2018 3:20 (and beyond) (Read 582 times)


Resident Millennial

    ah, but in dude spandex, often you end up seeing too much....

    mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


    Mother of Cats

      I'd like to see a Kombucha mile.


      I also don't particularly care about what I see during a marathon, though I do think certain routes can be mentally easier or harder, depending on how they are structured.  One of the things that makes Chicago so great is that it has just the right amount of turns to keep you mentally engaged, but not so many or so sharp that they slow you down.


      I'm reminded of some FB discussion I saw about the routing of the Grandma's course this year.  The standard course has you running straight through mile 25 before turning left and dropping down to run along the waterfront for the final mile.  Miles 23-25 of the standard course go through a historic and interesting section of Duluth, with crowds on either side.


      Since mile 25 was under construction this year, they had to reroute us at the mile 24 marker, and so they had us turn left and drop down earlier, with the new mile 25 running through an industrial area with no room for crowds, before we rejoined the old course.  This led to consternation from some others on FB - they argued that the better reroute was to turn right at the detour, and run up a very steep hill to another street that was also historic and interesting and could have crowds, before running down another very steep hill to rejoin the old course.


      So there you have it.  On the one side, people who are happy to add some very steep hills to the race course in the final mile if it means the scenery is better.  On the other, people who want the fastest/easiest on the body route possible.  Guess which camp I fall in.




      3.5 very easy today (8:58) plus some DIY yoga.  Racing a 5K tomorrow morning.

      Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


      And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


      Resident Millennial

        Haha. dwave is all, "I don't care about spectators. I would race across a nuclear wasteland if there were a slight tailwind and low humidity and imperceptible elevation change".


        I will say I much prefer big loop routes for long runs/races than I do circuitous/loopy things. Just makes me feel like I'm making a lot of progress.

        mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


        Duke Of Bad Judgment

          Why is Jim Walmsley wearing those rain pants?  Tim T is solid, he'll finish well.  Kinda disappointed to see Magda Boulet lose 25 minutes between two aid stations.


          Jim's Kat: I'm doing a race in Idaho the weekend of the 15th.  As soon as I found out you were coming here, I scrambled to find an out-of-state race as quickly as possible.  Actually, you probably looked at my race schedule on UltraSignup before picking your weekend to travel here.  So unfortunately I will be unable to drink "bougie coffee" with you.  I wouldn't know what that is and won't miss it because I don't like coffee.  But I will miss an opportunity to take you to one of the 12-20 breweries in Ballard, 2-3 miles from my house.


          Duke Of Bad Judgment

            Wow, only Cat Bradley and Kaci Lickteig haven't disappointed.  Plus Rory Bosio in TDS.  Can't feel great about the cheater winning UTMB either.  Some Seattle friends had/are having pretty good races though.


            Mother of Cats

              I guess I should check in on that crazy ultra race at some point.  Though the color commentary here is so much better.


              Ran 19:48 for 5K this morning.  Not happy with it.  Though I'm not in great shape, I think I was fit enough to run faster this morning; I just was kind of checked out mentally.


              Race report.

              Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


              And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                Haha. dwave is all, "I don't care about spectators. I would race across a nuclear wasteland if there were a slight tailwind and low humidity and imperceptible elevation change".


                This would be a good time for the hand-clapping emoji.  Hilarious.


                rovatti:  A delayed congrats on your last week, running every other day.  Good to see...hope that continues.


                Still reading, but not much time to post.  My knee hasn't been popping while running for the past several days, so maybe that's a good sign.


                pie man

                  I haven’t been following along with the big races.  I have seen random tweets.  Also saw something about the diamond league 5,000 which was nuts.


                  I tried to do a workout on Friday.  Had to use a path in a small park that seemed to be 400 meters, but was a little longer.  I scared all the stroller folks away, so might not do that again.  There is a track at/near the school but it is dirt and very McFarland, USA.  Will probably get on there at some point.  Decided to try 800s and I think they were all 3:0x.  Not sign of the elevation kicking yet (of course 4,000 isn’t really anything special in terms of elevation).  I’m walking a ton for work and consequently not running as much, so that’s probably more the reason.


                  Went to the coast yesterday because it seemed so close,  it may be close, but getting there was not easy.  I did go for a swim, which lasted at most 45 seconds.  Only me, the surfers, and a few kids were willing to go in.  I did have fish in chips on the dock in fort Bragg where the fishing ships come in.  So that seemed legit.  A couple of seals popped their heads up at one point, I think they get discards from the charter fishing boats cause they were checking the boats out.

                  11:11 3,000 (recent)


                  Mother of Cats


                    This would be a good time for the hand-clapping emoji.  Hilarious.


                    Agreed.  It was funny because it was true.


                    OMR - good news is good news.


                    PJ - I actually drove through the real McFarland last week.  I did not stop and go for a run.


                    Why the swim reluctance - was it too cold?




                    My week was 41 miles plus 16 "miles" pool-running.  No long run today - I was planning to rack up some easy miles, but my coach told me to run for no longer than an hour today.  His reasoning - I ran hard in pretty hot/humid conditions yesterday and we're still too far out from CIM to worry about long runs or mileage.


                    M: yoga and 8 "miles" of pool-running.

                    T: 12.5 miles, including 6x800 in 3:04, 3:01, "2:58" (after allowing for shoe retie), 2:58, 2:55, 2:51 and then 4x200 in 41, 40, 41, 41.  Also injury prevention work and recovery swimming.
                    W: 10 miles very easy (9:28) and DIY yoga.
                    Th: upper body weights/core, DIY yoga, and 8 "miles" pool-running.
                    F: 3.5 miles very easy (8:58) and DIY yoga.
                    Sa: 3.5 miles warm-up; 5K in 19:48, 2.5 miles cooldown.  Later some recovery swimming.
                    Sa: 6 very easy (9:06) and yoga.

                    Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                    And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                    pie man

                      It was around 61 degrees air temp.  Water seemed colder than that.


                      Just did a quick trip to Redding.  I saw 105 on the car thermometer.  Whee,

                      11:11 3,000 (recent)

                        My PT still has me limited to every other day running (slowly ramping up):


                        M: 1h XT

                        T: 8 easy

                        W: 1h XT

                        Th: 10 easy

                        F: spin

                        S: 10 easy

                        S: hike

                        total = 28


                        I feel pretty good, but have lost a lot of running strength over the past few months.  I need a few weeks of "OMR hill repeats" (plus protein shakes).


                        Happy Labor Day to y'all!

                        Running Problem

                        Problem Child

                          PJ Good to see you getting out. Redding gets a little warm in the summer too.


                          dw I'll mention a Kombucha mile to the group. I think they'd crush it. I hate hills.


                          max Europeans don't care about rules or one route. See Tour de France.


                          rlk I saw a dude in spandex around this time last year. He was covered in dirt since he'd traveled about 140 miles. I think he had a flat white old man butt.


                          rov Almost 30 miles on just 3 days of running. Does your PT know about this?


                          keen It's worth a shot. I mean, I can't imagine work being upset someone they picked is already doing it, and might have a great time for the company to brag about. I assume all employees know of the drawing with enough time to train and the "free" race is announced the week of the race. Mostly because I wouldn't want to find out 6 weeks before a marathon I have free entry.


                          I have my first mile race on Saturday. I'm tempted to race it and aim for sub 6:00. It was considered REALLY fast from what I remember in middle school for Presidential Physical Fitness. I'm thinking of using 1 minute alerts and running by feel. I think it's one of the worst ideas I could possibly have because it's 6 minutes of hell...like every single time I've done 1,200 m repeats and pushed through 4 or 5 after a long warm up, or 2 Threshold miles after a long warm up. At least it's not 15 minutes.


                          My Week:

                          Family was sick, work sucked (boss upset with me so piled on work), and just lost any sort of motivation to run with everything going on. Then I packed gear to run Friday - Monday and ended up doing no running. Eventually I showered. Oh and I also SHATTERED the back window of my truck from not paying attention while parking a 5th wheel. At least I parked it perfect after "taking a lap" and I wasn't even upset. More of a "oh well" after being worried I just showered NeRP with broken glass. Fun fact: Rear windows are tempered glass so they're not AS SHARP as regular broken glass. Its some kind of safety thing. It's potentially a good thing I've gone over a month without drinking...which I didn't even notice yesterday.


                          Tahoe 200 starts this week. I was camping near the course this weekend. I drove past a spot I was almost axe murdered TWICE. I was going to try Sunday's workout on Monday but just ran out of time, steam, and it's surprisingly exhausting showering after camping, unpacking, half repacking a trailer, and getting home for an early dinner. My 4:00 am planned run was postponed for a hotter run on lunch. 32 days. OH SHEET!


                          Weekly Summary
                          Monday, Aug 27, 2018 thru Sunday, Sep 02, 2018

                          <tfoot> </tfoot>
                          Day Miles Pace Description Link
                          Mon 7.0 8:16 That time I have the wrong haircut strava
                          Mon 7.0 8:42 That time no one appreciates a knock off strava
                            14.0 8:30    

                          Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                          VDOT 53.37 

                          5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                          Cobra Commander Keen

                            RLK - I think you nailed DWave's course preferences!

                            DWave - Your blog is no longer blocked by the work firewall! I have no idea why it was in the first place, but I'll get to that RR soon. Interesting input from your coach.

                            OMR - Hooray for no knee popping.

                            Rovatti - Good to see you're still on your way back.

                            Brew - Sounds like a rough week. Hopefully this one is better.
                            The big reason I want to bring it up at work is that those in charge of this don't appear to know anything about marathon training. They usually do a drawing ~ a month out from the race (late March-ish), which leaves some of us with a tough choice: do we sign up for the race now when it's cheap (and risk wasting that if we could have gotten a free entry), or do we not sign up on the chance that we'd get a free entry and risk paying $125+ for the entry if we don't get a free ticket.

                            UTMB - So many DNFs from the heavy-hitters.

                            Bleh. I hate the start of school! Somehow one (or more) of my kiddos always ends up catching something and giving it to me. What I thought were allergies Saturday morning ended up more like a head cold. After doing a whole lot of nothing over the weekend and skipping my run yesterday I thought I'd try a workout today, but once I finished my first interval just felt way too drained and decided to bail. A bit of a bummer that I'm missing my first workout this year, but I was able to get in 5 miles, a shower, and an extra hour of sleep without DW even knowing I had left.

                            Pretty good week last week. I tried front-loading some miles so my legs would be a bit better rested but that didn't go quite as smoothly as I wanted when I woke up late one morning and ended up with an awkward double. I subbed out my first Interval workout of the cycle for a 5k Saturday (RR incoming). I ended up with a new monthly mileage PR (344.1), plus a new 7-day mileage PR (93.6) thanks to having moved my LR from the week before last from Saturday to Sunday.


                            Weekly Summary
                            Monday, Aug 27, 2018 thru Sunday, Sep 02, 2018

                            <tfoot> </tfoot>
                            Day Miles Pace Description HR Link
                            Mon 10.1 8:20 1 owl and some lightning way off to the north 132 (67%) strava
                            Tue 16.6 7:56 Daniels 5x 1T + 8x 200M R. 1st VDOT bump! 144 (73%) strava
                            Wed 15.1 8:23 1 lightning bug to the east, 1 lightning storm to the west 138 (70%) strava
                            Wed 3.6 8:29 If I run more today, I can run less tomorrow! 123 (63%) strava
                            Thu 7.4 8:12 2 hawks, chasing a coyote down the road, and startling an oblivious student 142 (72%) strava
                            Thu 3.7 8:19 Finding missing miles in London 127 (65%) strava
                            Fri 8.1 8:33 Stravart ideas: Drawing your home state upside down 135 (69%) strava
                            Sat 1.5 8:32 Warm-up + strides 132 (67%) strava
                            Sat 3.1 6:01 Brookhaven Run 5k. 18:54 chip + new PR 171 (87%) strava
                            Sat 6.2 8:08 Adding miles and hitting new segments 148 (76%) strava
                              75.4 8:11      

                            5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                            Upcoming Races:




                            Speed Surplus

                              "Clever: Pro tip for HTC - run your first leg slower, not like you are doing a 5.5 mile race at 5.5 mile pace."


                              Believe it or not, I was holding back plenty*. My heart rate was 157, which is lower than it was during the Tunnel marathon.


                              I was targeting roughly marathon effort, and I bet I could have handled that for all three legs if it weren't for the downhill...



                              *plenty relative to potential one-off race effort.... clearly I didn't hold back enough overall.

                              5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12

                              Running Problem

                              Problem Child

                                "Clever: Pro tip for HTC - run your first leg slower, not like you are doing a 5.5 mile race at 5.5 mile pace."


                                Believe it or not, I was holding back plenty*. My heart rate was 157, which is lower than it was during the Tunnel marathon.


                                I was targeting roughly marathon effort, and I bet I could have handled that for all three legs if it weren't for the downhill...



                                *plenty relative to potential one-off race effort.... clearly I didn't hold back enough overall.


                                I run the RTO as a fun run. Casual pace.  I can't imagine doing it as a race like some of my RBs.


                                keen Yeah....I might bring it up around 2 months, or 12 weeks, ahead of schedule with the goal of someone training AFTER getting a free entry. Not everyone wants to spend $100 on a "maybe you'll get in" with zero refund. Some people might think marathon training sucks. Even if the marathon is at the end of April and you don't have to train in 90-110F heat and humidity. $105 vs $125...okay I see a reluctance to wait and attempted to gain free entry. Is a "Refund if you've signed up already" an option?

                                Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                                VDOT 53.37 

                                5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22