2018 3:20 (and beyond) (Read 582 times)


Resident Millennial

    fb- no i am not hidden in back, dad was correct- 5th from L. there are 16 because we had a few "floaters" who are not attached but run with us the whole time - they help us not get tangled up in other racers, and are also there to replace a racer who needs to drop out/back for some reason.
    wow, 1972! that's awesome. yes, it is a large hill. was the start line tortilla toss a thing then too?


    matt- 170 people!!! good lord. that sounds nuts.


    ace- this was a race! bay to breakers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bay_to_Breakers). there are elites and ethiopians and prize money and all that. there's also a whole lot of  crazy/partying in the back. we run the race somewhat seriously (in costume) - local teams all put up competitive "centipedes". it's point-to-point 12km, so our cooldown is jogging back the other way and then you get to see all the crazyness that's going on, and then there are parties about halfway back. it is a uniquely SF event Smile


    rovatti- !! you actually ate Impala? sad... haha. was this in NY or somewhere exotic?


    fb- this sounds like a bad idea.


    dwave- wow, that is commitment. i'm sorry it took all that but i am glad you got it back. i've thought about things like that ... what if i dropped diamond earrings or something in the toilet.


    brew- "I think it’s more fear/uncertainty. It’s actually the first time, it feels like, where I set a goal and there is a lot riding on it" eee! that's exciting though. also - forgive me if i've missed something on recent pages or this is a dumb question, but what is riding on the goal? (other than self-fulfillment and the usual things). is the goal BQ?
    also - sleeping like a tank can be a good thing. sleeping is more valuable for recovery than all those expensive and trendy recovery toys. can also be more important than a 4 mile (or something) morning double, oftentimes.


    pj- lol, sadly that olympics/warmup meme applies to a lot of my team .... i think it is just social excitement, but 3:10 marathoners running 7:30 pace as warmup? baiiii


    pesto- you are fast!!!!!!!!!!! congrats on the 5k!


    fb- " i will spontaneously run a 100km". damn. i know you've done this before, but .... impressive. godspeed


    R2R2R- godspeed for you all, too. seriously, please check in (on FB if it's easier) when you have service or anything ... inquiring minds want to know! also, be smart, don't be heroes, drink water, yada yada.
    also, i think it's a good think J and i backed out because he got an MRI back a few days ago - he has FAI and a bunch of labrum problems. plus he's been limping (walking) for a few weeks. yikes.


    ace- lol'ed at that


    my running hiatus has turned into a training hiatus, since i'm running a few days a week now. also back to feeling good and loving running. yay Smile

    mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


    Cobra Commander Keen


      "In some people, xylitol may cause gastrointestinal discomfort, including flatulence, diarrhea, and irritable bowel syndrome.[12]"


      Silly McBen, you don't eat the clothing

      5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


      Upcoming Races:





      Mother of Cats

        Neat on the Xylitol.  Other fun facts - it's recommended by some allergists as a nasal spray for dry sinuses.  And...it's extremely poisonous to dogs and mildly poisonous to cats.


        Pesto - very nice race.  You're within spitting distance of breaking 18 - fantastic.


        RLK - it sounds like you've got your mojo back.  Yay!


        Rim people, enjoy and be safe!


        10 miles today:  3 mile warm-up (8:51), and then a planned 8K tempo that became a 5K tempo in 20:18 (6:35/6:29/6:25/0:48).  3.5 cooldown (9:19) and then injury prevention work (skipped the harder leg strength stuff because of the bad workout) and recovery swimming.


        The splits were going the right way, but I just felt awful and saw no reason to force the issue so I bailed.   I'm not happy, but not too upset.  I was overdue for a bad workout, and I suspect it was a combo of 1) my legs being fried from all the walking and squatting I did searching for my pendant, and 2) bad air quality.


        Given a choice between recovering my pendant or having a good tempo, I'll take the pendant every time.

        Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


        And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

        Strict WTF adherent

          I'll be carrying a spot tomorrow  but don't know how to share info aside from giving everyone my login. I can have McW update on FB.


          Resident Millennial

            from fb, the spot linkhttps://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0CPULipSv7xWIencjEsqsTy6CrC1PsPD8


            boys are movin! i believe they started ~6 hours ago and they are climbing up to the north rim. that'll be R2R down, R2R to go!

            mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


            Duke Of Bad Judgment

              The intrepid non-losers hit the North Rim 2-3 hours ago and are now headed back towards beer.  Wish I was there with them.


              pie man

                5k this morning back in my hometown.  Can't even do my old XC course anymore, there are fences and things everywhere.  Stupid hot at 9am and I though I was in trouble.  Slow time but I was out there by myself so no reason to reason to go harder, but I'm not sure I could have.


                Sounds llike good progress for the canyon folks.


                Edit: forgot to mention his was after bike party, first time I've checked that out.  A bit of riding and then a bit of drinking...

                11:11 3,000 (recent)


                pie man

                  It's showing them at phantom ranch.

                  11:11 3,000 (recent)

                  Running Problem

                  Problem Child

                    Brew - I'm going to disagree with Pesto on this one and say try the workout. Rip off the band-aid and find out where you stand. So long as you're using an accurate VDOT the workouts are doable - some are tougher than others, yes, but all doable. Getting that first solid workout done can be a good motivator. And if you skip this one, are you going to feel the same apprehension about the next week's LR?



                    I actually enjoy the longer runs but we shall see about the 20 milers. Hanson’s was nice with the 16 long miles just for time. I think I’m going to use it as a day to plan more for the relay, get the house in order (cleaned up) and ready because Wednesday has a short plan after work (buy beer for a friend out of town) and Thursday night is a team dinner after work. Friday starts the relay, Saturday ends the relay and starts dinner with out of town era, and Sunday just might kill me. Even with ~ 30 miles coming up 56 seems like so much with my recent weeks not feeling that big. I’m being honest with the VDOT though. The 1:30 spreadsheet has my 10K at a 48.8 and Thursday’s run SUCKED ASS. I actually was upset I didn’t have my running gear Friday and I still want some ice cream.



                    rlk: yeah. BQ. First marathon I’ve traveled more than a few hours for. Seems like 2016 was just last year, I was racing all the time with big improvements and making a real big chance of getting in possible. It’s probably mostly mental and once training starts I’ll get with the program.

                    Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                    VDOT 53.37 

                    5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

                    Running Problem

                    Problem Child

                      The intrepid non-losers hit the North Rim 2-3 hours ago and are now headed back towards beer.  Wish I was there with them.

                      What is with you and the beer?

                      Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                      VDOT 53.37 

                      5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                      Duke Of Bad Judgment

                        2-3 miles from finishing I think.  About 18 hours in, if they started at 3:30am as planned.  Dark for the past 90 minutes.


                        Brew: A pacer in one of my long races wrecked me.  Now it's all beer, all the time.  I should have used the axe.

                        Strict WTF adherent

                          The grand canyon is big.

                          We ran a bit, strolled around a bit and speed hiked a lot. An incredible experience.

                          I am hilariously sore.


                            I'm alive. The race was very cool, and I got to meet a bunch of interesting people. I came in at 13:10 +/- a minute or two. My watch died, so I don't know how far behind the race clock I started. The elevation, night running and scenery were all excellent -- we went through a bunch of small villages and towns and there were live bands, monster sound systems, people pouring out of restaurants, etc. All really memorable. 100K is a lot harder than 50M. The last 12 really got me. My stomach went south around 44, and I've got huge blisters from running the whole way on asphalt roads. I hit 50M right around 10 hours, and then pretty much had to speed walked it in so I wouldn't start throwing up. I've got the figure that one out.


                            The race is more of a national event that I had thought -- I met a lot people who had run it 6-8-10 times and it was the only 100K they have ever done, and they came for all over the country to do it. Watching a bunch of sore runners falling asleep on the floor in the Faenza train station was pretty funny. The weather was really hot to start, and I met people at the end who DNF'd (and were pretty upset) cause they felt bad right from the start, but after a couple hours of climbing, it got cooler and the evening and overnight we great. Nearly a full moon, so I never even took out my headlamp.


                            I got a race medal and three bottles of wine for finishing.


                            I'm not a 100M candidate for now. Plus I need to apologize to DW for deserting her for 24 hours and for the fact that I can barely move and am totally useless.


                            Go McB!!!

                            m: 2:55:04 | 10k: 37:14 | 50mile: 9:35


                            Duke Of Bad Judgment

                              Congrats to McB - I was wondering why those last few miles took you a bit.  Strolling I guess.  If you were ridiculously sore last night, I'm guessing you won't be able even to type today.


                              And congrats to FB - I hadn't read back and didn't know you did a spontaneous 100k.  Doing that all on roads doesn't sound perfect.  European races are fun though with the energy in the villages.  I had the same experience at UTMB, except then we'd go up into the hills and it would get very quiet.  Your stomach issues were probably due to heat, but could also just be from eating constantly for 13 hours.  At some point you just have to find something that will continue to go in.  Lots of people have finished races on the Coke diet.


                                Your stomach issues were probably due to heat, but could also just be from eating constantly for 13 hours.  At some point you just have to find something that will continue to go in.  Lots of people have finished races on the Coke diet.


                                Salty eggs worked for a while. Then just coke worked for a while. Then nothing. And the funny part is that at one of the last aid stations, I thought -- "what would SMAX do?" So I tried the swirl and spit thing with coke. And it made my nausea come back up even though I hadn't drunk any of it. hahahaha. Talk about unintended consequences and what the human brain will come up with.

                                m: 2:55:04 | 10k: 37:14 | 50mile: 9:35