What's on your bumper? (Read 1503 times)


    You actually got a 13.3?


    That's cool Smile

    It's from the Garmin Half Marathon


      A cyclist, maybe its time I got my eye sight tested.

      Old age is when you move from illegal to prescribed drugs.

        The less strangers piloting 2000+ lb. battering rams know about me the better.

        Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
        We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

          100.2 sticker... it's smaller than the standard 13.1 or 26.2 stickers, so kind of tongue in cheek.


          not bad for mile 25

            "We contend that for a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle." - Winston Churchill

            (my husband stuck that on our car!)


            You must get rear ended regularly by people trying to read that one.

              They should make (maybe "they" do), a dry-erase oval. Depending on how you're feeling, or what you want people to know about you that day, you just change it up. With maybe a protective clear coat to prevent water streaking it. Maybe you're actually driving in the Outer Banks on vacation and you think the OBX oval is tacky, you just erase it and put a VT there so people realize how awesome you are in your diverse vacationing locales. Moving on up from 13.1 to 26.2? Just wipe and rewrite.

              Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
              We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

                They do make those vinyl decals that you can stick on and peel off at will, like the old "colorforms" from when we old people were kids.  That way you can swap your OBX, VT, ACK and other "look how cool I am" oval bumper stickers depending on your location.  Most likely the best way to do it would be to go with the one that's geographically the farthest away at the moment.

                Runners run

                "run" "2" "eat"


                  i find the sunshine beckons me to open up the gate and dream and dream ~~robbie williams


                    "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus

                      A cyclist, maybe its time I got my eye sight tested.

                       I don't think so, it sounds like your aim is pretty good.

                      Thank you for taking the time to read my signature!






                          26.6 and Run

                            They should make (maybe "they" do), a dry-erase oval. Depending on how you're feeling, or what you want people to know about you that day, you just change it up. With maybe a protective clear coat to prevent water streaking it. Maybe you're actually driving in the Outer Banks on vacation and you think the OBX oval is tacky, you just erase it and put a VT there so people realize how awesome you are in your diverse vacationing locales. Moving on up from 13.1 to 26.2? Just wipe and rewrite.


                            Clicky.   You could probably write the whole story on it, instead of just your favorite TLA. 


                            MTA: I missed the small ones right next to it.  Clicky.

                            an amazing likeness

                              Some a-hole on the phone who needs to back the F off before I brake-check them so hard they drive the straw from their big gulp 6 inches up the roof of their mouth into the soft mush of their brain.

                              Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.



                                I'm not much for bumper stickers.


                                "Famous last words"  ~Bhearn
