Who all here's in taper...? (Read 716 times)

    yay! TAPER!!! ok. so enjoy if for a few days. then start to show your cuckoo. Tongue jk! rest up...sleep load and get fresh. You'll have a great race. Big grin

    Jennifer mm#1231

    Asics' Benefactor

      I'm starting my taper for a 10k on the 28th early Time to drink up before my last year of undergrad starts!
      2008 Goals:
      Run 5k (Naked Juice) 07/13/08 - 28:39
      Run 10K (San Diego AIDS) 09/28/08 - 51:59
      Run a 25 mile week Run a 100 mile month

      Self anointed title

        Hi Kirsten - congratulations on getting through some tough training. Enjoy the taper - I've got two more weeks of high mileage then I'll join you. (Just the 7 days of taper for me.... we'll find out if that is a mistake on Oct 5th!). Good luck friend.




          Not yet, one more long run in two weeks. Good Luck Kirsten

            I am with Peach, my marathon is March 22 so I don't even begin my training plan until 10/6....Gonna do Pfitz's 24/55 plan. 90% of my training runs will be in the dark, before work, most likely at 5 a.m. Happy, happy, joy, joy..... Good luck to all those in their final taper before the big day!!!

            Listen. Yeah, it's gonna hurt some. That's the marathon business.

            But here's the thing. When it starts to get intense, that's not time to panic. This is what you wanted to happen. It means that all the training, all the miles, all the wakeups, all the cold, all the wet, all the sleep-deprived days and all the shit you've done to yourself over the last 6 plus months is finally about to pay off. It means you've put yourself where you wanted to be. You've given yourself an opportunity that very few will ever have. You've given yourself a chance.

            Now finish it.



              This girl, baby! Ooh, yeah...how you like me now?! Go me, go me, go go go me! *does Cabbage Patch & Running Man, trips, falls down, busts ass* Blush
              Congratulations, Kirsten. People tapering for the big day are my heroes! I'm in a mini taper for my first half this weekend, but that's nothing compared to your hard work and training. Congratulations!

              PRs: 27:26 5k/ 49:52 5mi/ 58:17 10k/ 2:09:24 half/ 5:13:17 Full

              Post-Bipolar PRs: 38:35 5k/ 1:09:34 8k/ 1:09:39 5mi/ 1:33:03 10k/ 3:20:40 Half


              2022 Goals

              Back to 10k




                I am with Peach, my marathon is March 22 so I don't even begin my training plan until 10/6....Gonna do Pfitz's 24/55 plan. 90% of my training runs will be in the dark, before work, most likely at 5 a.m. Happy, happy, joy, joy..... Good luck to all those in their final taper before the big day!!!
                Man, 24 week plans...yikes! I was just saying to backroadrunner that I can't imagine a training plan that lasts that long, though I guess my marathon training was kind of like that. I had only a 3 week gap between 25k training and race before the marathon training started.

                Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                     ~ Sarah Kay


                  Man, 24 week plans...yikes! I was just saying to backroadrunner that I can't imagine a training plan that lasts that long, though I guess my marathon training was kind of like that. I had only a 3 week gap between 25k training and race before the marathon training started.
                  I think I was a little under-prepared endurance wise for my first marathon. So, I figured I would go with a plan that was higher mileage (for me) and lasted about 6 weeks longer so I could hopefully get that endurance thing under control... I have no idea if it will work or not...But it's worth a shot...

                  Listen. Yeah, it's gonna hurt some. That's the marathon business.

                  But here's the thing. When it starts to get intense, that's not time to panic. This is what you wanted to happen. It means that all the training, all the miles, all the wakeups, all the cold, all the wet, all the sleep-deprived days and all the shit you've done to yourself over the last 6 plus months is finally about to pay off. It means you've put yourself where you wanted to be. You've given yourself an opportunity that very few will ever have. You've given yourself a chance.

                  Now finish it.

                  Another Passion

                    For those of you who are, or will soon be, marathon tapering, you might find some useful information/comfort in this article here: http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-238-244--10201-1-1X2X3X4-5,00.html I found several items in it to be mentally helpful to me prior to my first. Of course, my taper was kinda prolonged because I was partially broken going into my race, but I still found quite a bit of the information useful... especially the mental stuff.

                    "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
                    "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby


                      I'm not yet tapering but the weird thing is I'm kind of not looking forward to it. Seems I'm fascinated by how many miles I can put in each week. Before this training cycle I've never put in more than a week or two in the 60's and never more than 72 once. This cycle I've been consistently hitting 60's, 70's and even 80's. Heck, I ran 66 miles last week and didn't even do a long run. I hope this portends good things for my 10/28 marathon. I'll do a two week taper but I'll probably be oh-so-disappointed to see a 50 mile and 40 mile week in my calendar. I don't know what I'll do the week after the marathon when the calendar will slap me with a 20 mile week (if I'm lucky)! Good luck to all those tapering for their races.
                        Yup, tapering here too. Race is this Saturday, then I'll have a week or two or three of recovery. Tapering/recovery sucks...


                          Stupid question does one have to taper? Is it possible to run right up to the marathon? I plan on running baysate in Oct and I know I am not preparard for it. Last weekend told me that but I already felt that way. My plan is to just run as much as I can between now and the then, start the race and see what happens. Doug.

                          "If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run."



                            This girl, baby! Ooh, yeah...how you like me now?! Go me, go me, go go go me! *does Cabbage Patch & Running Man, trips, falls down, busts ass* Blush
                            Two more weeks for me (and dreading it for the first time), but I have to admit, I'm excited to see your race report. I know you've been working your butt off, so I hope you rock it!