2018 3:20 (and beyond) (Read 582 times)


Mother of Cats

    Crazy on the Russian doping - Meldonium, right?  Same thing that got that tennis star.


    FB - interesting progression.  My shoe need also evolved over time - I moved from a heel strike to a midfoot strike, and from needing a lot of arch support to being more or less neutral.  But in my case my gait didn't "improve" due to my choice of shoes; it improved because I ran a lot and did drills and just got better at the natural mechanics, and my shoe choices then changed to match.


    Dad -welcome to Tapirtown!


    My week: 62 miles of running and 19 "miles" of pool-running:

    M: 7.5 miles very easy to yoga (9:28), yoga, then 1.5 miles very easy home (9:16) plus drills and strides.
    T: 11 miles, including a track workout of 800, 2x1600, 800 in 3:05, 6:17, 6:09, 2:57).  Also injury prevention work and recovery swimming.
    W: 10 "miles" of pool-running plus upper body weights/core.
    Th:11 miles, including a tempo workout of 4 miles in 26:38 (6:39/6:41/6:42/6:36).  Also recovery swimming.

    F: 10 miles very easy (9:19) plus drills, hill sprints, and DIY yoga.

    Sa: 21 progressive, split as first 7 at 9:00, next 7 at 7:36, last 7 at 6:45.  Followed with injury prevention work and recovery swimming.
    Su: 9 "miles" pool-running.

    Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


    And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


      Can't say that I expected curling to deal with doping issues. What's the average HR of a curler in competition? 82?


      My Week

      Weekly Summary
      Monday, Feb 12, 2018 thru Sunday, Feb 18, 2018

      <tfoot> </tfoot>
      Day Miles Pace Description HR Link
      Mon 6.0 8:00 6 easy 0 strava
      Tue 2.0 7:48 2 up 143 strava
      Tue 3.3 5:42 6x800 w/ 2:30 rest 165 strava
      Tue 1.5 7:45 1.5 down 145 strava
      Thu 7.0 8:09 Working the Hills 151 strava
      Fri 6.1 8:09 A way too close skunk encounter!! 0 strava
      Sat 5.0 7:59 More rain = More TM 0 strava
      Sun 21.5 7:38 16 E, 3 GMP, 2 pickup, .5 tired jog towards the car 150 strava
        52.4 7:45      

      Road Mile: 5:19 (2017), 5k: 17:09 (2021), 10k: 35:54 (2021), HM: 1:21:55 (2020), M: 2:53:18 (2021)


        fb:  Black socks over sandals!


        Resident Millennial

          calbears will come out of the woodwork. he always does!

          ace- "What's the average HR of a curler in competition? 82?" lol!


          pj- shorts over shorts? is that worse than shorts over tights?


          so ... track! lining up for that first race was the scariest (running-related) thing i think i've ever done. i don't know why. here we were, a bunch of pretty decent (most faster than me) distance/marathon runners, freaking the f out standing next to 16 year olds. it was an all-comers meet so for the most part they had a separate "open" heat (adult teams like us and some random unattached kids) and then a cascade of HS heats based on pacing. for the 1500, i wish they'd combined them, as i was mostly in last place - did pass two people - and running alone, but would've had a lot of targets if the HS girls had been in there too. i ran 5:20 which translates to a ~5:42 mile which i think is good! my (old) mile PR is 5:51 and i've only run the 1500 once before (in 5:26) so all-around this is better than i've ever run the distance before. and we're only a couple weeks into workouts, so i didn't feel like i had much speed that wasn't inherent.


          then a few hours, and much sunburn, later i ran the 3200, which they last-minute decided was going to be run male and female together. this was good, because there were only like 12 females, but it could have been bad if we hadn't done our warmup/drills/etc a little bit early. every other event was M first and then F, so we thought we had longer to go before the race than we had. (it was on a rolling, not time-based, schedule). but that combined heat had 52 (!!!!) runners in it which is by far the biggest sized heat i've ever seen/been a part of. it was a cluster at the start of course - i put myself three rows back from the line - and also when i hit my 5th lap was when the lead dudes lapped me, so the officials at the line told me to move out into lane 2 since there was a pretty big lead pack. i didn't mind, just a new experience! HS kids pace like idiots, i learned, since i was in last for the first 400m and that split was 87, which is like 11:40 3200 pace, which i knew not everyone would hit. but i scooped people up lap by lap and after that first lap i held fairly consistent around 92/lap. would've loved to stay at 6min/mi pace but the speed isn't there yet. i did have a fun finish, and one of the only times i've felt competitive in a track race (i was v slow in HS). was stalking a girl from ~100m back with 2 laps to go, was 60m back with 1 lap to go, and then started approaching her back with 250m left. about three times she put in a surge when she heard my breathing approach her, but at 120m left i said f it and swung around her and then sprinted scared assuming she would kick me down. ended up 5 seconds ahead of her! ran 12:16 (i'm giving myself two seconds based on what my watch had / starting so far back in pack) which is ok i guess? my only other 3200m was *ten* years ago and just scraped under 14min... those were different times. if i do more this season it'd be nice to get under 12.


          also, i've had my fair share of "track hack" at indoor meets in my northeast winter past, but turns out you also get it at outdoor tracks in dry places, like Berkeley. cough cough!


          also ... USAs! shelbo is still a beast. sad about kate grace but it sounds like she was sick/acknowledges she still hasn't quite adapted to new training. i do not understand sprints. steeple squigs is awesome.


          max- congrats on your one hundred kilometers!

          mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


            Hi all,


            I'm amazed at your workouts... like seriously, I can imagine myself getting that fast


            RLK: Nice job on the track meeting

            Smax: Congrats


            Meldonium: There is a lot of debate of it being a performance enhancer.  There are researchers that openly say there is no sufficient proof (studies) that it helps the athletes.  Less so for a curler... However, it's in the WADA list and you have to abide by it.  My uneducated guess: The curler made a rookie mistake.


            Shorts over tights: Been there done that.  At -10C (14 F)  I have to protect some parts... And I don't care how I look.


            Shoe changes:  I was fitted on Brooks Adrenaline at the very beginning, then I started going to less support (Ravenna).. After that, I run on neutral.  I'm still a heel striker but is very light, and my cadence is now over 180



            Weekly Summary
            Monday, Feb 12, 2018 thru Sunday, Feb 18, 2018

            <tfoot> </tfoot>
            Day Miles Pace Description HR Egain Link
            Tue 8.9 6:52 Tempo 9k@4:05 best birthday gift ever 142 (82%) 0 strava
            Wed 7.5 7:39 Short commute in shorts 130 (75%) 114 strava
            Thu 3.5 23:29 Indoor soccer 108 (62%) 0 strava
            Fri 3.1 7:35 Calibrating footpod 5 times!! 0 (0%) 0 strava
            Fri 5.0 7:40 Evening Run 126 (72%) 0 strava
            Sat 5.7 8:01 Easy Run 122 (70%) 68 strava
            Sun 19.6 8:12 Run to the hills, run for your life 137 (79%) 2095 strava
              53.3       2277  

              I've missed a few weeks, but still training for a mid-March full. Week before last was a bit messed up with a hospital stay for my wife. I flubbed an MP workout and had about 15 less miles overall. Whatever. I bounced back decently this past week.


              Saturday I drove down to the south side of Charlotte for a 10 mile race. I had not done it before so had little knowledge of the course or elevation. About 60% or more of it was on a recreation type path (called greenways around here). This was mostly flat, but never straight. It weaved through the woods, so running tangents was a challenge. However, I did end up with only 9.9 miles for the race. I blame the tree covered paths messing with the Garmin.


              I chased the lead female most of the race. I caught her in the last mile, but mainly because she wasn't running the tangents and I was. I encouraged her to stay with me on the last mile, but she said, "That's okay, I've got more miles after this." I shut up and let her do her thing. My official time was a 1:04:15 for a 6:26 pace. I wanted to run this partly because I needed a boost after the aforementioned bad MP run and partly as a gauge for the marathon. I usually like a half for that, but there just wasn't one handy.


              Date Distance Pace Comment  

               Mon Feb 12 



               Afternoon Run 


               Tue Feb 13 



               Track: 5 x 600m


               Wed Feb 14 



               Supposed to be 14


               Thu Feb 15 



               Easy 5


               Fri Feb 16 



               MLR - anti tapering


               Sat Feb 17 



               Pre-race warm-up


               Sat Feb 17 



               Charlotte 10 Mile Race 


               Sun Feb 18 



               Morning Run 




              Bike commute: 85 miles  


              I've entered this race result into a couple of marathon prediction calculators and they show around 3:05 / :06 is possible. I'm not sure how aggressive they are though. I think the elevation for this race isn't too far off from what the full will be.


              Recovery Phenom

                I realize I fell off the face of the earth for about three weeks, but I am back. Life has been so hectic/crazy/busy and I have not had the time to come and chat with you all, regrettably!


                Treadmills: I try to avoid them, but if the roads are icy or if it's a "real feel" in the single digits, then I will hop on one. I don't, however, use them for speed work. Back in 2011 I ended up with 3 stress fractures in my shins from too much treadmill work, so I now I use them sparingly, and my easy pace is about 30 seconds per mile slower than my easy pace outdoors.


                Tempo: That word gets thrown around a lot. I first learned about it through the Pfitzinger book, so I think of it as 10 mile race pace to HMP race pace, depending on how long the tempo. Usually I try to be close to my 10-mile race pace.


                RUNandBIKE: Welcome. Hope your lower leg issues improve!


                pepper: Glad you liked the shorts. I got two pairs of rabbit shorts for Christmas and I haven't worn them yet because it's been too cold.


                Darkwave: "My Coach has very strong opinions." I won't argue with you there!  I agree with some of his things, like not wearing minimalist shoes (because I need a high heel-to-toe ratio), but disagree with others, like it's impossible to drink too much water. I have definitely been over-hydrated. As you always say, some things work for some people, others don't.  I saw your long run on Strava, great job. And it's awesome you tested the Vapor Flys and you've decided to go with them. Now you can wear them confidently knowing that you felt good downhill at MP effort. Oh, and Rochelle and I used our gift cards to Clyde's Willow Creek on Saturday night. That place is good- better than the Clyde's in DC or Tyson's. Worth the trip out there to use your gift certificate.


                Dad: Awesome workout for you! Cute little animal too. Is that a taper?! :-)


                oregonrw: Welcome, and nice to meet you! I can totally see high school boys never running recovery pace, LOL.


                OMR: My husband doesn't do tights either, but he wears the looser fitting running pants and likes them.


                fb-guy: I do eccentric heel drops for my Achilles. It has been great at keeping the issue away. I use a Smith machine with 15 pounds on each side. Sounds like your running has been going well in spite of being sick.


                Ace: Very solid week!


                rlk: I saw your photo of the track meet on Instagram. Great recap. Sounds like fun but also very hard.


                Here is my week last week:


                <tfoot> </tfoot>
                Day Miles Pace Description Egain Link
                Mon 8.0 8:56 My legs got wind burned! 152 strava
                Tue 12.0 7:28 Morning Run 187 strava
                Wed 8.3 8:39 Morning Run 236 strava
                Thu 2.1 9:07 Warm up 56 strava
                Thu 6.0 6:59 3 x (1 mile @ 10K, 1 mile @ MP) nonstop 98 strava
                Thu 1.6 9:01 Cool down 48 strava
                Fri 8.3 8:40 Afternoon Run 200 strava
                Sat 18.0 8:05 Last 8 at Marathon Pace 522 strava
                Sun 5.0 8:57 69.3 miles for the week! 104 strava
                  69.3 8:14   1603


                According to my coach, this was my first "official" week of marathon training. He has increased my Sunday recovery run from 30 minutes to 45 minutes, which I was not a fan of, but we'll see how it plays out. The Tuesday run that was 12 miles at 7:28 pace my coach said to run for 90 minutes at a pace of 7:30. Sounded like a marathon pace run to me, but surprisingly it was not really hard. Felt kinda easy the first 9 miles and only began to get a little tired in the last three, but also sped up a wee bit.


                The long run was hilly. 3 of the 8 marathon pace miles were up hills (70 feet gain per mile) and also a little headwind. That sucked the life out of me. I'm training with a 7:24 marathon pace target based on the recent Houston Half. We'll see if I actually go for that as marathon pace as it gets closer.

                26.2 x 31 (3:15:34 PR)

                13.1 x 35 (1:30:58 PR)

                Author of the book Boston Bound

                Running Problem

                Problem Child


                  Brewing - nice tempo.  To be clear (in that 3:20 way), most training programs advise that if you break up a steady tempo into intervals and don't speed up the pace, you should keep the recovery shorter.  More like 90 seconds or so.  Daniels is a good read on the why of this.  That being said. my training group always takes a longer recovery, but we also do "cruise intervals" at a faster pace than we would a steady tempo.


                  There's also the very good point that these are finer details, and the more important part is that you did good work for a solid period of time without overdoing it.


                  DW: SO the interesting things about the tempo run are mostly how I did it. First, I didn't actually check recovery. I just went with 3:00 minutes (3:30 because downhill, right hand turn, traffic might have been a bad idea to swing wide) and then increased it from 10 minutes to 15 because I assumed the downhill was giving me extra at start. Since I knew it would be mostly flat for the second half I just went for 15 and tried to keep it sub 7 for that reason. The article said 2x10 minute with 2 minute recovery or 2x15 minute with 3 minute recovery. Does your tempo or cruise intervals revolve mostly around marathons which is why you don't break them up? Does it change for a shorter distance (pace or time)?  I hope you get the asthma figured out. I'd HATE having asthma as I already get congested living where I'm at.

                  I previously ran in the Brooks "minimalist" shoes. I believe I did the pure cadence and pure connect. I can't remember which but I remember them not making much of a comfort or pain difference for me. I DO think the vibrim shoes are stupid. I also almost bought into the hype.


                  rlk great job on the track race. You threw down some SERIOUS speed.


                  pj I got a kick over yout "160 minutes" run.


                  dad that 5x5minute sounds like my last speed workout. I don't think I can enter taper town until closer, but my race is only a 5K. Do people even taper for those?


                  elisabeth yeah I don't really want to do speed work on my treadmill. Mostly beucae I don't trust the paces but also becuase it seems like it's easier or harder...I cant remember which one. I also don't know what the running paths or roads are like currently but the whole "feels like 21 with 16 mph winds" might keep me inside and reschedule my speed work.


                  high schoolers I can say I never ran track or cross country so I don't know what it's like. I can say I ran for wrestling but unknown pace and distance. I CAN say my niece (8th grade) runs and her cross country coach told her to go out as hard as she can from the start. The logic was you don't want to get stuck behind someone or in a slow pack. I told her she could run an even (say 7:15) pace from the start and beat everyone who ran a 7:20. Apparently she doesn't like GPS watches but schools allow them for competition.


                  max I hope you had fun. Looking forward to the report. I'm sure it will take a while with everything you have going on, and recovery.


                  Starting "daddy daycare" this week. It should be interesting since I think I have a small sickness. I didn't get any running in over the weekend because we went camping and the weather just wasn't cooperating (25-35 mph winds Sunday, didn't pack warm gear for Saturday) So I didn't get enough miles in. Then it snowed here yesterday and we're looking at a HIGH of 40s. The day is young but maybe I'll get a TRX workout in today. Ran out of homebrew so it's probably possible around dinner time.


                  Today is supposed to be a tempo (7:00-7:10/mi) run. We will see if that happens. It's going to get interesting for workouts but I'm thinking they'll end up being when DW can handle NeRP after work. I guess I better have dinner made, or at least started, for the next 6-8 weeks. April can't come soon enough Big grin

                  Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                  VDOT 53.37 

                  5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                  Cobra Commander Keen

                    Katia, How was being alone?? Over the weekend DW took DD1 to a birthday party, and at one point DD2 & DD3 fell asleep at the same time. I didn't know what to do with a quite house!

                    DWave - Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I'm sure my lack of mobility & strength work will catch up to me if I don't start something.
                    Awesome LR on the back of a good week. I'm going to assume you track mileage on your shoes, and if so, how do you track mileage when using more than one pair in a run?

                    PJ - Two pairs of shorts? I can't decide if that's better, worse, or the same as shorts over tights.

                    Dad - That looks like a killer workout, and nice week overall. Enjoy the tapir.

                    OMR - How did crewing go?

                    FB - Bummer that you're still sick, but are you at least making something of a recovery?

                    Ace - Good week.

                    RLK - Very interesting hearing about a meet like that as I've never done one (no track or XC at the school I went to). Being nervous around the HS kids is amusing to me, as I also imagine those same cocky kids saying something like "are you proud you beat a highschooler?" when they got beat.

                    Jaime - Solid week.

                    Matt - Good week, and that's a speedy 10-miler!

                    E11 - Nice to see you back here! Nice week, too. What's your goal race?


                    Max - Saw the race on Strava. RR incoming?



                    We can ignore all of what used to be here. Definitely HRM issues. Need to get that thing looked at...

                    My week:


                    Monday, Feb 12, 2018 thru Sunday, Feb 18, 2018

                    <tfoot> </tfoot>
                    Day Miles Pace Description HR Link
                    Mon 10.7 7:26 Daniels' 8x 3 min I, 2 min reco. More miles than degrees! 148 (76%) strava
                    Tue 9.3 8:05 One owl and one rabbit. 146 (74%) strava
                    Wed 6.3 8:07 Whoops. Forgot my headlamp. And about 3 miles. 141 (72%) strava
                    Wed 3.7 7:57 Finding my missing miles. Running in daylight is strange. 143 (73%) strava
                    Thu 6.3 8:03 1 possum, 1 flock of geese, & 6 strides 145 (74%) strava
                    Thu 3.7 7:58 Soaking up the last of the shorts weather. 151 (77%) strava
                    Fri 8.5 8:23 Trying out this Zwift running thing. I had the island all to myself! 140 (71%) strava
                    Sat 12.1 7:29 Daniels 1E, 9M, 2E. Finally with the Landrunners again! 158 (81%) strava
                      60.6 7:53

                    5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                    Upcoming Races:





                    Mother of Cats

                      CK - the HR # itself doesn't give me pause, but your description of how you felt does.  Hills and higher temperatures would elevate HR, and I don't see spikes or other oddities.  But, if you hit your max HR, you'd know even before you saw the #.


                      Try changing the battery on the strap?  I'm assuming you were using the strap; the wrist-based HR is not reliable.


                      As for tracking mileage, I split Sunday's run into two on my log - one for each pair of shoes.  So in my log it looks like an 11 miler and then a 10 miler.  (I track shoe mileage with RunningAhead, not with Strava).


                      Ace - it's just so amusing that it was a Russian curler that got caught - you'd think they'd be very very careful.


                      RLK - enjoyed your race reports.  I've never raced longer than a mile on the track (in fact I've only raced a mile on the track), so fun to read your description of the 3200.


                      Jaime - I"m with you - when it gets cold, the biological imperative trumps sartorial discretion.


                      Matt - nice race.  I hope your wife is feeling better.  For marathon prediction purposes, I'm not sure there's too much difference between a 10 miler and a half.


                      E78 - nice week.  I actually never got my gift certificate from that race.  There was a screw up where my registration somehow got associated with a previous address, and my certificate went there.


                      Brew- I stand corrected if the plan said to do 2x10-15 minutes.  Actually, that makes a ton of sense for 5K training, especially for someone coming from a marathoner background.  Your race is hopefully going to be less than 20 minutes, so why tempo for 20+ minutes - you'll get a more specific stimulus from shorter tempo intervals that may be slightly faster.


                      One of the big benefits of continuous tempos is the mental training - that practice in maintaining focus while running hard for 20-30 minutes really pays off when race day comes.


                      OMR - socks and sandals in any combination is ghastly.


                      10 miles total for me today.  5.5 very easy to yoga (9:29), yoga, and then 4.5 very easy (9:09) plus drills and strides.

                      Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                      And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

                        Drug scandal in curling. 


                        Lots of good weeks below.


                        Ace ~ 82, ha!


                        rlk ~ Nicely done. 3200 must've been very crowded. +1 to USA comments.


                        Matt ~ Strong race.


                        CDR K~ Not a HR expert, but can't imagine there isn't variability in measurement.


                        E78 ~ Welcome back. Good start to training. Yes, that's a baby Tapir (symbolically at start of taper).


                        Brew ~ Well, it is a 5K I'm tapering for ...


                        Of course, taper is relative. I squeezed in a workout today, due to holiday and travel plans next weekend. Don't like doing that (normally I like two recovery days b/w workouts), but wanted to get in certain work before race. Did what Lauren Fleshmen calls the "Ice Cream Sandwich": 10 min tempo, 6x1 min just faster than 5K, 10 min tempo ... as she explains, the "magic of the workout happens during that final 10 minutes when your body has to clear the lactic acid on the go." Oh yeah, especially on tired legs.




                          rlk: Great job on the track racing! I haven't raced on a track in so long -- but just the thought of it makes me nervous. Must be residual high school nerves.


                          Darkwave: Nice 10 + yoga today.


                          Ace: I watched a little bit of curling today -- yup, still don't get how doping would help them.


                          matt: Congrats on your race!


                          Elizabeth: Thanks for the welcome, and nice mileage last week!


                          Brewing: What does NeRP stand for?


                          Dad: That sounds like a good workout - I think I'll try that this week.


                          As for me, 7 miles easy today, and I had today off so I was able to do it in daylight! Always a bonus, especially when it's sunny out. My week last week was not great, some things popped up at work and home and I didn't plan well, so ended up taking an unscheduled day off. I ended up with 33 miles, including a 10 miles long(ish) run and 1 workout (15 x 1 min on/1 min off).  I need to start increasing mileage, but have been lazy.  Last year at this time I was running 50-60 miles a week - it feels like a lifetime ago fitness-wise.


                          pie man

                            I don't even own tights so I probably shouldn't have an opinion on that one.  Socks with sandals is unequivocally the worst thing, though.


                            Finished the week with an even 50.  19 on Saturday will be my last 'long' run.  Sorta swapping a taper week this week to have fresh legs for club challenge and then slight increase 3 weeks out into a more traditional taper.  Or maybe I'm just doing a two week taper.  Either way.  No run yesterday, but a decent hike.  Felt rather fresh today as a result.


                            Matt - 64 is cruising.  I don't think it's so out of line for 3:06 if the courses are comparable.


                            I found my watch!  That was a rough 4 days.

                            11:11 3,000 (recent)

                            Running Problem

                            Problem Child

                              One of the big benefits of continuous tempos is the mental training - that practice in maintaining focus while running hard for 20-30 minutes really pays off when race day comes.


                              This is the mentality I had today. I also had it when DW had a clogged duct. Her breast felt rock hard. I imagine it feels like a kidney stone and her face made me think of every single hard run I'd ever done and had to push through when it got hard and started to hurt. Upside: I like boobs. Downside: the wife was in pain while I was helping. It seemed to do the trick as later in the evening feeding was going better. It was apparently due to NeRP not eating as much during camping. Wife learned to ALWAYS bring the pump. Downside: Babies R US (Ripoff R Us) apparently doesn't show it online, then says it's out of stock so I can't order it. I can't imagine why the company is filing bankruptcy.


                              dad well you're also doing like 70 mpw for a 5K. I literally thought "FAWK THAT" to your workout. I might try it in the future. Who is this Laww-Ren girl you speak of and why does she like ice cream sandwiches?


                              oregon Navel Enterprise Resource Program.

                              New Running Partner. My son was born in December. I posted to "the page of faces" with the heading "New Running Partner" and I believe it was max who said "that's a funny name. NRP." It was catchy, and I've used it enough here, I fully expect future meetings with "less than imaginary friends" to refer to him as such. Wife is aware of the name.


                              Matt 6:26...for 10 miles.....for FAWKING REELZ?!?!??!?!? (insert fire emoji here). During my run today I thought "Your easy mile is my Tempo. My Tempo is your race pace." Hope DW is doing well. You're about to enter taper town with a  mid-March race. What workouts do you have left for this month?


                              Today's run was kind of interesting. I didn't want to go outside because the forecast said miserable (30F with 16 MPH winds) but I layered up and went out. I started out thinking I'd just do an easy run but that morphed into a workout because, well the schedule says so and you probably won't do this tomorrow. Originally it was going to be 2x 10 min @7:10 w 2 min jog, It morphed into 15 minutes with 3 min jog, which became a 20 minute tempo after reading online, which then became a little closer to 25 minutes because I was feeling it and it would be kind of a convenient spot to quit but why quit there when 4 is right there, eh just do a full 30 minute tempo run because we're feeling good after a few days off. My first half marathon (sub 2 baby!) was on this loop. I never forget aiming for sub 2:00:00 with my wife and friend being volunteered for an aid station around mile 7 and rooting me on. I also don't forget mile 8 where I was so glad a specific song from Jurassic 5 came on because it kept my cadence and I hit repeat a few times. I ran about 2 minutes faster today.


                              The funny thing, the spreadsheet I was going to use to see how I did is at work. I won't be there until April. Well at least I got SOMETHING down on paper as a training tool right? Probably not. Just a fast run followed by a short jog home with a voicemail to pick up the trailer because it has new tires.


                              I just spent probably 20 minutes trying to get NeRP to nap. Wife comes in..."Is he sleeping? Grandma wants to face time" (insert middle finger emoji). Tomorrow is going to be AWESOME!

                              Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                              VDOT 53.37 

                              5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                                E78 - welcome back to the forum and to a new training cycle! Always fun to knock out MP miles on hills.

                                Keen - I'm not a treadmill or bike trainer guy, but I could see myself being tempted by Zwift. Like a video game requiring a workout.

                                DW - agree on the continuous tempos. I went into that 10 miler knowing I had managed a solo 7 mile tempo at a given pace and figured I should be able to match or beat that workout's pace.

                                Dad - Ice Cream Sandwich workout looks tough. I'm guessing it is not a lactate free ice cream. Smile

                                Oregon - I'm always happy when I get to run after the sun rises too. Look! Trees and houses and things! Don't worry if you're not at the same mileage as a year ago. We all need ebbs and flows.

                                Pepper - Thanks! I gotta wear tights for both biking and running. I feel like a super hero in them. I haven't seen anyone come down on socks and flip-flops. Flops are often my go to after a race or run. If it's cold out, the socks stay on. Plus, soccer, volleyball, etc. athletes do it all the time.

                                Brewing - the most minimalist shoe I've done is the Pure Flow; still a normal shoe in my opinion.


                                Matt 6:26...for 10 miles.....for FAWKING REELZ?!?!??!?!? (insert fire emoji here). During my run today I thought "Your easy mile is my Tempo. My Tempo is your race pace." Hope DW is doing well. You're about to enter taper town with a  mid-March race. What workouts do you have left for this month?

                                Ha! If you look at my numbers, you'll see plenty of 8:30+ pace miles. Yesterday's lunch run was 4 @ 8:54.

                                As for remaining workouts, tomorrow is 5 x 1200 and a 20 mile on Sunday. Otherwise it's just strides and couple of medium long runs (12-14 mi).