What 3 things do you run past? (Read 2240 times)


Max McMaffelow Esq.

    Honda dealership Saturn dealership Toyota dealership lg
    ♪ ♫ Hey, hey, we're Maf Monkees And people say we monkey around. ♪ ♫ (The Monkees)
    Give me 12:59 in '09, please. I deserve it! (Maf of course)..No more teens! No more teens! (ME! ME! ME!)
    ♪ ♫ I Thank The Lord For The Night Time...And I Thank The Lord For You ♪ ♫ (Neil Diamond)

      1. Truckee river 2. Squaw Valley olympic torch 3. Tourists

        1. Trent 2. Candice 3. Tanya

        E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com

        Think Whirled Peas

          1. Trent 2. Candice 3. Tanya

          Just because running is simple does not mean it is easy.


          Relentless. Forward. Motion. <repeat>

            9 pages of responses and not one from a Toronto runner? How do I know this? No one listed "Anutherfinemess" as one of the things they pass on their runs.
            And who am I anyway?
            Just another fat jogger, evidently.


              A big Chinese pagoda-style gazebo A marker for the TransCanada trail Sign identifying the community (or development or whatever you want to call our area of the city)

              Half Fanatic #9292. 

              Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.

              Doc, my tooth hurts

                a lighthouse Veterans war memorial Home of the Milwaukee Bucks basketball team


                  1. Lincoln Memorial 2. World War II Memorial 3. Jefferson Memorial

                  I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.



                    This made me kinda sad to run past.
                    Don't be sad. it's just the pacebunny from the 1500 mile club.I kicked him pretty good when I made it to the top Evil grin







                      1. Papa John's Pizza 2. American River 3. Grape vines (by the river)

                        Today Red fox Raccoon Canadian Goose

                        Long dead ... But my stench lingers !




                          This (Sunday) morning... 1) Lots of Fraternity party detritus Tongue 2) A female Ginko tree (and over her squashed berries, which smell like puke). Tight lipped 3) The Rotunda - makes up for 1 & 2 Smile


                            1. school 2. graveyard 3. farm


                              Lincoln Memorial WWII Memorial Washington Monument and many, many others
                              Happy Running,
                              "Start with your Head, Finish with your Heart!"
                                The same places jscovill runs past. I tried to grab some different options from the same area of riverfront loops. The endless loops available living near the river in Minneapolis are a luxury. One of my local restaurants and watering holes: University of St Thomas: Ford Parkway Bridge between Minneapolis and St Paul:



                                "I aim to misbehave."