Hydration study (Read 944 times)

    Excellent stuff. In future I shall save energy and will just swill all liquids around my mouth and not bother to swallow.

      Excellent stuff. In future I shall save energy and will just swill all liquids around my mouth and not bother to swallow.
      I guess I really didn't need the use of my frontal operculum for the rest of the day anyway.

        Apparently you don't need to drink to get the benefit ... http://dailyviews.runnersworld.com/2009/04/mind-over-matter.html
        RW writers really need to learn to read. The study compares the effects of rinse/spit of water only to rinse/spit of glucose solution. What it didn't do was compare drinking to not drinking. So don't go jumping to the conclusion that swish/spit is the same as drinking, this study doesn't address it.

          Excellent stuff. In future I shall save energy and will just swill all liquids around my mouth and not bother to swallow.
          The real breakthrough is when you don't waste time or money going to the store and purchasing sports drinks. Just think about swilling Gatorade and it should have the desired effect.

          The process is the goal.

          Men heap together the mistakes of their lives, and create a monster they call Destiny.

            So don't go jumping to the conclusion that swish/spit is the same as drinking, this study doesn't address it.
            Hah yeah, I thought that was pretty clear from the article. Don't worry, I wasn't seriously considering cutting out drinking from my daily routine. (Anyway, I'm a student: that would be against the laws of nature anyway!)

              I appreciate the interest and will get back to those who have contacted me.
              How come you edited your post and changed your name from 'cschead' to 'runjustrun'? Huh? How come? Huh?

              Run like a kid again!

                I don't know why you would want to drink at all. The more you drink the more you weigh. The more you weigh the more you have to carry around when you run. I say run as light as possible and don't drink at all. Just a thought I have no information to back up this idea. Of course if you are willing to be part of my study you will learn these things for free: 1.) You will save money by not drinking! (unless all you drink is tap water) 2.) How long you can go without drinking? 3) See number 2. If you are really lucky you may even get number 4. 4.) Sweet death However, in the case of number 4 we will pass on the information that we have collected onto your faimily to help comfort them. On Side Note: I don't understand. Why littlefrog? And are you telling me 28 other people had littlefrog as well? Can you tell I am tapering and I am grumpy?
                  2011 Goals:
                  Sub 19 5K (19:24 5K July 14th 2010)
                  Marathon under 3:05:59 BQ (3:11:10 Indy 2010)

                Good Bad & The Monkey

                  This is motor oil. I'll bet you walk 20 miles before you consider drinking it.