2018 3:20 (and beyond) (Read 582 times)


Mother of Cats


    100F for a mile...yeah no. I'd rather do 20 miles at 6:00am than 1 mile at 100F. I LOOOOOOAAAAAAATTTTHHHHHEEEE the heat.


    Hmm... Heat usually isn't too bad in mile races.  But 100 degrees might be a bit extreme.


    Brew - what temperature would the 6 am run be?    If it was 95 degrees at 6:00 am, I'd rather sleep in and do the mile over the 20.....  Tongue  Keen - I love road miles, but 100 degrees might be my limit.  OTOH, I'd probably do it anyway, and just go for place rather than time.


    RLK - your weather comment amused me.  Good to see you bouncing back!


    Rune - welcome back.  Travel would kill me.  I keep thinking that's got to be what is up with you.


    Oregon - swapping to the 5K sounds like the right call.  Though if your heart isn't in it, maybe just bail? 

    Sounds like your kid had an amazing time.  I've always wanted to run the steeple, and reading his account actually makes it more appealing.


    McBen - welcome back.  From what I saw on FB, the plane travel looked miserable.


    FB - I had to really think about where that spot was on your foot.

    Hi to PJDad (Nice elliptiGOing), and OMR.


    I posted yesterday, except I never hit "post" - 9 "miles" pool-running plus DIY yoga and light upper body strengthwork and core.  And grilled food.

    This morning, I lugged my still leaden stomach around the track.  11 miles - 3 warm up (8:36), then 400/800/1200/1200/800/400 in 94, 3:03, 4:33, 4:25, 2:52, 80.  3.5 cool down (9:12) plus injury prevention work and some recovery swimming.  Stomach never felt great but made it through, and was pleasantly surprised by the speed of the later reps, coming less than 24 hours after 21 miles.    Perhaps the rare hamburger patty had magic grilled in?

    Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


    And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


      DWave: As far as most recent posts, my computer is doing the same thing as yours. Did you end up having to do  anything to fix the issue?  Also, nice work on the long run and track workout!


      R2Rers: so impressed! I need the "bow down" emoji to show full appreciation. Looking forward to reports!


      FB: well done on the 100k!! I can't imagine how my feet would feel after all that time on the road.


      Oregon: high school track days were the best. How'd the 5k go? Or is that this coming weekend? Sorry you're not feeling great on your runs. Is weather changing much where you are?


      Rune: I'm jealous of your travels!


      Hey to everyone else!


      Still slowly increasing mileage each week. I like the feature on Runalyze that shows you your percentage change per week in total mileage. I guess I could do the math in my head, but where's the fun in that? One more week of easy mileage then I'll start adding some hills and workouts. I'd say the hip is 90% at the moment. Painless when running, but sometimes sore after prolonged sitting.


      <tfoot> </tfoot>
      Date Distance Pace Comment  

       Mon May 21 



       7 on the trails. 


       Wed May 23 



       6 Easy 


       Thu May 24 



       I’m adapting to the heat or a white hat makes a huge difference! 


       Sat May 26 



       12 w/ 1mi pickup (Last mile 7:06)


       Sun May 27 



       Shade is good, more trails with Katie





      Road Mile: 5:19 (2017), 5k: 17:09 (2021), 10k: 35:54 (2021), HM: 1:21:55 (2020), M: 2:53:18 (2021)


        oregon - your son's track weekend in Eugene sounds absolutely amazing, very jealous!!




        Rune: I'm jealous of your travels!


        + 1/2 (Norway, which is gorgeous)


        Oregon ~ I will probably jump into some track miles and I think a road 5K, but I'm building towards a 5K and then 10K in September.


          Finally had a chance to check out McBen's photos.  Cool stuff, and I agree with ilana about your evolving facial expressions!


          FB:  Things continue to improve on my end.  How's the DOMS treating you?  Funny on the Mac Performa...the IIci came up in conversation here a few days ago...those were the days.

          Dwave:  I've had similar issues with the most recent post not being there if it is the start of a new page.

          rune:  Sounds like a fun trip (well, except for the cold).

          oregon:  +1 to your son's weekend being awesome.


          6 x (8min run, 2min walk) for me today, a little over 6 miles...my longest run since January 9th.  A couple of local breweries have 5Ks coming up in the next few weeks.  I may jump into them with the goal of running all 5 kilometers without a break.


          Resident Millennial

            speaking of Norway, my dad's doing a big Scandinavia trip in like a month. he just sent me his itinerary. retired life sounds nice...


            dwave- upset stomach from grilled foods? or specifically grilled burger? (things I don't miss Wink )


            i jumped into part of our team's workout last night! the "race" last weekend was my first time running 7s in awhile, so last night was my first 6s in awhile. they did a "mini" version of our michigan miles workout - mini because the volume is lower and paces faster, since the team is in sharpening phase right now. the workout had two road miles @ 10k pace sandwiched between a bunch of track intervals, so i hopped in for the road miles. did 6:26 and 6:17 and felt smooth and not hard. funnily, i did/failed a mile repeats workout in mid-April, when i was supposedly peaking, in which i ran two road miles in around 6:40 and then quit because i felt terrible. recovery is real!

            mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


            Mother of Cats


              dwave- upset stomach from grilled foods? or specifically grilled burger? (things I don't miss Wink )



              Sorry to disappoint you, but I think it was likely from eating too much too late.  If I had to point the finger at anything, it would probably be the taste I had of someone's vegetarian "meat balls" - which were made with almond flour and lentils - two things that I don't handle well.


              (I tasted it because they made this big deal of how they were made gluten-free especially so I could eat them - and it would have been awkward to turn them down entirely when I could just sample a taste without too much stomach damage)


              (and yes, I get really annoyed by my hair-trigger digestive system and immune system)


              OMR - good to see the continued progress!


              Ace - nice to see you building up.  Painfree while running but a bit of soreness after seems like a good place to be.


              Dad - Clarendon Day 10K?  Trying to think of what other big ones there are around here in September.


              RLK - it is very good to see you on the upswing again Smile




              8 miles very easy today (9:14) followed by DIY yoga.  Debating whether to race Saturday or Sunday.  A lot of factors play into the decision - the biggest being how sig other wants to celebrate his birthday (he's given no guidance so far).

              Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


              And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                OMR -- on the upswing.


                Ace -- on the upswing.


                RLK -- hanging out in an SFO park on Memorial Day on a warm, sunny day sounds pretty good to me.


                Oregon -- high school track and XC are the best! Although our kids didn't/couldn't do steeple chase. We are not very tall people. so maybe they could have gone under the jump and swam the moat.


                DW -- does SO run?


                Rune -- nice travels. Aren't Panama and Norway sort of far apart? Hope that wasn't a single business trip.

                m: 2:55:04 | 10k: 37:14 | 50mile: 9:35


                Resident Millennial

                  dwave- haha, fair. too much food too late isn't the best for anyone. i also get regularly bogged down by the courtesy-taste - "this is vegetarian, you should try it!" i am averse to mushrooms and for some reason carnivores' rendering of vegetarian food is often mushroom-based. so i've begrudgingly eaten a lot of fungus out of politeness to people who were kindly trying to be accommodating!


                  fb- lol, to me "SFO" is exclusively the airport, so every time you use the acronym here that's what i envision. yes, lounging in a part on MDW in the middle of terminal 2! just kidding.

                  mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


                  Cobra Commander Keen

                    Oregon - Awesome happenings for your kiddo. Good luck on the 5k.

                    FB - How are the blisters healing? Unrelated note, are you familiar with 2Toms or Trail Toes?

                    Good things happening with RLK, Ace, and OMR. Wahoo!

                    High school track days - Am I about the only one around who is an adult-onset runner?
                    As an aside this, I'm a little bummed that the local HS XC team doesn't appear to be having a "running camp" for the elementary kiddos this summer like they did last year. DD1 would have enjoyed that.

                    First run since Friday today. It felt really good, and I'm pretty sure the same temperature felt worse last week, so that's a positive. Pulling the trigger on race registration, etc. for a fall marathon today. Now all that remains is to get fast before the big day arrives. No biggie, right?

                    5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                    Upcoming Races:





                      fb- lol, to me "SFO" is exclusively the airport, so every time you use the acronym here that's what i envision. yes, lounging in a part on MDW in the middle of terminal 2! just kidding.


                      rlk -- hahaha. Excellent. I thought I'd spend the AM at the AA lounge in ORD. Growing up in the Central Valley in the 70's we called it "the city".


                      CK -- I just asked Jeeves to look up TrailToes. Thanks! I've been using a glide-stick and still getting a single blister on my left big toe during marathons for the past couple of years, and the longer races are a wipeout. Still, I feel pretty lucky. The skin seems to have re-attached and I'm not (hopefully) going to end up with big sore spots.


                      High school track/xc -- I'm an adult onset runner, so we enjoyed it through our kids, and I didn't even have to endure the pain of the high school mile. Right Dad?


                      Me. 4@9:20 yesterday. Shooting for 6 today.

                      m: 2:55:04 | 10k: 37:14 | 50mile: 9:35


                        I started running regularly and consistently at age 36. Around the same time I bought a Garmin 305 and the Nike Plus system for my iPod. I tracked mileage with both for a while.


                        Mother of Cats

                          dwave- haha, fair. too much food too late isn't the best for anyone. i also get regularly bogged down by the courtesy-taste - "this is vegetarian, you should try it!" i am averse to mushrooms and for some reason carnivores' rendering of vegetarian food is often mushroom-based. so i've begrudgingly eaten a lot of fungus out of politeness to people who were kindly trying to be accommodating!


                          Ah yes...the whole "if you're vegetarian, you'll happily eat anything vegetarian."


                          FB - nope, SO is not a runner.  Not at all.


                          CK - like Matt, I started running in my mid-30s.  I suspect most of us on this thread are adult onset runners.




                          Upper body weghts/core, DIY yoga, and 8 "miles" pool-running.

                          Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                          And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

                          Speed Surplus

                            Mega update!


                            Pesto - 18:03?! You're killing it!


                            Forno - Your 100k sounds like a truly Bad Idea. Good luck! Update after reading more of the thread: Congrats!


                            DK - Congratulations on saving your necklace. That's some dedication.


                            McBen - Congrats! How much navigating is involved in your rim shenanigans?


                            RLK - Glad to hear you're enjoying running again. Sometimes you gotta take the pressure off. I'm looking forward to a similar break myself.


                            Pepperjack - You can't say you ran a 5k without posting the time!


                            Brew - I'm not familiar with the specifics of your plan, but since you've already run 3:12, I wouldn't sweat nailing workouts perfectly in the first few weeks. Just get the consistency and miles up and stay healthy!


                            Dad - OMG I need to use this on my parents.


                            Keen - Mile race in 100 degrees? Just say no!


                            Oregon - Must be fun to have kids competing at the high school level. My oldest is only 7 and hasn't really gotten started with any sports yet, but I'm looking forward to it.


                            Ace - Glad to see you getting back to it. When I had a lingering hip issue, it seemed to improve once I was able to get back into consistent running, strangely.


                            OMR - Sounds like things are coming along. Don't rush it!


                            My week:


                            After my run up on the tunnel course, I was feeling very confident and fit. I had a few sluggish runs after that, however, that convinced me to start backing off. I believe I have the fitness to run what I want to run - now I just need to show up healthy and fresh on the start line. Right?


                            I suppose I'll throw myself into the pace prediction chamber, although my plan is to shoot for 3:09:59 no matter what Ilana or anyone else says!


                            1) What are your recent shorter-distance race times?

                            5k in mid-March - 19:49. Poorly executed race going out in 6:15, dying up a hill, and closing hard.


                            2) What's your average mileage per week?

                            47 mpw for the past 10 weeks; 41 mpw if you go back 18 weeks.


                            2.1) What training program (if any) are you using?

                            My patented WTF plan. I try to run for an hour most days, with increasingly long long runs on the weekends. The longest during this cycle were 18 and 18.5 miles.


                            3) When is your race, and which one is it?

                            Tunnel marathon, June 10th. The course drops about 2,000 feet in elevation and has no hills.


                            4) How long have you been running?

                            6 years in my second running career.


                            4.1) How many marathons have you run, and what were your times?

                            2012 - Portland Marathon. 3:59

                            2014 - Portland Marathon. 3:38

                            2016 - Eugene Marathon. 3:22


                            5) What is your age and gender?



                            6) What pace do you run your long runs?

                            8:20-8:30 is my easy pace, but here are the distances/paces for all runs above 10 miles I've done in this cycle:


                            10 miles, 8:08

                            11 miles, 8:16

                            12.1 miles, 8:12

                            13.2 miles, 7:55

                            11 miles, 8:20

                            11 miles, 8:33 (day after previous 11 miler)

                            10 miles, 8:26

                            13.8 miles, 8:32

                            14.5 miles, 8:14

                            15.2 miles, 8:39

                            16.4 miles, 7:48 (workout, ran the last 7 miles at marathon effort)

                            16.3 miles, 8:25

                            18.5 miles, 8:15

                            15 miles, first half 8:52, second half 6:57 (workout)

                            11.1 miles, 8:18

                            18 miles, 8:27

                            11 miles, 8:13


                            7) What is your goal?

                            Goal is 3:09:59 for a functional BQ (my qualifying time is 3:15). The course begins with a little over 2 miles of flat, so I'm planning on starting at around 7:25-7:30 pace, because I believe that's roughly equivalent (if not harder) than the downhill effort I'll need to hit 7:15. Then I'll generally try to go no faster than 7:10 and no slower than 7:15 on the downhill.


                            Based on various tests at different paces and on the actual course, I think 7:15 down this hill will feel roughly like 7:35-7:40 effort to me, and I think I'm capable of doing that for a marathon right now.



                            <tfoot> </tfoot>
                            Day Miles Pace Duration Description HR Egain Link
                            Tue 7.3 8:19 1:00 Another MP effort test partly foiled by loose shoelaces 143 (78%) 283 strava
                            Wed 5.0 8:20 0:41 Easy 5 142 (77%) 151 strava
                            Wed 0.3 7:58 0:02 Strides 150 (82%) 0 strava
                            Thu 7.0 8:10 0:57 Down the big hill and back up. Nice weather. 138 (75%) 348 strava
                            Fri 4.3 8:25 0:36 Calf a little crampy. No need to risk it - cut short 134 (73%) 102 strava
                            Sat 7.0 8:27 0:59 Nehalem with a friend 145 (79%) 774 strava
                            Sun 11.0 8:13 1:30 Not really long, but not really short. 139 (76%) 297 strava
                              41.9 8:18 5:48     1955

                            5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12


                            Cobra Commander Keen

                              FB - Growing up we always referred to Oklahoma City as "the city".
                              I haven't used Trail Toes myself (I think Max uses it), but I've heard lots of good things. I use the 2Toms myself.

                              SClever - Big update! I am certainly saying "no" to the mile in super-heat. I'm not much of a hot-weather runner.
                              No pacing input from me, but I look forward to hearing what others say and how it turns out.

                              Somehow I had the perception that most here ran track and/or XC in HS. It must have all been in my head...

                              5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                              Upcoming Races:




                              Speed Surplus

                                "Somehow I had the perception that most here ran track and/or XC in HS. It must have all been in my head..."


                                I ran track and XC in HS. It was just a really long time ago. I basically didn't run between 1996 and 2012 - I played a lot of basketball instead!

                                5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12