2018 3:20 (and beyond) (Read 582 times)


Duke Of Bad Judgment

    Darkwave: I'm disappointed that you didn't finish those cookies by page 38.


    DW just got back from a trip to FB's hometown, to see her mom.  So just dropping my week, inspired by Maston.  Practicing slow slogging.


    Weekly Summary
    Monday, Feb 26, 2018 thru Sunday, Mar 04, 2018

    <tfoot> </tfoot>
    Day Miles Pace Description Egain Link
    Mon 12.0 10:04 Morning Run 530 strava
    Tue 18.0 11:38 Morning Run 2403 strava
    Wed 9.0 9:22 Morning Run 102 strava
    Thu 9.0 9:54 Morning Run 104 strava
    Fri 11.1 9:41 Morning Run 523 strava
    Fri 6.0 9:24 Afternoon Run 80 strava
    Sat 22.1 11:01 Morning Run 2317 strava
    Sun 9.0 10:26 Morning Run 134 strava
    Sun 5.2 10:05 Afternoon Run 224 strava
      101.4 10:26   6417  

      I just ordered a pair of Kinvara's from Amazon, and sent them to DD2 at her dorm, and she'll give them to me when we meet for spring break. DD2 is a mule.


      Max -- late responding to this one. That is really crap news that it takes a lot of time per day for a lot of days to successful stretch out your hip flexors. Thanks for that; I was hoping it would be easy. :-)

      m: 2:55:04 | 10k: 37:14 | 50mile: 9:35


        matt: Enjoy the taper. What was your peak mileage?


        I had a few weeks at 70 or just over (72 I think). I probably averaged about 60 for the last 14 weeks.




          Day 1: 50 minutes easy.  (Yeah, it's good to start every new runner with 50 minutes.)

          Day 2: 40 minutes easy.  (Practically a rest day.  Slacker...)

          Day 3: 50 minutes easy.

          Day 4: AM - 8x 90 seconds hard up a 7% hill.  PM - 30 minutes easy.  (Yes.  A double on day 4.  With hill repeats in one run.)

          Day 5: 50 minutes easy

          Day 6: 70 minutes easy.  (Longer than most runners will ever run.)

          Day 7: Rest.   (A rest day???  In the first week?)

          Day 8: AM - 60 minutes easy.  PM - 40 minutes easy.  (Another double...)

          Day 9: AM - 50 minutes easy.  PM - 40 minutes easy.  (A cutback double.)

          Day 10: 70 minutes easy.  (No double - what did he do with all that extra free time?)

          Day 11: AM 8x90 seconds hard uphill on a 10% grade.  PM - 30 minutes easy.  (He did those hill repeats at a grade-adjusted pace of about 5:20/mile!)

          Day 12: 50 minutes easy

          Day 13:  90 minutes with a 16k distance goal, i.e. not necessarily easy.

          Day 14: Rest.  (But his foot/ankle hurt to walk on.)

          Day 15: AM - 60 minutes easy.  PM - 40 minutes easy.  (Walking hurt when he got up, and it hurt for the first few k of each run, but the pain went away after that.)

          Day 16:  Foot/ankle is very unhappy.  (That's odd - I wonder what caused that?)

          Days 17-26: Painful walking but slowly getting better.  No running.  Fortunately biking is fine.

          Day 27:  Writes "It seems obviously stupid looking back."  Hires a new coach, who hopefully will make only subtle mistakes.

          I think I have seen this plan before, it was called Hal Higdon Novice #2 or something similar.

          Mile 5:24 3k 11:01 5k 19:01 10k 38:34 hm 1:26:57 fm 3:02:33


          Cobra Commander Keen

            Ilana - I'm glad things are starting to be not miserable. How's the biking?


            Max - That week... Not just the mileage, but the time on feet... What Bad Idea do you have planned next?
            I had looked over that plan but started to glaze over before day 13. 16k in 90 minutes??? "not necessarily easy"? That certainly goes without saying.

            5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


            Upcoming Races:





            Mother of Cats

              FB - I laughed at the mule comment.


              Sam - I thought Higdon was better than that. Disappointing.


              7.5 very easy to the gym (8:54), upper body weights, core, DIY yoga, then 3.5 very easy home (8:36) plus drills and strides.  Surprised by how peppy my stride was, two days after a 21 miler.


              My partner gave one of our cats a tiny piece of ham about an hour ago.  That was a mistake - she's been begging ever since.  I'm not sure if we'll be able to sleep tonight.

              Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


              And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                FB: I don't like to carry my phone when I run so really only listen to music/podcasts if I am on the treadmill.


                Seattlemax: Nice week!


                ilana: Glad running is feeling less miserable - hopefully it just continues to get better from here.


                darkwave: Nice workout today.  Your commitment to all the extras runners should be doing is impressive.


                5.5 today during a late lunch. I've been interviewing people all day for a job we have open, which isn't one of my favorite things to do. It was nice to get outside for a bit and not talk to anyone (and it's sunny! and warmish!).


                  Ilana - glad it's getting better, slowly. Smile


                  CK - I'll have to use your link to get Strava charts as well.. I have the app but haven't done anything else with it.


                  Oregon - nice on mileage -- I feel like that on races often.


                  FB - I've been listening to books on audible lately. I never ran with my phone until I got pregnant, and even then I was bad about it, but now that I have an almost 2 year old and sometimes use babysitters to go on runs, I feel better if I have it with me.  I listen to music from amazon music if I'm doing a tempo or just want to.


                  Higdon - I've used his plans before, but I think I was new enough to racing that it wasn't a big deal and anything would have helped. Sometimes I still think that...


                  8.7 this morning, in 23 degrees and I'm over the cold, but the run felt less sluggish than I expected after yesterday's.


                  Question for those going to Botswana:  whose going alone and who is bringing a crew (or SO, etc)?  DH can't come due to work and honestly bringing a 22 month old is almost not worth it with that kind of chaos, so I'm either traveling alone or convincing my dad to fly to Boston.  I'm fine either way, and kind of leaning towards just having it be a solo trip, but curious.

                  PRs: HM: 1:32:59 (2015); FM: 3:18:36 (2017)


                    Just a quick drop in.


                    Max: nice week! How are you feeling about the coaching? Maybe we'll be referring to you when we discuss plans in the future..."Yeah, that looks like a Max plan."


                    Ended up with just over 55 miles last week. Which felt pretty good. Recovered well from my long run. I really just have 2 true workouts left until race day, as well as, a couple repetition days. Already starting to think about the weather, haha. Time to start thinking about goals.

                    Road Mile: 5:19 (2017), 5k: 17:09 (2021), 10k: 35:54 (2021), HM: 1:21:55 (2020), M: 2:53:18 (2021)


                    pie man

                      I've been checking my weather.  Not particularly cold but with rain has been the long range guess.  I don't completely hate that.

                      11:11 3,000 (recent)

                      Running Problem

                      Problem Child

                        catching up. Glad to see things moving along at normal speed. I know what max feels like now.


                        Max Still waiting on the race report. Also, when the wind comes here it comes in full effect. It might be because of people's opinions of the neighboring states causing it...because they blow. Sorry rlk/kk. Oh and I hope IF I use your coaching services you set me up with a sweet plan like the one your client had. Maybe "run 10 miles trails and 2,500' elevation" a couple times in the first week would help me "embrace the suck" of ultra marathons. Hope everything is going well. What you're dealing with is what I don't like about being


                        KK asthma, athlete, seriously you and DW impress me with your abilities with asthma.


                        NeRP is doing well. He seems to be taking to a schedule a little better than expected. We hit 4:30-5:00 of sleep at one time two nights in a row. Currently throwing in "crib sleeping" since he's close to growing out of the bassinet and daycare will have the crib so he might as well get accustomed to it. He doesn't seem to care where he sleeps. Just as long as he can get some sleep. I'm sure taking a family trip in two weeks with in laws will make his sleeping pattern even MORE random.  I thought I'd have so much more time staying home with him. It turns out him sleeping for an hour and a half (inconsistently until now) doesn't actually leave much time to eat/clean/shower/exercise/surf the internet/go to the dentist/car maintenance/clear snow/enjoy the "time off from work" but it HAS allowed me to take him to see DW for lunch time. I'm proud to report her supply is doing well and I've only dumped 8 ounces due to stupidity. He DID wake up about 5 minutes after I left for my ONE run this week. Good thing SIL knows how to handle a baby.  OH and I live stream watched the kid while at the dentist office. It freaked my SIL out when I talked to her through the camera, until she remembered I could live stream. #hoverparent. #dadlife


                        rlk talking about spare bedrooms just imagine having one. #freehotelroom More importantly what about garage space disappearing? #dadlife


                        runebikenick/keen The "race screen" app is something I've used for pacing. It works in the sense that if you're aiming for a goal (1:50) and the course is long you'll know a little earlier you need to pick it up. As for the two speed/tempo runs, look at Hansons. They do speed work on Tuesdays then tempo runs on Thursday. Later on they build up to 2x3 mile repeats with 1.5 warm up and cool down. Without doing any kind of recovery you're at 9 miles. Follow that with 9 miles at GMP (total of 12 miles for the day) and you'll see it's possble. Wednesday is a rest day and the weekly mileage as 55.

                        running Trying to get it done. I got nothing yesterday because my sister in law is in town for spring break. Apparently her idea of fun isn't sitting at home attempting to keep a 3 month old on some kind of schedule so mom can get more than 2 or 3 hours between feedings overnight. She had a hair appointment yesterday at 3:00, which became 3:15 and wasn't supposed to take long. 2 hours later....sheesh. The weather is conducive to outdoor running this week too.


                        5k Sunday. I'm honestly unsure if I still have 6:26/mi goal speed. Yeah I did almost all of my speed work at 6:30-6:35 pace (gps based) however it was a month ago and I haven't kept that 40 mpw goal. This might become the biggest, hardest, eye-opening bonk to date. 20:40 is my PR for the course.


                        oh and I just put a hold on Jack Daniels Running Formula third edition at the library. Maybe I'll read while on vacation or at home and see if I can understand his logic approach to training. I hope it will make it appear I'm not a hansons fanboy. Not these guys, or these guys.

                        Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                        VDOT 53.37 

                        5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                        Resident Millennial

                          kk- you know i know nothing about kids, but i will thrown in 2c that a friend of mine just took a vaca to spain with her husband, mom, and small child. per all of the pics posted/things she said, it sounds like the trip became a non-vacation due to dealing with small child's schedule, combining vacation-y activities she and husband wanted to do with small child requirements, etc. i think it'd be stressful - not what you need on a race weekend?


                          FB- lol @ kinvara mule. are running shoes super expensive across the pond? or can you not even find some brands?


                          max- man, and i thought dw's 9min/mi runs practiced impressive slogging! sometimes i see those 11min/mi runs on strava and wonder if you didn't stop your watch at any traffic lights or something.
                          lots of hugs for you and janet. and i'll take one in return, if i may. second grandfather i've lost in a 1.5 year span, yesterday morning. he was almost 92. 


                          PJ- chilly rain is good for racing! bad for the moment you stop. my teeth are still involuntarily chattering post-2015 botswana...


                          brew- but free hotel room means you have to put up with your guests 24/7.... hehe.
                          garage space? who needs it? #downwithcars

                          riot attitude aside, this is not a new article or new info but might be a new and interesting perspective for some of you:

                          "free" is never really free.


                          did a track workout in light (but not new) shoes on tuesday morning and now my peroneus longus (?) muscle - whatever is a bit to the outside of your shin in the top half of your lower leg - is really cranky. pointing toes and wearing cute shoes doesn't feel great. hoping this is just soreness and not something to worry about. racing 5k on sunday.

                          mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


                            DW - my child feeds my dog (who is more of a cat) more than I want to know. It's only ended badly a handful of times, surprisingly.


                            Brew - I didn't know what to expect staying home with DS for 12 weeks, but you're totally right -- a lot less "time" than most people think (ie - none, really). I REALLY respect SAHMs - harder than what I do.  Re: dropping 8 oz of breastmilk -- omg I would have flipped, lol.  In retrospect, trying to keep a freezer stash for CIM was wayyy too anxiety provoking and giving the kid some formula wouldn't have been the end of the world (much better than the frozen BM Nazi), but you don't always see these things at the time.  Once I came back from an 8 mile run and the babysitter had given my 3-4 month old TEN OUNCES of breastmilk at once and he threw it up everywhere. I was really really mad. lol. All of that is much funnier now. Pumping is a lot of work!



                            Rlk - oh, I'm not really considering taking my child since DH can't come and going back with an insane 22 month old after a marathon would be a nightmare, just wondering how many people are going alone or bringing a spouse or SO or something. I'm trying to decide if I should convince my dad to go or just take it as a solo trip. Sorry about the issue with the new shoes -- happens to me periodically too.


                            Smax - your weeks are insane.


                            Ace - sounds like things are pretty solid!


                            5.3 recovery miles this morning with next door neighbor and her dog. Last day off was last Monday, and 8 days is a really long stretch for me, but I'm handling it well. Think I will take tmw off, though.  I think I'll try a HM on the weekend of the 18th, but wondering if it's worth it since I'm usually sore after a race and I still want to build a little -- thoughts on continuing to build or stagnating miles for a week and racing a half to see where I'm at?

                            PRs: HM: 1:32:59 (2015); FM: 3:18:36 (2017)


                            Resident Millennial

                              kk- oooh i see, my bad. hm i've thought about that with bringing bf to "big deal" races ... if you feel like you'd have to shepherd your dad around, explain to him exactly how to spectate, etc it might add a layer of stress or just extra stuff for you to do/worry about that weekend. but if he is very chill and autonomous and can figure stuff out on his own / familiar with races, that could be a great way to share time w/ him and have someone who's there for you on race weekend!

                              mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58

                                Coming out of lurking to let you know Botswana Bib numbers are up.



                                Post Asthma Era PRs: 5K--18:39 (Mar 2016), 10K--39:40 (Feb 2018), HM--1:28:04 (Jan 2017), MAR--2:59:12 (November 2017)