2018 3:20 (and beyond) (Read 582 times)


    you know when you haven't run in two days and you have to actively remember to shower? :/


    What? I showered last week.


    Congratulations Max -- incredible as usual. I didn't know that CalBears ran in the woods.

    m: 2:55:04 | 10k: 37:14 | 50mile: 9:35


    Duke Of Bad Judgment

      FB: CB is about as obsessed with getting into Western States as he is/was with running fast marathons.  He runs one trail race a year to qualify for the lottery.

      Jim's Kat: I ran with young Benjamin for a while before I saw CB.  He told me his story, and at the time he was struggling (wouldn't be running with me otherwise) after hammering the first hour.  The happy ending is that the RD has added him to the finisher's list.  She was going to do that anyway but I told her I could vouch for the southern half of the course.  She's great.

      Arvind Balaraman

        Stopping by to let you know I survived my 62 mile training run yesterday, but mostly to let Jim's Kat know that she still has the power to summon CalBears even if was a non-traditional summons.  I rolled into an aid station at mile 26 (only 36 miles left to go!) and there he was, having kind of a rough day.  He said something about how training might help for these races.  Anyway, we ran together for a little bit, I dropped him going up a long hill, I saw him hours later during an out-and-back (about 20 minutes behind me) and then he finished really strong only about 4 minutes after me.  It's probably the only race that I'll ever beat him in.


        wow. this is awesome Max. I Cannot even imagine running 30 miles.

           I'm a goner. Anyone want my Garmin?


          What model?


          SMax ~ "62 mile training run" 

          Nasreddin Hoja

            Dropping in to say hello to rlk, who was NYRRs "Runner of the Year" in 2011.  I had to look it up, I would have said a different year.

            Running Problem

            Problem Child

              RTC Yeah I'll have to look into a week night run. I am thinking Wednesday nights because "nana" has been watching NeRP some nights AND we have been using those nights to do stuff together. I don't think it would fly to do a workout on those nights. They're just so long (time wise) 12-14 mile runs with Hanson's pushed two hours. It's figuring out WHEN I should go. The workouts do look intimidating (threshold, interval, marathon all mixed together?!?!) and since I don't have the book anymore I'm wondering why some of the 2Q workouts are all in bold.


              dad Thanks, indirectly, for the advice about the paces and being off a few seconds. I beceome the person who has to be within 3 seconds or else the workout isn't correct. Although I do like to try and go faster than I'm supposed to to build confidence I'm actually fast.


              Keen Dude, SWEET run this morning. sub 7 minute miles.


              max Congrats on the fun run. I hope to one day not be obsessed with entering WS. I start typing W then S into my web browser and the qualifying races, Year by Year and 2017 entrants lists are the first three links to show up. TRT 50 miler is an entry to the 100 miler which is a WS qualifier. 36 hour cutoff should be easy compared to all those 24 hour cutofffs. Right? I was upset Miwok didn't have live tracking and you weren't giving out your SPOT location.

              Question: Could you compare Canyons 100K and Miwok? I'm curious to know what you found different between the two since you're the only person I know who has done both.


              rlk Just wait until you have a NeRP of your own and it becomes 5 days. Did you get to see Benjamin on the course Saturday?


              Mothers Day How does it work when you're married to the mother? Asking for a friend. I intended to buy a card Sunday but THAT didn't happen.


              I have a 10K on Mothers Day. I think I'll full out race it and see what I can do. The JD spreadsheet I pulled from the 1:30 HM group says 42:28 (6:50/mi, 4:15/km) based on my March 5K (20:22). It should provide a decent training pace going into the next month. ANY advice for training for a 10K?


              My Week: I missed 50 miles by 200 meters. I cared, thought I'd get it in then got over it. Wednesday doesn't have 5x800 w 2 minute rest in it (Strava and Garmin private). Moving time was 3:05, 3:05, 3:05, 3:05, 3:11. The last one felt very hard so I decided against doing a 6th one. Recovery was standing still to see if it would change what my Lumo Run produced (It might have). Slightly faster than what the spreadsheet says (3:11 interval pace, 2:59 repetition pace) for what I think the workout was focusing on. I'd expect more recovery for a repetition but maybe I made it repetition by standing still/slow short walk after each interval/repeat. Saturday's long run (through a construction zone for a new road I didn't expect them to be working on) was great until my heart rate decided to stick at Threshold (160-175) and I did a run/walk to keep it in the aerobic range (148-160). Glad I took water with. I drank a whole bottle while I was thinking about max doing Miwok and telling me to run at the hot parts of the day to prep for heat. Sunday was a Salomon shoe demo. Apparently they make more than trail shoes. The Sonic also has multiple forms (RA, Pro and MAX) which means I'll never remember what I ran in unless I write it down or see the same colored shoe. I felt like an elite marathoner with how bright they are. All the pros wear the brightest shoes at big races.



              Weekly Summary
              Monday, Apr 30, 2018 thru Sunday, May 06, 2018

              <tfoot> </tfoot>
              Day Miles Pace Duration Description HR Link
              Tue 6.4 8:43 0:55 That time I got dressed weird. 153 strava
              Wed 2.0 8:26 0:16 That time we go Lumo 1 145 strava
              Wed 2.0 8:32 0:17 That time we go Lumo 2 149 strava
              Thu 7.3 8:19 1:00 That time I've never felt safer on a run. 157 strava
              Fri 8.5 8:37 1:13 That time I found a dollar 168 strava
              Sat 14.5 8:53 2:08 That time I got home before the sprinklers came on. 156 strava
              Sun 6.5 8:31 0:55 That time I got a free sticker. 145 strava
                47.2 8:37 6:47      

              Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

              VDOT 53.37 

              5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

              Speed Surplus

                mattw4jc - Thanks for sharing your background. Some fast times in there!


                SUVs - LOL they are necessary when you have a family of 4 and a dog. We just bought a minivan because our Subaru Outback was packed to the gills constantly.


                OMR - Ooh, AlterG... Congrats on inching closer back to Earth weight...


                Rune - Nice looking week. Good luck with the new program.


                Dad - Wow, that's a big weekend. Nice looking week as well.


                McBen - Unrelated to any running stuff, but I have gotten my hands on a free boat. It just needs...an engine. Well, it has an engine, but the engine needs work. Nevertheless...BOAT! It's a 17' Century Arabian and, engine aside, seems to be in pretty good shape. Comes with a trailer, too.


                Max - From Gallowalking around the lake to finishing a 100k in the span of, like, a week? Impressive. I can't believe you bumped me off the weekly mileage podium in sub320 Strava, though. 


                Brew - Not bad. Looks like you're starting to get on track for Chicago.


                My week - A new mileage PR!


                I failed last Sunday's long run, so I did it on Monday instead. Had great weather and ran 18.5 miles home across the new 520 pedestrian bridge. The HR was 146 but that was artificially elevated by 25 minutes where it randomly tracked 30 beats higher. Probably closer to 141 or 142.


                For a bonus long run, I took Max's advice and went up to the finish of the Tunnel marathon and ran part of the route in reverse. I believe his words were something like "Just head up the trail and you can't get lost." Well, Max, you severely underestimate my ability to get lost!



                With bonus miles included, I ran about 8 miles up the path and 7 down. Took it easy on the way up and then let 'er rip on the way down.


                I have to say, particularly after 8 miles of consistent uphill grade, the downhill felt amazing. The trail surface is not a concern for me - I've run a lot of similar paths. I was going to shoot for 7:15 (goal marathon pace) on the way down, but it just felt so good to run downhill that I ended up averaging 6:57. It was a hot day and I was at the end of my biggest week ever, but I didn't feel like I was redlining it at all.


                Overall it was a very encouraging run - I have a good idea what the race will look like (and where to turn...I am hopeless with directions on trails), and I got another 7 miles of swift downhill running practice in. I'm cautiously optimistic!



                <tfoot> </tfoot>
                Day Miles Pace Duration Description HR Egain Link
                Mon 18.5 8:14 2:32 That's more like it! Finishing with something in the tank. 146 (79%) 894 strava
                Wed 7.2 8:21 1:00 Hot but not too hot, you know? 142 (77%) 260 strava
                Thu 7.0 8:24 0:58 Big hill loop + extra 142 (77%) 387 strava
                Fri 7.0 8:24 0:58 Actually a smidge longer but that's OK 139 (76%) 338 strava
                Sat 7.7 8:30 1:05 Inhaled a massive fly 141 (77%) 255 strava
                Sun 8.0 8:51 1:10 Marathon route - up 139 (76%) 690 strava
                Sun 7.1 6:56 0:49 Marathon route - down. Much more fun 155 (84%) 26 strava
                  62.5 8:15 8:36     2850

                5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12

                Arvind Balaraman

                  Awesome Week SC. You HR seems to be low uphill and higher downhill 

                  Speed Surplus

                    Awesome Week SC. You HR seems to be low uphill and higher downhill 


                    That can be explained by pace and elevation - I was jogging up the hill (roughly 8:20-8:30 effort, but 8:50 pace including gain) and going marathon effort or faster down the hill (6:56 pace, 7:15-7:20 effort).

                    5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12


                      Brew, SC - Nice weeks. Brew, 10k training is by JD described as being very similar to 5k training. I guess it's somewhere in between a 5k and a HM training wise . I still haven't raced a 10k and I'm kind of scared to.


                      To close the loop on my marathon in March, there finally is a certification available at USATF for the Oakland Marathon that admits that the course was long, and measured at 26.293 miles. Except the certification course forgot a short out and back that adds another .35 miles to the course or so. So it seems safe to say the course was about 26.65 miles. With my watch measuring 26.8 it now all pretty much adds up.

                      5k: 20:32 (1/17)  |  HM: 1:34:37 (2/18)  |  FM: 3:31:37 (3/18)


                      Getting back into it

                        dad Thanks, indirectly, for the advice about the paces and being off a few seconds. I beceome the person who has to be within 3 seconds or else the workout isn't correct. Although I do like to try and go faster than I'm supposed to to build confidence I'm actually fast.


                        I understand the pull. It helps to remember that 4 seconds = about 1% at threshold.


                        Cobra Commander Keen

                          Geez, this places moves fast! Sorry to anyone I miss below.

                          RLK - Ford could really regret eliminating some of those vehicles when (not if) fuel prices go up. Personally (not that it matters) fuel economy is probably #2 on my list of criterea for a vehicle, behind safety given my family.
                          Given my recent training (and with an extra 6 months before my next marathon) I'll hopefully be able to go well under by BQ time (which would be for 2020 based on my next race time, which gets me an extra 5 minutes off the current standard). So the BQ is essentially a side/bonus goal that I'll reach on the way to my real goal. My real goal being a super-unspecific "get as fast as I can". Any time-specific goal I ever mention will just be a "until I get faster" type thing.

                          Ilana - I haven't been seeing deer lately, either. I may have to do the same.

                          Ace - Wahoo for a forum relay team!

                          Arvind - To me, at least, the Freedom felt better on longer runs than the Kinvara but the Escalante feels better across all the distances I've run in them. Plus they seem to have a lot more *pop* to them than the Freedom (not to mention they're cheaper).

                          McB - I'm sure you're right about clusters of people around BQ times, expecially since most races have pace groups for every 5-10 minutes, which lines up well. I know some have targets for BQ -3 minutes or so, though.

                          SClever - I liked the backstory, actually. Great job on the new mileage PR, and on finding your way back.

                          Matt - Our first marathon goals and race times match up!

                          Brew - I like your take on the article. And thanks! Good week yourself. No advice from me on 10k training, other than HM training may be similar (if you've ever done that). The mother I'm married to likes stuff from the kids, or at least made with help from the kids. YMMV. Also: To Botswana in 2020! *crashes beer mugs together* Huzzah!

                          OMR - Glad to hear you're still moving up and pain free.

                          Kai - Hi!

                          Dad - Nice week!

                          Max - Glad you made it through without any setbacks.

                          Me - Nothing really worth posting training wise. A whopping 30 miles post-race, all easy. I had Monday off, then Saturday/Sunday as well since DW and I went on a little weekend getaway and left my parents in charge of the kids. That sure was a nice refresher.

                          Good workout this morning, though (8 @M-effort). I do love using Stryd to help pace segments on hills. GAP was spot on to ~4sec/mi fast on pretty much each workout mile, even though actual pace was up to 15 seconds/mi slower than goal. Effort seemed in line as well.
                          I'm wanting to work in a bit of speed this week and early next and possibly target a new 5k PR weekend after next, and may be go for a flat HM June 3. The big issue with that race is that it could be hot and humid, so that'll determine if I do it and at what pace. This race also has odd age groups. 25-32, 33-39, etc. That would actually put me on the younger end of my AG instead of the older, which would certainly be nice.

                          5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                          Upcoming Races:





                          Resident Millennial

                            brew- no nerps for me, just cats. the earth is crowded Wink
                            no, didn't do a headlands/max hike on Saturday. bf has (we think) bursitis in his hip and it hurts too much to hike, even.
                            - " The last one felt very hard so I decided against doing a 6th one" look at you, being a smart track-workout-er! that's great. we are advised that you should always feel like you can do one more - don't do it, but don't be so gassed by the end of a workout that you literally couldn't.
                            - per your 'spreadsheet' (i assume this is the training plan) what are "intervals" vs "repetitions"? 2 minutes is a nice amount of rest for 800s around that pace. if they had to be under 3min, more recovery time would probably be necessary...
                            - salomon mostly makes skis! but do you mean they make road shoes too? they also own a company that makes bike wheels.


                            max- ah, that is so good to hear!! makes complete sense since he passed the sweeper early enough on


                            arvind- max runs 30 miles for breakfast. and spits us out for lunch.


                            Nas- hi! do i remember you from the RWOL NYC Marathon thread? Indeed I was NYRR runner of the year ... back when I was 18/19 yrs old and it was easy to win my age group in every race Wink


                            sclever- laughing at your run map. "you can't miss it" are famous last words! great that you got to get in quality miles on the race course, and that you're optimistic about it!! mindset is everything.

                            FBcalbears trains on roads, runs in the woods, and then gets "upset" that people who train in the woods and race in the woods beat him :P can't have your cake and eat it too. he does do occasional training on Diablo, but at least according to Strava he didn't make it over to Marin to prep for Miwok.


                            ckeen- right!! I mean, they are businesspeople and I am not, but it does seem like a poor strategy for how volatile gas prices are and how they really do dictate people's vehicle-purchase and driving behaviors. I hope this comes back to bite them!


                            I was originally going to do a shakeout run on Saturday and then a last-ditch-for-the-season, fake-it Mile road race on Sunday. Within a mile of my Saturday shake, my one glute just felt really off and my whole stride was lazy and weird. So I walked home and didn't do any exercise the rest of the day or Sunday. ... and then this morning, my dad emails me: "Are you ok? are you sick? Didn't upload anything to Strava this weekend which is very unusual...". kind of hilarious.

                            mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


                              Mothers Day How does it work when you're married to the mother? Asking for a friend. I intended to buy a card Sunday but THAT didn't happen.


                              General theme: Be/show extraordinarily appreciative for the million-plus "little" things she does.


                              Specifics: depends on her, but a thoughtful card and flowers are a good start, probably dinner/brunch "in her honor."


                                Brew - I think the workouts in bold are workouts that you can skip and replace with easy miles if you feel particularly tired.I can double check this afternoon.


                                RLK - According to Jack Daniels, Reps and Intervals serve two different purposes. Reps are leg strengthening and running economy intervals, run at about mile race pace, with full recovery. So recovery time should be close to twice the time of the intervals themselves. Intervals are VO2Max intervals, run at the pace of a 10-12 minute race. Good but not full recovery between intervals. On longer intervals the recovery time can be as long in time as the intervals themselves, if you do 400 or 600 you need shorter recovery time to get any time in true VO2Max effort for your body as it takes a minute or two to get there.

                                5k: 20:32 (1/17)  |  HM: 1:34:37 (2/18)  |  FM: 3:31:37 (3/18)


                                Getting back into it