2018 3:20 (and beyond) (Read 582 times)


    dwave: I’m with you, I don’t like 400s at mile pace either, haha. At least before my workout my coach said this will get pretty tough from the mid point on. I wanted to quit after 6, glad I made it to 12.


    brew: thanks for doing the math. For some reason moving at 16+ feet per second sounds cool.


    keen: well, I got home, greeted my wife as she passed to kids off to me to go spend time with friends so no 3 mile jog tonight to hit 200. Just a measly 197.


    My HR is jealous of you guys and your passive aggressive bradycardia. My resting is 65ish. I’m like a hummingbird compared to you all.


    just received a text from DW on her way home...with MILKSHAKES!!! 

    Road Mile: 5:19 (2017), 5k: 17:09 (2021), 10k: 35:54 (2021), HM: 1:21:55 (2020), M: 2:53:18 (2021)


      Dad, Keen - I've thought about 24 weeks being a long time, but I don't think it's 24 weeks of hard core workouts.  Even in the 15-week program I'm on now there's some sort of base building going on in the beginning so I expect the 24 week program to be similar that way. Either way I know I would mix things up here and there through the spring/summer with some races here and there just for fun. I'll see how I feel about the JD programs at the end of March I guess.

      5k: 20:32 (1/17)  |  HM: 1:34:37 (2/18)  |  FM: 3:31:37 (3/18)


      Getting back into it


      Cobra Commander Keen

        "SC - Welcome back! What are your max and resting HR's, if you know them? For a marathon I know I can average at least 82.6% of max HR, or about 78% of HRR (crossing that number a little past the HM mark), if that helps at all."


        Resting is usually around 50. I don't know what the max is, but I'd suspect 185 or so.


        From those numbers I would think you'd be able to sustain low-mid 150's for a marathon (assuming you're in marathon shape). This is based on the Greg Maclin chart Ilana mentioned. As DWave said as well, HR can vary quite a bit based on many factors, so this is mostly a rough guide.


        HRR % BPM Resting HR Max HR HR
        99% 184 50 185 144
        98% 182      
        97% 181  5K    
        96% 180  5K    
        95% 178 5K    
        94% 177  5K    
        93% 176  5K    
        92% 174      
        91% 173      
        90% 172 10K Half Finish  
        85% 165  10K Half Full Finish
        80% 158   Marathon Full
        75% 151     Marathon
        70% 145      
        65% 138      
        60% 131      


        Ace - Milkshakes (or malts!) totally make up for those three miles, especially if they're strawberry.


        Rune - I wouldn't expect a 24 week plan to be entirely workouts, at least not for us mere mortals. Let me know how you like the Daniels plan when you're finished; I'll still have about a month to go on mine when you're through with yours.


        More laziness from me this morning. For some reason I didn't have any problem getting up at 0530 to run when DD3 was waking up every couple hours, but for the last two nights she has slept for 4+ hours at a stretch and I just can't seem to get up in the morning.

        5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


        Upcoming Races:




        Running Problem

        Problem Child


          but for the last two nights she has slept for 4+ hours at a stretch and I just can't seem to get up in the morning.


          I hate you. NeRP just hit his first 4 hour sleep last night. He's FINALLY getting 15+ hours. Previously it was 12. I think the schedule helped.

          I feel the same way about waking up to workout. Last week, no problem. A couple days ago. Sure. Today. 4:00am was WAY too early. I might switch workouts to after work and FORCE myself to do them M/W/F. Breakout the basketball shorts and UA performance enhancing underwear.


          rune I'm sure there is a base building period. To me that doesn't REALLY count other than it's telling you how much to run and when. You could just set a goal of 40-50 mpw building up to the training cycle. I'm currently trying to keep 40 MPW the minimum.


          Keen What's the Daniels plan look like? I think I looked into it once but totally forgot the workouts. Doesn't he do runs based on time instead of distance (i.e. 7 minutes at T effort, 5x3 minutes at 5k, etc.)? I think max knows a lot about Daniel's training methodology. He probably knew him. It wouldn't surprise me if he MET him at some point (he has bumped into a few elites).


          dad thanks for the outline. Pretty much confirms what I thought it was saying.


          Today isn't going to be fun. It's trails with hills. I have a feeling they'll want to go fast. The upside is the weather is nice. If I was following the Hanson plan correctly it would be a rest day but the 5k plan says easy for the next two then some hill repeats.

          I need to figure out a long run distance for Saturday and/or Sunday. I should probably go to one of the local store runs and do whatever they have available. I use to enjoy those.

          Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

          VDOT 53.37 

          5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

          Strict WTF adherent

            Ace ~ Slower runs are indeed harder on TM (than workouts). 




            Rovatti/DW - Those tix include alcohol and hors d'oeuvres. But for that price, Emma herself better be feeding them to me.

            I was going to grab some of the cheapo seats, but instead will spend my afternoon ice skating with DS' boy scout troop. At least I know where my next injury is coming from.


            KK - You may want to get used to having a cold for the next 18 years.


              Interesting to see the different heart rates. I used one years ago, but never paid much attention to the data so bailed on it. Then about year ago I got a new Garmin that came with the chest strap and have been using it pretty regularly. Actually, I got it a few weeks before Boston last year. I didn't have enough training data to be useful at the race, but my heart rate during the race was crazy. I started out thinking I was in shape for sub (or at least low) 3 finish. I had leg cramps starting around mile 5 and started slowing down then. I also felt thirsty throughout despite taking both water and gatorade at each stop.

              Mile    Split    HR
              1        06:52    172
              2        06:52    182
              3        06:52    185
              4        06:45    187
              5        06:55    190
              6        07:00    191
              7        07:04    192
              8        07:21    193
              9        07:33    193
              10        07:54    193
              11        08:10    193
              12        08:13    191
              13        08:30    190
              14        08:35    191
              15        08:58    189
              16        08:54    185
              17        09:36    188
              18        09:32    187
              19        09:33    181
              20        09:44    181
              21        10:09    183
              22        09:34    181
              23        09:55    182
              24        11:24    177
              25        11:51    174
              26        12:10    170
              26.37    03:44    179
              End      3:50:07    185

              I have not done a true max heart rate test, but it shows I hit 198 at Boston. That may have been off though. My resting can be as low as about 50 or 52 first thing in the morning.

              Anyway, for this training cycle I think my HR is a bit more normal, although it is probably higher than most 46 year-olds have. My marathon pace runs (up to 12 miles so far) have averaged around 175bpm. My tempo runs have been more like 180-185. Easy runs will vary more depending on how easy and how hilly, but can be below 150 or even 140.


                Ace - my HR isn't naturally very low, either. Probs around 60ish. My max HR in my last marathon hit 206 per my Garmin.


                Keen - I haven't gotten up in the morning in about a week.. oops. Tomorrow I'm supposed to run with my next door neighbor so that will get me out the door.


                Brew - my son actually slept GREAT until maybe 15  weeks? Like, right after I went to work. He's never been a great napper. Just a heads up.. like, ever. I don't expect that to change at this point.  The past 2 weekends I have resorted to driving around for over an hour because he fell asleep. He has NEVER slept as much as recommended for his age. Again, don't expect that to change at this point. Some kids sleep less...


                McB - good point.


                5.8 yesterday on the TM because I was checking out the running group at the gym by my office. Seemed ok. They do "speedwork" on the TMs, and it seemed ok, though I went pretty slow bc of my cold and the fact that I'm keeping the miles easy for a week or so more. Rest day today, then running with next door neighbor tmw morning.. SO excited to have a running buddy. Then might do a LR of 13ish this weekend. I'm so behind, but it's been worse.

                PRs: HM: 1:32:59 (2015); FM: 3:18:36 (2017)


                  Brew - my son actually slept GREAT until maybe 15  weeks? Like, right after I went to work. He's never been a great napper. Just a heads up.. like, ever. I don't expect that to change at this point.  The past 2 weekends I have resorted to driving around for over an hour because he fell asleep. He has NEVER slept as much as recommended for his age. Again, don't expect that to change at this point. Some kids sleep less...


                  This reminds me that I used to walk on a treadmill while holding one of my daughters when she was a baby (14y.o. now). She was a bit more fussy than our first born and wouldn't go to sleep for us sometimes. So I'd set it to about 2.5mph, walk for about 15 minutes and out she would go.


                    8ish miles this morning, with 10x400, 200m recovery.  NOT mile race pace - I was aiming to be a little under what I think I might be able to average for a 5k now.  For the first speed work back since April it went ok.  It was hard but sort of pleasantly so. No Super Moon sighting -- totally cloudy here, unfortunately.


                    Ace: "passive aggressive bradycardia"  That made me laugh.


                    Keen: Another new baby! Congratulations -- how old?


                    Brewing: I've looked at Daniels too - the workouts seem more complicated than I like and can figure out on the fly.  Enjoy the trails.


                    Matt: It was hot last year - I feel like I had some crazy heart rate readings too.


                    Katia; Having someone to meet in the mornings helps a lot.  My oldest went to daycare and was sick all the time, then never got sick once he hit kindergarten.  My youngest did NOT go to daycare, and got sick a lot the first year of preschool. I think having a babysitter for him just delayed the germs, but made life much easier on me!


                    pie man

                      If you all want to feel a lot better, the heart rate taken at the doctor is usually around 80.  And the machines at the gym seem to agree.  Those are the only places where it gets checked.  I did have a runner's resting heart rate when I was young (and skinny).


                      Looking more and more likely I sign up for shamrock for a qualifying attempt.  I'm dangerously close to about 24 weeks of stuff so I just need to take the plunge.  Long runs have felt decent.  It will ever be windy or hot, I just have to live with one of those.  Hopefully not a hot wind, that just doesn't seem fair. I get to judge a lot on club challenge next month.  Ten miles is just as good as a half, right?

                      11:11 3,000 (recent)


                      Resident Millennial

                        Wait, I have something for this... #bradycardiabrags !!


                        millrose- so excited! will need to find a free stream somewhere. 
                        rovatti, have fun. 5 years ago i went and it was only $50!


                        new parents- all i have to say is ... please vaccinate your kids! haha. hippie (uninformed) parents in the bay area can be scary on this topic.


                        arvind- i think (hope) i'm saying what other people have been thinking ..... but. do you ever come here to chat with this community and talk about our training? or do you just dump your training log and wait for us to offer praise and ask you questions about your training? 

                        mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


                        Mother of Cats

                          As 2018 Thread-Dictator-Usurper, I will repeat the gospel of page one.  Namely:


                          And like any friendship, we ask that you participate and reciprocate. Please don't dump your training week or question and run - give as well as take. Please don't join for validation - this is not Instagram. Like any good friend, we'll speak up if we're concerned you're headed down the wrong path. Or need to be (nicely) taken down a notch.


                          PJ - Even if Shamrock is windy, in the past it was still possible to run well there.  Be sure to check out the new course before registering.  They reversed the two loops, and I think it made the course much worse.


                          Oregon - 400s at 5K pace with 200m recovery actually sounds like a very solid workout back.  Not killer, but workouts don't need to be killer to achieve what you want, IMHO.


                          I love the Daniels book and the theories espoused in it, but the training schedules themselves have always seemed crazy to me.


                          McBen - even if food/drinks are included, that's still way too much for tix.  Does part go to charity, perhaps?


                          7 miles very easy this morning (9:48 pace) followed by drills, strides, DIY yoga.  I'm racing a 10K on Saturday.  I don't have any specific goal for the race; I just want to get another race under my belt before getting into the thickest part of marathon training.  If I don't race this weekend, then I'd have a 3 month gap between the Houston Half and my tune-up half for Botulism - that's way too long for me to go without racing - I'd just get stale.


                          10K is a bit long for this purpose, but I don't like any of the few 5K options available this weekend.

                          Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                          And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                          Cobra Commander Keen

                            Brew - The plan has a blend of things by time and distance. And the only thing I think I'll do on a track are the 200 or 400m repetitions. Having abbreviations for the different workouts is a bit weird to me. I spent a good hour creating the workouts in Garmin Connect so I could sync them to the Garming calendar and then my watch; there's just no way I could keep something like "12x 200m at 0:43 w/ 200m recovery + 6x 400m at 1:25 w/ 400m recovery" straight when I'm actually running. Schedules for little ones really do help. DD3 seems to have somewhat settled in to one easier than her predecessors did. Her sleeping in longer stretches at night may or may not last long, though! KK - That actually sounds great right now! I just wish there was someone local I could run with. There's only one serious runner in my town (aside from some of the XC/track kids) and our schedules don't mesh.


                            Matt -


                            This reminds me that I used to walk on a treadmill while holding one of my daughters when she was a baby (14y.o. now). She was a bit more fussy than our first born and wouldn't go to sleep for us sometimes. So I'd set it to about 2.5mph, walk for about 15 minutes and out she would go.



                            That's brilliant! I'll have to remember that one for when it warms up around here. My TM is in the garage, and it still gets down into the 20's at night.


                            Oregon - The latest daughter is a little over 6 weeks old now. Her sisters are 7 (as of tomorrow) and 3.


                            RLK - Sound advice all around, if you were to ask me.


                            DWave - Best of luck with the race. I have that "stale" feeling now. I may have to time trial something. I just noticed that the form in your profile pic is pretty similar to that of RLK's.

                            5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                            Upcoming Races:





                            Resident Millennial

                              dwave - many thanks for the gospel!

                              re. armory tickets, i think those super expensive ones are like front row. and yes, there's an armory foundation which hosts lots of community and kid focused events. it's located in a neighborhood where it is definitely a noble cause to keep kids "on track" both literally and figuratively, and off the streets.

                              i read this very interesting bit on the history of the armory last year (and my bad if this was already posted/discussed): http://citiusmag.com/the-armory-history/


                              keen- "I just noticed that the form in your profile pic is pretty similar to that of RLK's."  !! This might be the best form compliment anyone has (unintentionally) paid me, haha

                              mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58

                                Oregon - 400s at 5K pace with 200m recovery actually sounds like a very solid workout back.  Not killer, but workouts don't need to be killer to achieve what you want, IMHO.


                                I had same thought.


                                DkW ~ Where is a 10K?


                                All of you w/ little ones bring back memories. My oldest is a 24 y/o Mom now. She loved going out in the jogging stroller.


                                12 w/ 4 sets of 3-2-1 hills. 3 min @ 8K effort (2/3rds recovery); 2 min @ 5K effort (50% recovery); 1 min @ 3K effort. "Full" recovery b/w sets.


                                287 miles this month. Coincidentally, I also have 287 YTD.