2018 3:20 (and beyond) (Read 582 times)

    Rovatti - good to see an active week from you.  BTW - I'll be in NYC in 2 weeks for the Fifth Avenue Mile.



    It's a great race to watch (with wave after wave of different age groups)... but I'm not sure I'll get off work in time.  If I can get there, I'll look for you at the finish line around 9:15-ish.


    BTW, there's a good bathroom near the start at E85th & 5th in the "ancient playground" next to the museum.

      Did you all see this Kirop mess?  ooof.


        Rovatti: You are the real life George Costanza with your knowledge of NY bathrooms! (That's high praise, if you didn't know).


        Had a solid workout this morning. 5 x 1600 w/ 1:00 rest. 6:02, 5:55, 5:52, 5:55, 5:44. Rep four was a tad on the slow side, but we had roughly 35 people working out this morning on the track. Did a lot of passing in lane 2 and 3. Felt really good this morning despite getting to bed late. Long run/workout this weekend then half marathon race next weekend. Hopefully I can flirt with a new PR!

        Road Mile: 5:19 (2017), 5k: 17:09 (2021), 10k: 35:54 (2021), HM: 1:21:55 (2020), M: 2:53:18 (2021)


        Cobra Commander Keen

          DWave - I hope you didn't come up with that friendship-preservation method based on hard experience.  
          I'm pretty sure I am going to run the 5k. Probably going out at whatever my VDOT equivalent pace is (maybe adjusting for heat, who knows) and just see where things land.
          This is the kind of race that I'd almost like to just spectate, though. It's pretty rare in my area to get an opportunity to watch people who run 14:low or under for 5k.

          Brew - That does look like quite the workout. The math for the 40min E and remaining distance (even after accounting for rest) looks sketchy. Any thoughts about tacking on an extra 20% recovery for the T time beyond 5 minutes?

          Ace - Quite the workout! Any goals for the HM?
          And ~35 people on the track? That's crazy! It's pretty rare that I'm not the only one on the local track.

          Kiprop mess - Wow. Just wow... And in a related note, I stand by my previous assessment of LRC as one of the internet's Mos Eisleys.

          Fifth Ave. Mile - I'd really like to see (and run) something like this one of these days. Sounds like a lot of fun.


          HTC - Whiskey Tango Foxtrot regarding the lack of female awards. RD sounds like a tool.

          Solid tempo/Rep workout this morning. It took my legs a bit to warm up when I first started running, so I wasn't sure how it was going to go. This was my first workout of the cycle with faster paces compared to what I have been running, and I'm a bit glad that it was 5x 1mile rather than something like 3+2, or even 2+2+1. The start of the 5th T mile was tough, and I think I started daydreaming or something on the first 200 because that one was 2-3 seconds slower than intended. Rough...

          5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


          Upcoming Races:





            keen: my PR is 1:25 and change. I’d love to be under 1:25. This course is a gradual uphill course. I think it’s around 400’ gain. Not a typical PR course, but we’ll see. This is a busy season for our run club preparing for Fall races, thus the full track. It’s nice to work off other people, but that’s clearly balanced by passing others. It’s definitely a fun environment with people cheering you on a bit. Solid workout for you today!

            Road Mile: 5:19 (2017), 5k: 17:09 (2021), 10k: 35:54 (2021), HM: 1:21:55 (2020), M: 2:53:18 (2021)


              School finally started here today -- it was time! Though it means back to very early mornings for me, summer is just tough on working parents, even with old(er) kids.


              Brew: Great workouts lately.


              Ace: You too -- it looks like your half PR is definitely at risk.


              CK: I'd race the 5k and take advantage of your fitness and the fast course.  What's the weather supposed to be like? How warm?


              Clever: Congrats on HtC and hope you aren't overly sore for too long.  Those first two legs are tough to recover from.


              darkwave: Sorry you didn't get the race the masters' mile, but it sounds like the right decision.


              Kiprop:  Gross.


              HTC: The race director has a long-time reputation as an unpleasant guy, and obviously lived up to that reputation.


              Hello everyone!


              7 miles this morning, 6 yesterday.  I ended up with around 47 last week, which I was happy with because I had a solid long(er) run and a good interval session.  I think CIM is 14 weeks away.  I need to make my long runs longer and add one longer day during the week to feel better prepared.


              Mother of Cats

                And ~35 people on the track? That's crazy! It's pretty rare that I'm not the only one on the local track.



                We need to get you up here. We regularly have 70 people from all the different programs sharing the track on a Tuesday morning between 6:30 and 7:15 am.  Plus the boot camp people and the high school field hockey team practice.  You learn to be patient about running in lane 3, or having to take an extra long recovery between intervals while waiting for a gap to open up in the traffic on lane 1.  I see it as good practice for Turkey Trots.


                Rovatti - it would be good to see you, if it works out.  I'll be up there until early afternoon to catch the elite races.


                Ace - impressive workout - you've reached a new level.


                CK - nice job on the new level as well (everybody's leveling up).  I love the Mos Eisley comment - so true.




                I did 12.5 today.  3 mile warmup (8:56), then 6x800, 4x200 in 3:04, 3:01, "2:58", 2:58, 2:55, 2:51 and then 41, 40, 41, 41.  4 mile cooldown (9:28).  The one rep is in quotes because my shoe came untied just after the start.  I pulled off to fix it and unthinkingly stopped my Garmin out of habit, and then jumped back in, but didn't realize my watch was stopped until after the interval was done.  My coach called out a 3:03 split for me, and I think it took about 5 seconds to retie my shoe, so we'll call it 2:58.  Though I could also call it 2:38 if I wanted, I guess.


                Also injury prevention work and recovery swimming.

                Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                Mother of Cats

                   I think CIM is 14 weeks away.  I need to make my long runs longer and add one longer day during the week to feel better prepared.


                  Oof - that close?


                  I've been pretty casual about it so far - since I have the two marathons under my belt already this year, I don't think I need a particularly long or grueling cycle.  But I probably start thinking about it as a current cycle, not a future cycle, at some point.

                  Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                  And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                  Resident Millennial

                    meanwhile, my CIM "training" started in July!

                    new coach likes a long "buildup" - really just mileage with a long term goal behind it. and I am still not really doing workouts - the occasional tempo, race (as a workout basically) - so it doesn't feel like hardcore training yet. but mileage is high and the alarm goes off early!

                    mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


                    Cobra Commander Keen

                      Oregon - Solid week. Weather for the 5k looks to be ~75*. The course is basically a lollipop, and wind is supposed to be with us to start and against towards the finish. Of course that could change a lot by race time.

                      DWave - Thank you. I do seem to be spoiled with my access to a lonely track and traffic-less roads. The only thing I'm missing are mid-run water fountains, but I could solve that if I'd just get a case of water and drop some bottles off at intersections here and there.
                      A track that packed would certainly be good practice for a Turkey Trot - I'd have to have some guidance on how best to jump in/out of lanes since that's something I've never even seen.
                      You probably still have some of that "excess fitness" you ended up with after your last cycle. You'll likely do fine with just pulling that off the shelf and dusting it off some.
                      I read through a fair chunk of that Ashley Horner thread on ST you mentioned. The best thing I got out of it was the comment that "Delaware Street Nap" is the new “bonk”.

                      RLK - Early alarms only work out if you don't sleep through them! A long build-up sounds like a solid idea.

                      5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                      Upcoming Races:




                      Running Problem

                      Problem Child


                        Brew - That does look like quite the workout. The math for the 40min E and remaining distance (even after accounting for rest) looks sketchy. Any thoughts about tacking on an extra 20% recovery for the T time beyond 5 minutes?



                        As of now I might cut it out. Stomach bug, or something else, got me Monday night and Tuesday morning and kept me from eating anything but white chedder popcorn last night. I'm taking today off because I don't think it's smart to push having a cough, excessive bathroom use, and running. If I feel good Thursday morning I'll go for it without a reduction in rest time. I have done similar workouts with similar rests so it's not impossible. It's just not enjoyable. 2T with 2 min rest isn't TOO uncomfortable with a warm up. It's when you throw in 8M where it becomes uncomfortable.


                        Kirop mess umm...what? So someone sets you up to fail a drug test (lose your job???) and you get revenge by making out with his wife? Sounds so high school.


                        oregon 14 weeks is pretty far away. I'm like 6 from race day....which is scary close for me. You could probably get a training plan lined up this week and start with long runs this weekend. Since I'm one for "canned" plans I'd jump into wherever the training plan says to be at this point and run with it. Oh and I was thinking summers would be better when NeRP is older....like old enough to have a job and drive himself places.


                        rlk Is this new coach the same one you've been talking about? No mile repeats, lets people ruin workouts, kinda casual overall? Oh and any possibility of doing some repeats on the road instead of the track this year? I know the "less than imaginary" group discussed it previously. Goal?


                        This has been a fun week. Started out feeling great, got sick Monday night and stayed home. Brother in law lost his job and said he was feeling sick (probably mental stress) then DW comes home yesterday around lunch feeling nauseous. downside is I miss the "all you can eat Rib Villiage" for today. Upside is NeRP wasn't sick...and he likes baths.

                        Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                        VDOT 53.37 

                        5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                        Resident Millennial

                          this kiprop thing is insane. wow.


                          ckeen- ugh!! you know when you wake up and there's just a little too much daylight pouring in ... and then the panic sets in? luckily the buddy i met up with this morning is flexible Smile


                          brew- " Is this new coach the same one you've been talking about? No mile repeats, lets people ruin workouts, kinda casual overall?" the team coach has the latter two qualities. the new coach is awesome across the board with the small exception of the first thing you mentioned- doesn't like mile repeats, i think even on a road. it makes no sense but i think i'll talk him down from that if i need to, in  the future.

                          goal? for what - the Big One on dec 2nd?


                          sorry you're not feeling well Sad maybe this is the Training Gods telling you it's a time for a down week.


                          current training phase is "hills" so mile repeats aren't even on the table yet anyway. we do an interesting "strength endurance" hill circuit, once per week, that is executed a bit differently from this (https://www.scienceofrunning.com/2009/10/strength-endurance-circuit-video.html) but the concept is similar.

                          mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58

                          Running Problem

                          Problem Child



                            brew- goal? for what - the Big One on dec 2nd?


                            sorry you're not feeling well Sad maybe this is the Training Gods telling you it's a time for a down week.


                            So are we now treating the "Folsom Fun Run" in the same vein as the Monday race in April? 


                            Hope the new coaching style works out. I can say I personally haven't raced a mile so I'm able to run all my speed work off track without any problems. I'm probably one of the only runners in the forum who does this.


                            Dont you tell me about a down week....It's the LAST thing I need. MORE MILES! MORE RUNNING! I couldn't POSSIBLY need time to relax and recover instead of another major week. 

                            Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                            VDOT 53.37 

                            5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

                            Arvind Balaraman

                              Wow 80+ week


                              Ace - Sounds like you have a tough call RE: alcohol. 8 at ~6:30? Nice one.

                              DWave - Impressive week, especially with the travel. I totally get the "bagging Gold's Gyms" thing. It's a nice system you have worked out.

                              PJ - I can appreciate the track sneaking. Seems like an interesting thing to "collect".

                              Rovatti - Hooray on not having any problems! Here's hoping that continues for a long time.

                              RLK - Racing XC sounds like fun, and you've hit some good mileage lately.

                              Brew - Impressive week and workouts, and good job on working on race nutrition. I typically only take water in races, since I always know what's in that and my gels, but the sports drink may be strong or diluted compared to the "real" stuff , and that can vary between water stops as well.
                              Bummer about NeRP getting you sick (and him being sick as well) - hopefully it passes quickly for the both of you. With DD1 & 2 off to school now that's something I'm a bit worried about myself. Blasted kiddos and their germs!
                              "Pavement Princess" still gives me a gigle.

                              New weekly mileage PR for me, by ~4 miles. I had to move my LR to Sunday to help accommodate some family stuff, which also means that I will almost certainly end up with a new weekly (rolling 7 day) mileage PR by this Saturday as well, since I'll have 7 days of running in a row. Hotter (75-80F 23.8/26.6C) low temps have returned, but for the last couple days the Kiwi point and humidity have been a bit lower than usual, so those temps haven't seemed as bad as usual.

                              DD1 isn't going to have her first soccer game this Saturday like I thought, so I'm now quite strongly considering running a 5k this weekend on what's one of the fastest courses in the state. Stimulus-wise it would be a suitable replacement for my first I session of this training cycle and should be good to get an idea of where my fitness is. My one hesitation is that short, fast races kinda scare me, especially since I'm pretty unsure of what I could run now. I should probably just put on my big-boy running shorts and pink racing shoes and go for it.


                              Weekly Summary
                              Monday, Aug 20, 2018 thru Sunday, Aug 26, 2018

                              Day Miles Pace Description HR Link
                              Mon 17.3 7:44 Daniels' 2M + 12x 200m R + 2M 138 (70%) strava
                              Mon 3.1 8:55 Easy 5k in Innsbruck 126 (64%) strava
                              Tue 10.3 8:41 Easy strollerin' with DD3. 126 (64%) strava
                              Wed 12.1 8:25 3 owls, 1 coyote, and 1 rabbit 138 (70%) strava
                              Thu 15.1 7:53 Daniels 4E, 3T, 2T 149 (76%) strava
                              Fri 7.3 8:26 Zero wildlife. Is that how this day is going to be? 135 (69%) strava
                              Fri 3.1 8:37 This workout room could seriously benefit from some fans. 126 (64%) strava
                              Sun 18.0 8:12 NHP to Hefner lollipop with my buddies Heat and Humidity. These guys are wearing out their welcome. 139 (71%) strava
                              Arvind Balaraman

                                Great work out



                                Tempo went well today, not perfect. Goal was 6:30 pace. 2.5 easy (8:05), 8 @ 6:37, 2.5 easy (8:30). Felt solid, but tired legs. Phone said 68 degrees and 99% humidity at the start. Sweat a ton today. First time I’ve had a build up of frothy sweat on my legs. Looked like one of my mom’s horses after a ride.