Need New Shoes!! Suggestions On Brands/Has Anyone Tried Nike Plus? (Read 1991 times)

    Thanks to all for the suggestions! @ Garmin users: thought of it! May be a nice present for myself as I train for my first Half Marathon & The Army 10-miler!


      I have found the best shoes for me are the Nike Pegasus.  I had really bad Planter Facitis (Sp?) and I couldn't run because of knee pain that had developed.  Got these shoes and I now run pain free.  I do trail running, and these are nice a breathable and seem to be sturdy enough for the roots and whatnot.  Like someone else said, go to a running store and get analyzed.


      For devices, I really like my Polar RS800.  It works with a foot pod type of device, and is VERY accurate, with the exception of walking up steep hills.  You can also get a GPS device that goes with the watch.  I haven't done that yet.


         I didn't expect my questions to be analyzed & responded to rhetorically.


        Always expect this here. Wink
