2018 3:20 (and beyond) (Read 582 times)

On the road in MN

    Ace - nice workout !  i'd be hesitant to get after it that hard so close to an injury scare - but if it feels right, gotta get back at it!


    Clever - good luck with that possible sickness!  I usually just run though it, downgrade or swap out workouts to mellow - haven't noticed much issue with it.  I suppose depends how bad it hits me.


    Keen - I hate wearing the wrong gear on a cold run!  Seems like I have the tendency to overdress quite a bit these days.  Can't wait for some warm runs soon!!!! Smile

            5k: 19:29  Oct'17      26.2:  4:03 Oct'15  3:22 Grandmas June'17       Upcoming: Grandmas Marathon June'18 


    Mother of Cats


      Feeling a slight throat tickle today and wondering whether I should push through or try to get to 40 miles on just 5 days of running... bleh.


      Tough call.  For others, I'm of the belief that easy running doesn't do any harm and may do some good (a hard workout may push you over the edge).  (I caveat this because I act differently when it's me.  Because of my asthma, I need to be very careful when I sense I have something coming on, since I don't want to trigger a flare).


      Ace - very nice workout, especially with the short recovery.


      Brewing - I really like doing stability/injury prevention stuff right after running, so you can practice holding good form when your legs are tired.  Really helps out late in the race.


      R+BN- nice run for you as well!


      Long run duration - my 21 milers usually end up around 2:45 ish.  They all have marathon pace segments in them, either as the final third of the run, or as segments within the run.


      11 miles for me today:  3 mile warm-up (9:28), then a track workout of 1600, 2x1200, 2x800 (6:12. 4:35, 4:30, 2:55, 2:49); 3 mile cooldown (9:34).  [recovery was 4:40 after the mile; ~2:20-2:40 after the 1200s and 800s.]   Also injury prevention work and recovery swimming.


      Good workout, though the last 800 was an oops.  No reason to be running that fast in marathon training.  OTOH, I don't think one excessive 800 is going to wreck my cycle.

      Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


      And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.



        My goal race is the Liberty mile, late July. No date has been set yet. I am training for something that has no date set yet. I repeat, no date set yet. Let that sink in for a little bit. We are morons.

        Mile 5:24 3k 11:01 5k 19:01 10k 38:34 hm 1:26:57 fm 3:02:33




           OTOH, I don't think one excessive 800 is going to wreck my cycle.


          Let me introduce you to my friend, Doomed.

          Mile 5:24 3k 11:01 5k 19:01 10k 38:34 hm 1:26:57 fm 3:02:33


          Mother of Cats

            My goal race is the Liberty mile, late July. No date has been set yet. I am training for something that has no date set yet. I repeat, no date set yet. Let that sink in for a little bit. We are morons.


             July 20, 2018.


            (I'm planning on doing the same insane day trip I did last year).


            (dances away, singing the doom song)

            Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


            And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

            Speed Surplus

              SC: rest on the 200s was 200 jog. Rest on the 1000s was 2:30 since it was VO2


              Hot damn, those are short rests for those 1ks!

              *checks your 5k pr*

              Oh, right - you're insanely fit. Carry on!

              5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12


                 July 20, 2018.


                (I'm planning on doing the same insane day trip I did last year).


                (dances away, singing the doom song)


                Harrisburg Mile is July 18th; shorter trip.



                  Oh, there is a date. I stand by my words though.

                  If you wanna do a slightly less insane drive, our home has a spare bed and a black cat that comes with it. Just let me know.

                  Mile 5:24 3k 11:01 5k 19:01 10k 38:34 hm 1:26:57 fm 3:02:33


                  Resident Millennial

                    spare bed? what is that?



                    mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


                      Oregon - I'm training for the April race.. I decided that 12 weeks out from it, so we'll see how that all goes, but I don't have any huge goals for it, and I feel like racing that race is a risky endeavor no matter what, having run the 2012 race. I've never done an 8k either!!


                      Dwave - I usually go through spurts of running LRs on rested legs (after a day off) in the beginning, for obvious reasons. When I started training for this one, I was jumping 2 miles at a time and hadn't run more than 8 miles at a time for a while, so it was nothing more than caution and injury prevention.  By the time I am repeating a cycle or in the middle of a strong one, I start running the day before more often.  I think you're probably right on the 800 not being overly detrimental to your training Smile


                      Brew - I see Hanson's philosophy is similar to mine.. ie, a lot of my runs are not much better than "better than nothing.."


                      RnBNick - the few times I got my husband to run with me, it was a decent amount slower, and I didn't mind.


                      Matt - I've always done 20 milers in the 2:40-3 hour range as well.. it hasn't seemed to affect me negatively, but it's not as if I have training cycles where I capped them to 2 hours with.


                      Ace - nice week again!!  You earned the day of rest.


                      Long Runs - One of my many mental blocks is runs past 20 miles, so I've never done one.  I'm sure that'll change at some point, but not this cycle.  I also have a mental block re: workouts in LRs, but I've started throwing in a few MP miles here and there.


                      7.4 this morning at 7:43 average pace.. I did the first 5 miles at a tempo pace with the first 2 being 7:30ish, 3rd (uphill) 8:10, followed by 7:02 and 7:20. I had considered doing the whole thing at tempo pace, but cooled down at the end to save my legs, since they're still tired and I'm planning on running just over 40 miles this week, which I haven't done since last April. Trying to tread that balance of not getting injured and getting back in shape..

                      PRs: HM: 1:32:59 (2015); FM: 3:18:36 (2017)


                      Mother of Cats

                        K77 - that balance is so tough.


                        Dad - thanks for the recommendation. I might do that one.  But....Pittsburgh offered nice prize money for Masters runners last year (I got $300 for second).  Harrisburg doesn't, from what I can tell.


                        Sam - thanks for the offer - I may revisit that closer.  Thing is, I get bad insomnia after night races.  And if I'm going to be up until 3 am after the race, I might as well just drive home.


                        Catching up on the race chart now.  Thanks guys!

                        Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                        And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                        pie man

                          Waiting on the NY lottery like I was waiting on Skylab

                          11:11 3,000 (recent)


                            RLK -- if I had a spare bed in SFO I would try to get rich.


                            DW -- prize money. W\ow, what a great idea. A hobby that pays; I wonder what all those golfers and skiers would think about that.


                            All you track people -- what are good age-group mile times? Isn't a mile really just 5-6 minutes of pain?


                            Sam -- having been out of the loop for a while, it's good to see that you have a significant partner. Hope all else is well. Our cat is white and afraid of everything. Next time, I want a tiger striped cat that can beat up the dog. Alpha cat.


                            Ace -- glad you are feeling better; my hip thing is fading but I can see serious hip/glute muscle deficit that needs to be addressed. So, have fun and be careful -- at the same time.


                            Clever -- I'm a big advocate of running sick; I'm sure you get better faster. Me? I've been running in the cold and rain, and I've been sick for 3+ weeks. hmmmmm.


                            Funny thing here. You can probably file this under stupid running. Knowing that I need endurance, I've run a quick-ish 6.5 the past two days. 7:09 yesterday, with two 6:40s and a 6:12 last half mile, and 7:34 today, with the last 3 @ 7:00. I need endurance for the last 10K 5 1/2 weeks from you, and I can't get it, so basically I'm doomed.

                            m: 2:55:04 | 10k: 37:14 | 50mile: 9:35


                              FB:  Good luck with that endurance. I'm short on that now also -- so, doomed.


                              darkwave: thanks for adding my races to the chart.  I will update with goals after the 8k -- hoping I have some idea what I should be aiming for after that.


                              katia: good luck with your training - and you're right, that race is risky.  The last two years have been so hot (though not as hot as 2012 I think), which is in part why I'm not going this year -- I just didn't want to train all winter, then fly across the country, for another race where I knew I had no chance of running my best. But I definitely feel like I'm missing out -- I love that race.


                              I ran 6.5 this morning, with 6x600s (1 min recoveries). I programmed the workout into my watch, and I can't see my watch so I just go by when the watch beeps at me (I wear glasses but not when I run). My watch kept beeping at me during the intervals, and I assumed it was because I was slower than the pace I put in (because I'm out of shape).  But when I got home and downloaded the workout, I was actually a little faster than I planned -- not much, but it was nice to know that I wasn't totally off on pacing!


                                All you track people -- what are good age-group mile times? Isn't a mile really just 5-6 minutes of pain?


                                Faster than me is good; slower than me = "hobby jogger".