Who is running Twin Cities Marathon? (Read 352 times)


    It was suggested to start a thread for those training for Twin Cities Marathon. So here it is! I'm from a small farming community south of the Twin Cites. Been running for years on and off. I've finally found a friend to run with so have been regularly running for the past 2 years. We did our first half in New Prague in May and had so much fun, decided to give a full marathon a whirl! Training is going really well, just starting to get into a few of our longer runs. We are using the Hal Higdon's Intermediate I training program. Would love any suggestions, thoughts on the route and hearing from other about their training. Darla
      Darla ... I just started a user's group on Twin Cities Marathon as well ... http://www.runningahead.com/groups/tcm/

        I signed up for the 5k that Sat. Good Luck