2018 3:20 (and beyond) (Read 582 times)



    Nice workout, but since you mentioned the words "leg strengthening" I thought I'd toss this option out there (I plan on doing Saturday):


    3x (5’ rest b/w sets)

    15xpush ups
    10xsquat jumps
    20m bounding


    There are, of course, a million variations, but builds in strength and speed.


    I didn't know you were into crossfit 


    Brew - Nice workout. 3+2 miles at t-pace is a really good workout. But I think on threshold workouts it's important to remember what they are supposed to feel like - comfortably hard according to Jack (as opposed to interval workouts that are supposed to be hard). So if run at the right pace according to your fitness at the moment I think you should have the feeling at the end that you should have been able to do more.

    5k: 20:32 (1/17)  |  HM: 1:34:37 (2/18)  |  FM: 3:31:37 (3/18)


    Getting back into it


    pie man

      Happy Global Day Off After Running Yesterday Day!


      Pretty big screw up in that Oslo steeple...



      11:11 3,000 (recent)



        Pretty big screw up in that Oslo steeple...




        5k: 20:32 (1/17)  |  HM: 1:34:37 (2/18)  |  FM: 3:31:37 (3/18)


        Getting back into it


        Cobra Commander Keen

          Rune - Yeah, it's a 2Q. Given the race surface the local track and I will be very well acquainted before this is all over.

          Brew - Astute observation regarding kiddo #2+.
          Doing a workout on the roads like that I always concentrate on effort rather than pace, so I wouldn't necessarily be bothered by splits that are slower than "called for". Nice job getting that first workout under your belt, though.
          I'm also more of a fan of "guidelines" than "actual rules".


          Oslo - Yeah, that's bad.

          5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


          Upcoming Races:





          Mother of Cats


            Nice workout, but since you mentioned the words "leg strengthening" I thought I'd toss this option out there (I plan on doing Saturday):


            3x (5’ rest b/w sets)

            15xpush ups
            10xsquat jumps
            20m bounding


            There are, of course, a million variations, but builds in strength and speed.


            Is the 200m all out?  Or jogged?


            I have to admit, I'm a bit confused by this one, since I'm not sure what it accomplishes other than beating oneself up.  I guess I'm not really a friend of "hybrid" stuff anyway, like doing weights while balancing on a bosu.  I think you get all the risk of injury and fatigue, while limiting the potential gains.  I really prefer to run, and then to work on explosiveness, or strength, in a separate session.


            The only time I like blending stuff is if one inserts running drills or short hill sprints into the middle of an easy run.  Then you have a clear objective - practicing good form and hard wiring it in.


            Just my unsolicited and humble opinion  that is possibly wrong, since I'm sure you've got a good reason for proposing the above..


            Ilana - stay safe!


            I agree with everything said by CK and others about threshold/tempo being about effort.  It's really important not to run those too hard - find your red line and stay under it.  If you go over, you miss the point of the workout, and it's just another anaerobic stimulus.




            Upper body weights/core, DIY yoga, and 6 "miles" of pool-running.

            Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


            And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

               I didn't know you were into crossfit .


              No need for name calling!


              DkW ~ It's designed to be transitional (from base to specific), so I interpret 400m at ~8K, 200m at current 5K, and the 100m maybe a bit faster, so controlled w/ plenty of recovery. It's supposed to start bringing together strength and speed (hopefully I'm not behind in both!) before longer, specific repeats. We'll see how it goes!

                Lots of delirious Capitals fans around here (starting w/ my wife) ...


                Cobra Commander Keen

                  I must have missed something in the hockey world.

                  Brew - I've wanted to try GPS recording a flight for a while, but my FR620 couldn't get a satellite lock the last time I flew (~3 years ago). Interesting that the pilot took 113.6 miles to get to cruising altitude. Turboprops are cool.


                  I also missed my run this morning. DD3 woke up just before I left so I decided to take one for the team and let DW sleep in. DD3 and I went for a little walk so we could try watching the sunrise (too cloudy for a good view), played, talked, and started getting breakfast (waffles/pancakes & sausage) prepped before everyone else got up. This was all a little much for her so early and she fell asleep in her bumbo chair so I laid her back down. It won't be long before I can run with her in the jogging stroller, which I'm looking forward to. Except the whole having to keep my whole run in town thing.


                  Hoping to get out during lunch for at least half of what I was planning this morning.

                  5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                  Upcoming Races:





                    I also missed my run this morning.


                    Given what follows, that was an excellent decision.


                    Cobra Commander Keen


                      Given what follows, that was an excellent decision.


                      I agree. It was great to spend some time with her while everyone else was sleeping. My oldest girls are very much little mommies and like to hog her when they are around, so it was a great opportunity.

                      5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                      Upcoming Races:




                      Speed Surplus

                        "Even if we can't check in to the rental until 3:00 pm. So we could either spend time in Seattle (my choice) or drive to a small town and wait. Maybe I'll go run a hill or something. Apparently someone became defensive when the questions about leaving time (and logic) was raised.  Seattle is mostly flat like The City, right?"


                        You should definitely opt to spend time in Seattle. If you can't go to Full Throttle bottles because of an underage person, you can go do Chuck's Hop Shop - there are multiple locations and they're all-ages. The Capitol Hill location is always popular but it's fun and family friendly (at least during certain hours). Or, some of those Georgetown breweries are likely also all-ages, but you'll have to check the websites out to confirm.


                        Gear: I haven't had a chance to make a goodwill run yet, but I do have a pair of cheesy arm warmers. Right now I'm thinking I'll pick up some kind of zippable rain shell or fleece and wear that over a tech t-shirt with arm warmers. Then if I warm up, I can toss the jacket, and later roll down the arm warmers if necessary. Also planning on cheap throwaway gloves (already have 'em), and a similar hat (also have it).


                        Someone asked about half tights, and I think the ones that I have are the Nike Power ones. Ah yes, these:




                        I got them specifically for this race. I've run a couple of runs in them already and I like them a lot.


                        Health: I still feel pretty crappy. Runny nose, slightly scratchy throat. At least I slept well last night, which was a change. I've only run twice this week, and my HR was off the chart bananas during yesterday's run. Not sure if that's because of the sniffle, or my HRM malfunctioning.


                        Someone please tell me that they've run a marathon PR with a lingering cold... 

                        5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12



                          Someone please tell me that they've run a marathon PR with a lingering cold... 


                          I ran my first HM at the tail end of a bad cold and made no adjustments until I crashed. I still think that's my high point when it comes to hating during a race. It should be added that this cold was of the particularly nasty sort, so you will probably be better off than I was.

                          5k: 20:32 (1/17)  |  HM: 1:34:37 (2/18)  |  FM: 3:31:37 (3/18)


                          Getting back into it


                          Pace Prophet



                            Health: I still feel pretty crappy. Runny nose, slightly scratchy throat. At least I slept well last night, which was a change. I've only run twice this week, and my HR was off the chart bananas during yesterday's run. Not sure if that's because of the sniffle, or my HRM malfunctioning.


                            Someone please tell me that they've run a marathon PR with a lingering cold... 


                            I did!  From my St. George race report: I wasn't completely sure I was going to run until last Wednesday, though, as I caught a bad cold on the previous Wednesday, 10 days before the marathon. "Extreme Taper" has worked well for me before, though, so even though the only thing that ran all week was my nose, I felt ready to rumble by the time I had to commit to the long drive out to St. George.


                            It was a 6-minute PR!


                            pie man

                              Lots of delirious Capitals fans around here (starting w/ my wife) ...


                              Oh, yeah.  Closed a random place down on the far side of the National Building Museum after standing for 4 or 5 hours outside the arena.  Couldn't get tickets for inside cause they went in seconds.  Did get inside for game 7 of the Tamps series to watch on the big screen, which didn't even fill up (true Caps fan fashion people weren't so confident).  So that was my moment for this run.

                              11:11 3,000 (recent)

                              Jim E

                                Hi all, me again. Yes I've been neglecting you again. For penance I just read the last 5 pages.

                                I think the BAA are unsympathetic if a race org is sloppy with measurement, but more accommodating if there is something unforeseen, like a fire forcing a last-minute course change.

                                OMR - Agreed on downhill marathons depending a lot on downhill form. Lots of folks seem to think those big downhills are a gimme BQ, but are then disappointed. I hear you on coming back after time off. I'm still nowhere near as fast as I was before taking a 6-week break at the end of last year.

                                Dwave - Interesting tactics for a warm humid 5K, going for a big-ish negative split. Well done on the win. Soy Scallops? Ew.


                                Ilana - I saw the fire photos. Yikes. You have a new place?


                                FB - Yes, I'm mostly veggie, with fish and dairy. Many veggie meals need a lot of prep, so I'm not surprised at a veggie restaurant charging high prices. I used to like veggie burgers as an occasional change from actual burgers, but now don't like them. I'm learning to take shortcuts. Dice an onion or put it in the food processor? Smax's travel writing is about as encouraging as his ultra race reports.


                                Brew - Nice relay, and it's always good to meet new people. I use the Launch as an easy running shoe, like them just fine.


                                Dad - I like Straights & Curves too.


                                Oregon - I sometimes think that oversleeping is our subconscious mind doing the right thing.


                                So what have I been up to? Sucking mostly, putting up some atrocious race times. I have been spinning again, which strengthens the muscles that gave trouble at Santa Rosa, and I'm varying my diet a bit more. I may have been deficient in something. There was a mental aspect too, actually going out too slowly in races. That annoying guy who blows past you in the last 50 yards? That was me for a while. So I'm addressing all this stuff.


                                Last weekend was a hilly trail half. About 1940 ft of gain, and the course was changed from previous years so I could not obsess about comparing my times. "Half marathon" is a approximate term in trail racing. Anyway, I deliberately went out pretty h`ard to avoid that too-slow thing I have been doing and it worked out fairly well. It was sunny and pretty warm, which for some reason seems to suit me. I suffer like every one else, but don't slow down so much. Mad dogs and Englishmen, I guess. I won my AG by some obscene margin, so was thinking "Pfft, no competition today", but then some guy told me about how he has been trying to catch me in this race each year. He got within sight of me, then I got onto a paved section in the last two miles and was gone. That cheered me up, particularly as he got third in the AG below mine.

                                This weekend is the Tahoe Relay, and I have packed the sunblock, will be riding up there this afternoon. Just for a taste of what that is like, here is a short video.Sorry about the bagpipes