2018 3:20 (and beyond) (Read 582 times)


    DW - I just found my near-perfect tuneup half for my marathon in October. Alameda Running Festival HM, September 16. Goal TBD, but either 1:32:56 or 1:29:59, depending on the effects of my training up until then. Also, are you still counting May miles, or was that just a summary of your May activities?


    Brew - The 735 might still be an option, or is it out of production now?


    CK - Nice 1200/2400!


    McBen - Great RR, really enjoyed reading that.


    Easy 7 today, maybe a short run with the dog tonight. Took a rest day yesterday.

    5k: 20:32 (1/17)  |  HM: 1:34:37 (2/18)  |  FM: 3:31:37 (3/18)


    Getting back into it

      nice RR McBen


      Duke Of Bad Judgment

        McB, great RR!  I can't believe you peed on a rock though - you are supposed to use a ziplock and pack it out.  Desecrator.  Re: running together/separate, this is why in long races the guidance is always to run your own race.  Two people running together always suffer through the combo of both people's problems.  Not much you can do for R2R2R though - you have to stay together more or less.  And it might be worse with a larger group, unless you get lucky and it splits nicely into people who are moving well and people who are dead.  And it's hard to know about running more.  Probably.  But that might have heated you up and sent you into hot sections on the edge of disaster.  You two did great in a big adventure.  That Max guy sounds like a PITA.


        Bonus Travel Writing: DW and I spent a month in Kenya a long time ago, during which she did a medical research project.  When it came time to go home, we checked out of our hotel in Nairobi and went to confirm our midnight flight.  Ooops, it was midnight the next night.  Great, we have an extra day in Nairobi - might as well go have a traditional buffet lunch and do a safari in the game park right out of town.  The buffet was great and I tried something I think of as cloroquine soup - some bitter yellowish thing that probably prevents malaria.  Then we set off on the safari.  I suddenly didn't feel so good so I demanded to be let out of the bus.  "There are lions out there."  "Who TF cares - let me out..."  They let me out a few more times.  Then we did a tour of all the hotels in Nairobi looking for one that had an open room with a private bathroom - DW would work the front desk while I threw up in the bathroom.  They'd say no eventually, we'd get in a cab, arrive at another hotel, and part ways again.  About 3 hours and 14 cab rides later - it's very hazy for me - we finally found a room and a few hours after that I started returning to planet earth.  Again, fond memories.


          DW: nice track workout, 2:46 on that last 800!! Nice work this month. Feeling good for Grandmas?


          Brew: I often find people don't want honest feedback even when they ask for it. I'd say keep giving it, though. Have fun in Seattle.


          Max: keep the travel guide reports coming!


          Off to read McBen's race report.

          Road Mile: 5:19 (2017), 5k: 17:09 (2021), 10k: 35:54 (2021), HM: 1:21:55 (2020), M: 2:53:18 (2021)


            Ace:  The knee continues to improve; the first couple of miles yesterday felt completely normal, and mostly now I am trying to convince my brain that I don't need to think about it.  This is surprisingly difficult.  Horseflies...ugh.

            Dwave:   1980s vegetarianism:  so...much...soy.

            Keen:  All of my running is outdoors now.  I am "AlterG-free" for 3 weeks now (wow, that went fast), and have no desire to get on a treadmill right now.  That will probably have to change if I want to do some hill work.

            Brew:  Congrats on the relay, enjoy Seattle!

            rune:  Congrats on the weekly mileage PR!

            ilana:  Good to see you continuing to make progress, congrats on getting above 30.  I'm trying to remind myself that I averaged in the 30s for my first marathon.  It seems like not nearly enough to even finish a marathon now.  Oh, and you're back to speedwork, too!?  Nice!

            McBen:  Nice week (and well earned)!  Enjoyed your RR:  kind of makes me want to give that a go...and kind of not.

            max:  More stories, please.


            Got my eye on a trail half marathon in late September, 17 weeks away.  Must...go...run...


              ilana:  Good to see you continuing to make progress, congrats on getting above 30.  I'm trying to remind myself that I averaged in the 30s for my first marathon.  It seems like not nearly enough to even finish a marathon now. 


              Ditto on both Ilana's (and your!) progress and the mileage observation. I averaged just a bit under 60mpw for past 32 weeks (since my break last summer) and don't feel ready for a half marathon, much less a full!


              SMax ~ Remind me to never travel w/ you!


              CDR K ~ I always enjoy your run/wildlife descriptions. Nice workout.


              Happy Global/National Running Day! (one of two days I get to wear my running tie)

              Running Problem

              Problem Child

                dw Garmin said it's out of warranty (1 year) and it's $120 to have them fix the sensor. The heart rate strap from my 410 will pair and it's free. I'll probably go this way until I want more bells and whistles OR I can't stand the strap. I use it for training for 2 years, I think, before going optical. I'm one of the people who hasn't had problems with optical heart rates being off.


                omr good luck. Better start doing some serious PT and recovery. Would it be "race to finish" or would you want to finish in a specific time?


                keen First workout tonight for 2Q. 8 miles of warm up. This should be fun. Especially since I'm doing it AFTER dinner and hopefully finish BEFORE sunset. Did you know Civil Twilight is when the sun is 6 degrees below the horizon and you can still see without artificial light? I'd imagine it's around 11:00 pm where you're at (flat, no mountains, suggest running East and driving back).


                max Did you see Jim Walmsley was entered into WS using an international ticket? Did he win internationally? I thought WS invited him back and I thought it was interesting how him and Stephanie Howe are listed as entrants. I thought he had a golden ticket entering Lake Sonoma. There isn't an ultra thread on here. Oh and I was looking up how I can get into the TRT 100 miler and then get an entry to WS100 through a local club if I qualify and volunteer. Yes. I'm that bored/stupid/uneducated and my pants don't fit so I need a belt. Every belt comes with an ugly buckle. Oh and I got to see a WS buckle on Friday morning. It's pretty.


                sc full throttle doesn't allow minors. Do you know anywhere that DOES allow minors? I have a 20 year old sister in law. I'm also assuming a 6 month old won't be considered a minor but maybe.


                Ilana Thanks for the advice on Amazon. I'll check it out. As for speed...coming back from injury takes a while to get speed. Work on the now. Don't turn into me and look at the past, then wonder if it's possible, then convince yourself it's probably not. It's a lot better to focus on what you CAN do instead of what you CAN'T.


                watch I'll probably do a heart rate strap for a while and see how that goes. Flyrunnr offered me his 920XT for a very good price. AS for the 735, it's available and I just haven't looked into it. If I get a 235 I have 2 chargers. I may never NEED this other than one time but I don't have any complants about the 235. I also considered switching to a Suunto Spartan for the simple fact I've only used Garmins.


                Tonight will be fun. It's going to be close to needing a headlamp for the end of the workout but I'm doing it after dinner HOPING it's easier/family friendly than doing a workout at 5:00pm.

                I have an 8 mile warmup (I assume it's that), 3 miles at Threshold (6:50-7:00), 3 minute recovery, 2 miles Threshold, then 2 easy (cool down I assume). I get the Threshold is for improving lactate clearing. I don't understand the 8 mile warmup. Those familiar with the JD training can comment. Is it trying to simulate later miles in the marathon? Working on a cumulative break down of leg strength prior to the workout? I belive max said 5 minutes is supposed to be a mile easy in the JD plan. I'll look through the pages and see.

                Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                VDOT 53.37 

                5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

                Running Problem

                Problem Child

                  Going back to May 1 to see what I've missed.  I probably missed things before that...


                  Daniels Plans:  One key thing in the fine print is that for mortals you generally convert one mile of Tempo into 5 minutes.  The workouts become much more manageable that way.

                  HMMMMM.....so instead of the 15 miles the plan has I could do 15 minutes T and 10 minutes T which is about 3.5 total miles. I'll see how I feel after tonight.

                  Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                  VDOT 53.37 

                  5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                  Cobra Commander Keen

                    Brew - If you get another watch you might look at ebay today - they're doing 20% off just about everything. I'd skip the Fenix 5 or 5S, they're known to have some problems connecting to external sensors 9 (the 5X doesn't have these problems, but is more expensive, though it does full mapping/routing). The 935 (I think DWave uses one) is essentially the same as the F5, but with the more usual plastic casing (plus wifi as a default) and it doesn't have any of the connection problems mentioned earlier.
                    I think Suunto is having a 30% off sale on a bunch of their watches right now.
                    If you try a warranty replacement from Garmin, my experience with them is that they'll send out a refurb that is essentially brand-new. They may reuse the case or other minor parts, but they likely will have completely rebuild everything else.
                    Looking forward to seeing that workout. Time of day should make things interesting.

                    DWave - Thanks! As someone who has run mile races, how the heck do you breathe when doing those? There were a couple points in each rep I had to consciously try altering my breathing because I felt like whatever I was doing wasn't working well. Whatever change I made seemed to work, but honestly I can't remember what I did.

                    McBen - Definitely enjoyed the report, and the added context made the pictures even better.

                    Ilana - Hooray for speed work returning. My pacing sucks, too!

                    Max - Nice insight on longer races/efforts and sticking with someone (or not). You seem to have many stories that would be great entertainment on the trail.


                    Since my goal marathon is dead flat other than the downhill in mile 1, I've already decided to do all my LRs on the flattest path I can find to get used to that. The thought occurred to me this morning that maybe I should do all my workouts on a flat road/path or the track as well. Easy runs would stay on the rolling hills I'm used to. Thoughts?

                    5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                    Upcoming Races:





                      McBen: I thoroughly enjoyed the RR. It was a great read during lunch today! The pics were great as well. I though reading it would make me add R2R2R to my goal list...I was wrong. Well done and nice recovery week!

                      Road Mile: 5:19 (2017), 5k: 17:09 (2021), 10k: 35:54 (2021), HM: 1:21:55 (2020), M: 2:53:18 (2021)


                        Brew:  I ran the same trail half last year...it's 12.4M, and I finished a little under 1:41.  I'd love to be able to beat that time, but I'm no where close to that right now, and I'm not going to get into training with that particular goal in mind.  Just need to get my miles up right now, but having a long-term goal in mind always helps motivate me.

                        Keen:  I would agree with running at least some of your LRs on a flat route.  The repetitiveness of it takes its toll.


                        9M for me today, in six 1.5M chunks.


                          Enjoyed the read an pics McBen.


                          I think your nickname for mule poop would be "Cacanino sandstone"


                          pie man

                            80’s vegetarian—Tofu...and gluten:


                            How things have have changed since 2001.  Someone would tackle poor Mike Mills for saying the word gluten nowadays.


                            Signed up for the training run on Saturday in New York State.  Should be a maniacal morning.

                            11:11 3,000 (recent)


                            Pace Prophet

                              McBen - an epic RR for an epic R2R2R!  Did you wake up in the middle of the night starving?  It doesn't sound like you ate much, and then went right to bed without food.


                              Matt - I laughed at "Cacanino Sandstone"!


                              OMR and Dad - I averaged 17mpw for my first marathon.  I KNOW, RIGHT?  Actually it went really well, mostly because I didn't have a goal and I did the run/walk thing, and after a sinking spell early I enjoyed myself a lot and negative split.


                              Speaking of races, the Steamworks Half, which I have done five times and was scheduled for this Saturday, was cancelled (or possibly postponed if they can reschedule it).  It's a great race, but it runs along the Animas Valley and the valley is so filled with smoke in the mornings that it would not be fun or healthy.  I had thought about signing up a few months ago, since they actually still had a few spots available (usually it fills quickly) but decided I wouldn't have the base I wanted to be able to race in June, which is why I ended up registering for the August race instead.


                              This morning was really bad, smoke-wise - the worst yet - but today is a bike day for me, and I'll be heading out later this afternoon. The breeze finally sprung up around 10:30 and began to clear out the smoke haze.  Hopefully it won't get too windy as the fire is still only 10% contained and it's super dry, with no rain in the forecast for at least a week.


                                Happy Global Running Day! I had no idea that was a thing, but apparently it is, at least on social media.  I ran 5 miles plus strides this morning to celebrate (unknowingly, but still!)


                                Ilana;  So sorry to hear about the fires there.  I'm expecting Oregon to have a bad season too since we've had a relatively dry spring. We have friends who are firefighters who are headed your way this week. And 17 mpw for a marathon?!


                                OMR: Good luck on your training for your half.


                                Keen:  I think running long flat races are almost harder than hilly courses.  My legs feel more beat up from the repetitiveness I think. Good plan to run flat long runs.


                                Brew: That sounds like  a really rough workout -- and that's before you've actually started a training plan, right??


                                Not much to report. I slept through my alarm Sunday and for the first time ever missed a race. I have to say my heart wasn't really in it, since I had already dropped down to the 5k anyway. Normally the night before a race I wake up every hour to look at the clock, but not this night. Saturday we were at my youngest son's lacrosse tournament from 8:30a to 6p, and I was hot, dehydrated, sunburned and exhausted, so it was probably for the best anyway.  I may try to find a 5k in the next month just to get an idea of what paces I should aim for for  fall marathon training.