2018 3:20 (and beyond) (Read 582 times)


    RR from Saturday's trail race : https://tnrun.blogspot.com/


    Had a left calf issue this morning on my 3 x 2mile. Thinking I may have a strain in the deep muscles (soleus). Perhaps from the trail race, since this was the first non-easy running I've done since the race. Hopefully it's nothing big. Going to ice and keep it easy for the next few days.

    Interestingly, my cool down after cutting the workout short is the only time my L/R balance has been to the R. Definitely compensating.

    Road Mile: 5:19 (2017), 5k: 17:09 (2021), 10k: 35:54 (2021), HM: 1:21:55 (2020), M: 2:53:18 (2021)


    Duke Of Bad Judgment

      The Ouray race book report: https://pointlenana.wordpress.com/2018/08/14/ouray-100-july-2018/


      Lots of pictures, but even more words.


      Back in a bit.


      Duke Of Bad Judgment

        Ace (and anyone else who does trail races): Be really careful about recovery after a trail race.  There is some thing deceptive about the wear and tear.  You feel pretty good much more quickly than you do for marathons/road races but the fatigue and susceptibility to injury seem to last longer.  My theory is that the uneven trail surface works more of you in more ways - no one thing wears out and hurts like on the roads, but it's all worn out some and prone to something bad happening.  With experience you can kind of tell when you are recovered, but in the beginning give yourself extra time after you feel ok.


          Hey all -- Happy Summer. I accidentally trashed my shout outs (sorry about that), so I get to do it again (yay). But first, I have to share some stupidity with you.


          My tender achilles was taking its time going away, so I started doing a lot of foam rolling. Some much that I aggravated an old case of carpal tunnel (wrist tendonitis) from holding my body on the roller. Now, the little finger on my left hand tingles and sticks out sideways, and typing is difficult.


          But, the achilles didn't go away, so I swung over to ice. So much ice that I now have an ice-burn, with a bunch of blisters on my left heel, and it hurts more than the achilles.


          If I needed a permit to operate this body, it would have been revoked by now.


          Achilles still hurts and the cat took the squeezie ball I was using to strengthen my left hand and hid it somewhere in the house.


          Go team.


          More catch ups later!

          m: 2:55:04 | 10k: 37:14 | 50mile: 9:35


            Max: thanks for the advice. That makes a lot of sense. Off to read your novela.

            Road Mile: 5:19 (2017), 5k: 17:09 (2021), 10k: 35:54 (2021), HM: 1:21:55 (2020), M: 2:53:18 (2021)


            Mother of Cats

              Oooh....I have some race reports to read (and a race chart to update).


              Smax - interesting point on the damage done by trail races - I wouldn't have thought of it that way, but it makes sense.


              FB - sorry, but your post made me laugh a bit.  Carpal tunnel from foam rolling...  I'm not Alanis Morrisette, but I think that might be ironic.


              Brewing - if you're experimenting with marathon shoes, I'd recommend checking out both the Adidas Boston Boost and Skechers stuff.  I've known a lot of people who liked the Boston Boost.  And I've been doing my long runs recently in the Skechers Go Meb Speed 5, and been very pleasantly surprised.


              12.5 miles for me today.  3 mile warm-up and cooldown sandwiching 3x(1200, 800, 400) in 4:46, 3:05, 88;   4:39, 3:01, 88;   4:32, 2:58, 85.  400m jog after the 1200s and 800s, about 150m jog after the 400s.

              Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


              And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


              Mother of Cats

                And...I have _finally_ updated the race chart.


                When y'all have free time, please review and let me know if there are any past results or future races that should be included.

                Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                  Darkwave: Thanks for updating the race chart -- one more update. I am not doing the Tunnel Light Marathon in September -- CIM instead.


                  Duke Of Bad Judgment

                    Oooh, a headlamp conversation.  At the Hardrock merch table, Black Diamond was selling stuff at a big discount.  I bought an Icon headlamp for $50 because it claimed 70 hours at the highest setting (500 lumens I think).  Because I'm like this, I used it for Ouray after turning it on and off a couple times the day before to figure out how it works.  It worked great, once again proving "always try something new on race day(s)".


                    Woah, I guess some watches give you balance numbers.  My Garmin 310xt doesn't do that.  It does have 17 hour battery life though, even after a few decades of use.


                    Clever: There might be some karma thing where referring to it as Bursitis lowers your chances.  Be careful.  Have fun at HtC.  I hope your dog is ok.  We miss ours.

                    Rovatti: Nice to see you.  That's a weird "injury" - basically stones embedded in your muscle.

                    Shitty air: We're in smoke season here too for the past few days.  I didn't think about it but reading all the AQI stuff here, I just looked at purpleair - 160+ here.  Cool.  Not.  No wonder I'm clearing my throat all the time today.

                    PJ: You and my DW should do a heat-off sometime - it's possible she has you beat on that front.

                    Ace: That's a nice race report.  It's fun reading about all that happening - in the distance it normally takes me to go from one aid station to the next.  You are right that trail races don't tell you much about anything.  Even doing the same race two years in a row, conditions may be so different that you still can't compare.  I see this is a good thing - you go out, you race (largely according to feel), you finish, and you can be satisfied (or not) with what you did vs. immediately comparing it to other things.


                    I'm gonna do another event this weekend - the Squamish 50/50 up in Canada, eh?  The 50/50 is a 10k point-to-point relay for teams of two from one of end of downtown Squamish to the other end.  You run 400 meters through the streets below the Squamish skyscrapers, hand your baton off to your teammate, then pick it up and go again 400 meters later.  It sounds nice because you are only racing half the time (50/50) but it’s deceptively hard – you have to move quickly enough during the rests that you arrive at the next transition point before your teammate, so you can take the baton again.


                    Cobra Commander Keen

                      Brew - It definitely was a bit quick on the start. Switching between R and T is still new to me, so I end up accidentally running the beginning of those T sections too fast.
                      Definitely looking forward to the pics and essay.

                      Ace - Looking forward to reading the RR. Is the calf doing any better today?

                      Max - I've got your epic poem queued up as well. Uneven trail and working things more and differently definitely makes sense. Does experimenting with equipment on race day help add excitement to things?
                      The 50/50 sounds interesting, but I'm trying to wrap my head around how you get to a transition point ahead of your teammate in an point-to-point race. Perhaps my google-fu is weak today, but I can't even find any info on that race.

                      FB - Bummer about injuring yourself during injury recovery work!

                      DWave - Great job on the chart. One, maybe two updates for me: 11/17 is my goal race, the White River Marathon. Goal for now is to get in to Botswana 2020 - I'll try deciding on an actual time for that closer to race day. I might also run the Brookhaven 5k on 9/1. Goal would be sub-19 at a minimum. Just waiting on DD1's soccer schedule to come out to know if I can race this or not.

                      Runalyze - How's everyone who's trying this (Ace, DWave?) liking it? I'm a fan myself, but could probably get even more out of it if I used the run tagging even more. One thing I've noticed is that it will show the Garmin Running Dynamics (vertical oscillation, vertical ratio, etc.) even when running with just  my watch (no chest strap) - Garmin only shows these metrics if you're using one of their later chest straps paired to the watch. Somewhat related tangential rant: I hate the license/subscription-based aspects of the technology industry.

                      5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                      Upcoming Races:




                      Speed Surplus

                        And...I have _finally_ updated the race chart.


                        When y'all have free time, please review and let me know if there are any past results or future races that should be included.


                        This is extremely minor, but I know that you care about minor details - My "official" Tunnel time was revised to 3:12:45 from the initial posting of 3:12:41.


                        Not a big deal, unless the cutoff for Blasphemy is, like, 2:16.

                        5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12

                        Running Problem

                        Problem Child

                          max can you ride a bike from point to point when you're not the racer? I think this is the only way I'd be able to race 400m then beat my partner to the next exchange. Maybe a motorized scooter. I hope the air gets better for you soon. Oh and I saw a video Catra Corbett put online for her Bigfoot 200 where she told viewers she took photos of her hallucinations from something like 50 hours awake and 1 hour sleep. She totally admitted she knew they were hallucinations and not real so they wouldn't show up in the photo but she made sure to get a good photo of it.

                          Oh, what is that blister tape stuff you used for Tahoe 200/mpab200/everything? Does it work well for toenails that have fallen off? I'm about to lose one (finally, it's been since about June) but I'm not sure how it will affect running. I don't exactly want to rip it off yet if it's going to make running hurt. I'm a sissy lala.


                          SC I was thinking of the cutoff time during one of my runs. I'm hoping it's slower than me but I thought I'd print out the article IF I'm the first person not to get in. I might consider taking up basketball at that point.


                          dwave I'll check out those Adidas. Something about Sketchers doesn't say "running shoe" to me. The GOmeb Speed 5 is on runnerswarehouse for $55. Almost worth buying just to spend the money. 5.9 ounces... THAT'S LIGHT! I can't believe something that light would work well for a full marathon along with (some) training. Even if it does have Meb's name on it. I may buy a pair with money burning a hole in my wallet. Also, sweet parking skills.


                          keen Now think of doing T, R AND I pace all in the same workout. It's a little scary to be looking at I pace 400s after doing T and R work. Somehow it's possible.It might be hard but I don't know. I just run and sometimes it sucks more than others. Hopefully tonight doesn't suck. Oh yeah, give dw your marathon goal. It's not in there and I know it's close to mine.


                          ace listen to max about train runs. Plus recovery is always more fun than running. How is DD3 doin? Is indy a BQ? Ironic name if it is.


                          I ALMOST changed todays workout (8E, 6x1,000) to a shorter warm up just so I could do it on lunch. It's a little weird not having much to do at lunch when I'm not running. I've also taken to consuming extra sugar in the past few days. Poppyseed muffins, Dr. Pepper, sugar free energy drinks. I guess the difference is being wired on caffeine and processed sugars is "better" than ethanol.

                          Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                          VDOT 53.37 

                          5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                          Cobra Commander Keen

                            Max - Great RR, and awesome pictures as well. The first section with Vale was particularly amusing to me. Weird speed limit sign, too!
                            Wizard sticks are essentially a requirement for something like Ouray, right?

                            Brew - Good luck on the workout tonight. T, R, and I in one workout sounds "fun". Or perhaps "interesting" is a better term.

                            5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                            Upcoming Races:





                            Duke Of Bad Judgment

                              Brew, you are not allowed to use bikes (or cars) at the Squamish race.  Or Keen's "wizard sticks" - which yes, you pretty much need at Ouray to stay upright more often than not.


                              Clever: I know of people missing the cutoff by 1 second, but if you miss by very few seconds after your time was revised, that will be a new category of pain.  That seems trophy-worthy but I hope you don't get to add that to your race hardware.


                              Cobra Commander Keen

                                Max - Since you have to do it all on foot, does that mean that your "off" sections have to be faster than your partner's "on" section? Perhaps I'm still suffering from post-workout fuzzy brain, but I right now can't come up with a way of doing a point-to-point (foot only) relay any other way. That would be "interesting" to say the least.

                                5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                                Upcoming Races:

