What about running do you no longer do that you miss? (Read 1181 times)

Arrogant Bastard....Ale

    -Anchoring the high school 4x400m relay. There's nothing in adult life that remotely resembles it. -Doubling or tripling in those same meets. Back before I thought that being tired was an excuse for anything. -Cross country girls.
    Definitely all of the above. Pretty much every meet I opened the 4x800, 400, and either was lead off or anchor for the 4x400. Throw in the triple jump if my team needed me too.
      Wow... I never got to experience track. I didn't embrace running until I was 32. Neat thread though! Makes you stop and appreciate the little things. I haven't been running long enough to have things I miss...

      Reproduction Specialist

        -Doubling or tripling in those same meets. Back before I thought that being tired was an excuse for anything. -Cross country girls.
        I definitely agree with both of those. Mile, 4x800m and the 2 mile. My favorite was the 2 mile but I miss them all and how all of the sprinters thought it was crazy that I would run them all in one meet. I definitely felt pretty cool for doing something others thought was a little nuts. The reason I got back into running races is because I missed the competition. Not only with the other people but with myself. To see how much I can approve. How much I can push myself. But now pushing myself too hard ends in injury...never had to worry about that before. I also miss the bus rides and talking about the meet (track or cross country). How everybody did and how supportive everybody was when someone didn't perform as well as they could have. I also miss the teammates helping each other out. One cross country meet a guy was running in front of me from another team and grabbed one of the fiberglass flag poles on the course under his arm and pulled it down and let it go. Smacked me right in the face. My teammate was right behind me saw the whole thing and sprinted ahead of the guy grabbed a pine tree branch over the trail and pulled it forward and let it go. Just about knocked the guy off the trail. Loved it......that's a teammate right there.
          -Anchoring the high school 4x400m relay. There's nothing in adult life that remotely resembles it.
          I miss that too. I never thought too much about it until after I graduated though. I miss how people used to ask me if I did gymnastics. I use to have people telling me I had the legs of a gymnast. What I really miss is being the first one across the finish line. It's been a LONG LONG time since that happened.



          Hold the Mayo

            "Jack & Diane" blaring from a boom box and the Varsity runners at the last turn in the trail before the final 500 yard mad sprint for the finish line. They would yell and scream and tell us JVer's to start kicking and take some spots from the opponents' teams in front of us. Yeah, back then we all still considered 1/3 of a mile a sprint after running almost 3. (I still hear it in my head sometimes at race ends... "Oh yeah! Life goes on, long after the thrill of livin' is gone....")

            Queen of 3rd Place

              Mikeymike - you got me with the van rides. Back in High School cross country - GADS! in the 70s! - and heh, I was our schools very first female cross-country runner - anyway I loved hanging with the guys, not only on the runs, but especially in the van, we were like a big family. OTOH, I appreciate being mature and not taking it all too seriously. There's something to be said for the cool, calm peace of mind that comes with time. Now when I run I can simply get into the joy of trotting along, and while I may have goals, the best part is that I can get out the door and do something with my body. When I look at others my age, most of them either can't do something or have a long uphill battle if they want to go there. Arla

              Ex runner

              Ostrich runner

                There are so many things I miss, most of which have already been mentioned--nights, the girls team, my team, the morning practices (this one surprises me)... Our last race was always the conference meet for our DII team. On the van on the way back we'd always infuriate our coach by getting drunk and smoking cigars. We'd always get chewed by the school, but we didn't care. The one thing I missed the most and have recently rediscovered the joys of, partially owed just to physical condition, is the unplanned trail run. The ability to go to a state park and just start running with no plan as to distance, time, direction, etc. I love trail running when I have no purpose except to explore trails I haven't been on before. Sometimes I get a little lost, sometimes I go much farther than I probably should, but in my mind it is running just for the fun of it. I don't look at the time when I start or finish, and I rarely can even begin to calculate the distance.


                  This is an easy one. I am Dogless. I miss my mutt. We'll be getting a new one this fall once we come back from Alaska. Dogs, are the best running partners.

                  - Anya

                    I particularly enjoyed the shot/discus 4x400m squad. Last place on the track, but first place in our hearts.
                    Our throwers used to do this too! The best 4x400 I ever saw was when the anchor leg of the "weight man 4x4" was run by the top guy in shot/disc/jav not only on the team, but in the state. He was also state champion in wrestling in the 190 weight division (or whatever it is, not sure about wrestling). He went out at a full on sprint as soon as he got the baton, and did not let up. Everyone is screaming their heads off because he's tearing it up as he enters the home stretch, and with about 25 meters to go he locks up and just drops like a rock. I've never seen anyone hit the wall as hard as this kid hit it. Even though I graduated from high school a mere 5 years ago, since I didn't run in college I already miss the camaraderie of running on a team. My school was small and we had a pretty small cross country team, and an even smaller distance team in track, so we were a fairly tight knit group.

                    A Saucy Wench

                      Oh yeah... I miss when running any race was such a big deal that I got to go out for a big brunch afterwards. Now I KNOW I dont burn enough calories to justify it, but I still miss it. Big grin

                      I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                      "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

                      Another Passion


                        "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
                        "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby


                          I also forgot to add that I miss running with our irish setter and our beagle.

                          Double IPA Please!

                            I miss the days I would run with no destination in mind. No looking at my watch figuring out how fast I am going, or going home and trying to figure out what my mileage was blah, blah, blah. I also miss running and not having to be home at a certain time or being gone for only so long- young and childless.. Now it is all about figuring out when I'm going to run and how often to get my miles in for the week. I miss running in the summer evenings, running on the back roads through pockets of cool air on hot summer evenings..Nostrils filling with fresh cut fields of alfalfa. Not having to worry about some ass trying to run me off the road. Roll eyes

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                            Jacob Fern

                              I only graduated high school last year, but I already miss a lot of the things that I did. I went to HS in Montana, and now I'm going to college in New York City. I'd say that the thing I miss the most is being able to run in the woods on trails. I love going out on a summer evening, when it's starting to cool down, and running for an hour... sometimes more, without caring how long I go or where I am. I loved being in a place where the only thing that I could hear was my own shoes, my breathing, and the birds around me. I miss turning the corner, and startling a deer (or sometimes, a bear). I miss running to the top of a mountain and being able to look down across the entire valley below me. Now, it's just cars and buses and taxis... probably more people in one square mile than there were in my entire state. There's never a chance to run in a quiet place, and definitely no chance to run on trails. The closest you get is Central Park (which is nice, but not quite the same...). Everything is asphalt and concrete, and everything either smells like garbage or like exhaust. Or the East River, which isn't too pleasant either... I also miss the team aspect of running. I go to a very small college, and we don't really have a team. It's so much harder for me to force myself to go out for a run when there is no one else to go with. I loved the bus rides and the team dinners. Of course, the girls xc team as well... I go to an engineering school. girls are rather rare.

                              I've got a fever...

                                I also miss running and not having to be home at a certain time or being gone for only so long- young and childless.. Now it is all about figuring out when I'm going to run and how often to get my miles in for the week.
                                Amen to that!

                                On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.
