2018 3:20 (and beyond) (Read 582 times)




    rlk I agree with the "have fun running" because as much as I hate doing trails and hills it kind of helped me get OUT of race mentality and figure out what it is people do when they aren't running races every weekend or month. Maybe go watch max run around Miwok this weekend. Bring him a Pliny or something from Cellarmaker. Maybe hit up Mill Valley Beerworks after. Oh yeah, I was thinking about you when I watched a Sage Canaday video about my new toy. Mostly because every time I watch his videos I think about you.




    Go Max.

    m: 2:55:04 | 10k: 37:14 | 50mile: 9:35

    Running Problem

    Problem Child

      keen Just finished the race report (didn't feel like working) and I may have actually considered throwing up while running and hoping not to get anyone in order to break 1:30. It would have made an interesting Strava title.

      Did the marathon and half marathon start at the same time or were you passing some of the slower marathon people? I read your RR as if you were running a marathon for some reason.

      Does Stryd live feed to the watch or by "data from stryd" does it tell you "your half marathon PR would be a 1:29:01" kind of thing? It sounds similar to the Lumo Run I have that's supposed to be able to tell me a lot about how I run. More than just cadence so it's kind of funny you have similar technology for a similar goal (4/20/20).

      As for a fall marathon....CIM.


      Dwave I was thinking about the Chicago/CIM double you did. Was CIM seriously 8 weeks after Chicago? For some reason I thought it was 12. How in the WORLD did you pull off that double? Didn't you go 3:07/8 that year?

      Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

      VDOT 53.37 

      5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


      Cobra Commander Keen

        Brew - The full and half start at the same time; most of the half course overlaps the full. There are a few CIQ datafields that can display the info from Stryd (power data, at least) in real time. I typically use a 3 second rolling average; it's a long enough time that the number doesn't jump up and down like crazy, but short enough to reflect what's currently going on.
        I am curious about the LumoRun. Let me know what you think.

        Maybe one of these days I'll run CIM, but I don't think it'll work this year. I'm looking at races between late October and mid-November and it looks like everything within both driving distance and in that range looks to be really flat, which I like! Now I just need to decide which one. My current leader is a flat multiple out-and-back, with a good 200 foot drop in the first mile.

        5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


        Upcoming Races:





        Mother of Cats

          Catching up...(I've been spending my RA time debating elite women's start and prize money on the Boston thread)




          Dwave I was thinking about the Chicago/CIM double you did. Was CIM seriously 8 weeks after Chicago? For some reason I thought it was 12. How in the WORLD did you pull off that double? Didn't you go 3:07/8 that year?


          Yup - 8 weeks.  Basically did 3 weeks recovery, 2 weeks training, 3 weeks taper.  Which in retrospect was not quite enough.  8 weeks was long enough to lose fitness, and 2 weeks training in the middle was not enough to refresh/maintain.


          And you're kind with that 3:07/3:08.  I ran 3:09/3:11.


          CK - I enjoyed the report, and that race sounds oddly tempting and fun.  Congrats both on the PR, and the knowledge that you can run faster.


          RLK - I agree with all that has been said here.  I think that there are two explanations that are most likely - one is low ferritin, the other is that you're past your peak and cooked, and it's time for a break (note that those two are not mutually exclusive).  You've set a mile and 5K PR this season, as I recall - perhaps it's time to rest on your laurels?


          Pool-ran and did upper body weights/core yesterday; today was 10 miles, including 8 hill strides (run up a hill for between 60-70 seconds, then take about 2:30 looping around easily to the bottom.  I like this one for easing back into fast running.  It gets my legs turning over and my HR up, but it's not very intense, since it's short and the recoveries are long.


          Funny thing was that the hill seemed a bit harder than last time I did this one.  And then later I realized I was using the wrong hill....


          To explain: in Georgetown there are two parallel streets: M Street and Water Street, with M Street significantly elevated above Water Street.  There are also a number of perpendicular streets running up and downhill between the two, ranging from 29th Street to 34th Street.  The difference in elevation between Water and M increases as you move west, counting upwards from 29th, so each street is a bit steeper as you count up.  But these streets look more or less the same.


          I ran this workout by going up 31st, turning right, and jogging down TJ Street (between 31st and 30th).  Later I looked back at my Garmin log and realized that previously I was running up 30th and jogging down 29th.  Just moving 2 streets over was enough to alter the slope, making it steeper.  Ooops...

          Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


          And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


            McBen - glitter skirts are always the answer.


            Rlk - sorry about the general feeling.. I've never really trained for long periods of time but taking time off hasn't been detrimental, and honestly I've enjoyed the "running for fun" times. I can't speak to 3 speed work outs a week.



            Keen - congrats on the race!!


            Oregon - bummer on the Portland Marathon.


            Catching up as well... I ran 20 miles last week, which was nice, and will probably do a bit more this week before it gets so hot I can only get out at the crack of dawn.  Leisurely miles have been nice, and I still think I'm going to bump it up to 40 soon and maybe try to run some shorter races this summer and see if I can get a PR in there. Moving in 2 weeks so that'll be fun.. 

            PRs: HM: 1:32:59 (2015); FM: 3:18:36 (2017)


            pie man

              Track is back.  First night up there since before March.


              I did providence and Missoula 9 weeks apart last year and it was pointless.  I think at least 3 weeks to recover, followed by 3 weeks of 'training.'  Maybe I did a 20 in there.  I just went out to do whatever in Montana.  I started at 8 minute pace and couldn't even hold that through 15 or so.  Also it was over 100 degrees the day before packet pickup.  So finishing felt like an accomplishment.


              My dads office used to be on TJ.  They used to film around there, notably the satirical history film 'Dick.'  Watergate as if deep throat was two girls who walked Checkers (Kristen dunst and Michelle Williams, I think).  They watched them run and skip from the street onto the canal on that corner.


              Enough randomness from me.

              11:11 3,000 (recent)


                How to get free photos of yourself running in six easy steps!


                SC - Hilarious! And a nice, non-watermarked photo too! Maybe you should inquire about an age group award just in case.

                Arvind Balaraman

                  Since my scarlet fever in Feb, I slowed down by 5-10 min on my half pace. Slowly trying to recover and improve my speed.


                  I ran 3 halfs this year so far


                  One in march where i struggled and managed 1:40 (last year I did 1:32).

                  Second one in MArch where I paced the 1:45 group successfully

                  Third in April where I did 1:37 (goal was sub 1:40). I did 1:30 last year


                  so my paces have reduced this year. Trying to improve before my full in Oct. My goal is 3:15 to 3:20. any suggestions and tips to achieve that is greatly appreciated. I am trying to keep my weekly mileage between 55-60

                  2 hard runs (track and hill) and rest slower




                    My goal is 3:15 to 3:20. any suggestions and tips to achieve that is greatly appreciated. I am trying to keep my weekly mileage between 55-60 

                    2 hard runs (track and hill) and rest slower


                    Are you set on keeping the weekly mileage where it's at? Running more, which means more easy/slow stuff, is usually path towards improving -- especially for the marathon. Increase mileage to 66-72 mpw (that's 20%, which should be manageable) -- or a touch more if you are handling it -- and scale back (or eliminate) the track work (e.g., if you're running 5K pace stuff now, slow it down to threshold or even b/w HM and MP; shift your threshold/tempo run down to MP+5%) and replace w/ light fartleks, progressions, and moderate steady state runs.


                    Cobra Commander Keen

                      DWave - Thanks. If you ever decide to run an April marathon in flyover country let me know and I'll show you around.
                      I don't know that I could navigate if I had so many choices for which roads to run on!



                      It never fails: After the OKC Memorial races temperatures always make a big jump. Last week temps were in the 50's just before dawn, this week it has been in the 70's (2-3 weeks ago temps were in the 40's). Thankfully I had a bit of heat training before and I'm back out running now. The first time I did one of the OKC races (marathon) I took almost a week off and the heat just about killed me for a month afterwards before I got used to it.

                      5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                      Upcoming Races:




                      Running Problem

                      Problem Child

                        Keen The Lulo run will be interesting to learn about. It's telling me I need to work on cadence after 1 run and gave me 2 30 second drills to practice before running. Cadence was 173 (running slowly with slow friend possibly) but seemed to mirror the 235 cadence. If you make it out to CIM I'll either run it or cheer you on and bring some bee-ahs. Oh as for the temps, I think it's like an indicator or something. Here they say not to plant a garden until the snow has melted off a specific mountain. I guess "Plan on it getting hot after OKC" could work for you.


                        dwave great. So I'm totally doomed. Oh and I picked up the "Stopwatch" thing a little late. Kind of flew over my head. Also, those "hill repeats" as I'm calling them sound kind of fun/interesting. Up one block, over two blocks, down a block (1-2-1), repeat until XXth street" sounds easy to remember.


                        katia moving sounds awesome. Packing everything up. Realizing you've bought WAY too much stuff over the past few years. All to unpack it to a place with more space to fill up over the years. Hope it all goes uneventful.


                        Arvind I might alternate hills with marathon paced/threshold runs. I am getting over sick so todays speed aerobic work should be interesting.

                        Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                        VDOT 53.37 

                        5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                        pie man

                          Ok, maybe we shouldn't be training like the elites.  Not because it isn't effective, but because they're doped to the gills.

                          11:11 3,000 (recent)

                            Ok, maybe we shouldn't be training like the elites.  Not because it isn't effective, but because they're doped to the gills.


                            Imagine how Nick Willis feels. 


                              and, on the note of people existing, OMR is alive. yay! alter-G at 65% is nothing to sneeze at. glad you are staying active.


                              rlk:  for reasons i won't go into, i really appreciated this comment.  :-)


                              Hey to everyone...we are in the throws of finals week, so time responding to others here is limited...looking forward to freedom in just a few more days.


                              My PT is giving me some freedom to set my own paces on the AlterG, so today I gradually ramped it up to 7.5mph (8:00/mile) for two minutes.  My HR was near what is normally marathon pace effort, so yeah, I am horribly out of shape.  But they are videotaping my form, and everything seems to look good, and I am without knee pain.  So, no complaints from me, and they're going to increase the weight-bearing percentage on Friday.


                              Duke Of Bad Judgment

                                Jim's Kat: I'll try to look for you as I'm staring at the bridge.  Yes, if I've dropped by then it's a very bad day indeed.  I'm very ok with dropping after seeing Pirate's Cove, but before that something bad has happened.

                                OMR: Good news.

                                Brew: I realized I've created a monster.  I mention a race, and you practically start drooling thinking that you can score free beer by showing up.


                                See y'all after the weekend.  I wouldn't start Miwok if I didn't think I could finish it, but it's a rare race where my goal is not so much to finish as to have fun and not have a hamstring setback.  Someone smart would DNS and go for a short run, but doh...