movers and shakers

                        Of the world for ever, it seems.

                    Mpls Laker

                    Northstar Running

                      Happy New Year everyone.


                      I did complete the holiday running streak albeit with low mileage.


                      On the other hand, I got in a lot of hiking and some other cross training during December and ended up losing about 11 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years.


                      Thanks for the motivation.


                      old woman w/hobby

                        Yay.  Completed.


                        Thanks FSBD.




                          Thanks again to FSBD for organizing the Streak.  I officially completed it with a 5 mile hilly trail run this morning.  The park was quiet and lovely with plenty of deer and chirpy birds to drown out my massive headache brought on by excessive consumption of liquid toxins yesterday.

                          "Shut up Legs!" Jens Voigt


                          One day at a time

                            I didn't make it.  Sad  We had a big snow storm Thursday night.  Our power went out for 36 hours.


                            But I'm still thankful for the challenge.  I will start a new streak today.

                               I will start a new streak today.


                              Awesome!  Thinking about doing this too.  Might take a day off in between though.

                              "Shut up Legs!" Jens Voigt


                              It's Tuesday every day

                                I made it, too. My running club, Washington Running Club, runs on Sunday and so we decided to run straight thru the Christmas and New Year's holidays. Would have run anyway, but it was nice to have the support of other people who have no life fitness enthusiasts.


                                Have a great 2017!