Running stick (Read 1347 times)

    How about one of those swim noodles, cut short?


    they aren't firm enough.


    Sticks are good (I use one nearly daily), but if I really want to torture myself, a 4" OD piece of PVP pipe works wonders too.


      How about one of those swim noodles, cut short?


      No, they are too noodly.  Seriously, a foam roller is either solid core or made out of pretty firm/dense stuff.  And much thicker diameter than a swim noodle.  This makes it roll easier.


      And yes, keeping a rolling pin on your nightstand is interesting.


      BTW, supposedly The Stick and Tiger Tail thingies are better than rolling pins because they are slightly bendy (unlike foam rollers versus noodles... foam rollers need to NOT flex).  However, in my opinion, the bendiness of The Stick is overrated.



      I fly.

        My husband bought me a running stick a couple of weeks ago, because a marathon runner at his job swears by them.


        Although I've increased my mileage by 20 miles per week very recently, I've honestly got no lingering additional soreness.


        I use it nightly while watching TV, and go from very sore, to zero soreness/tightness.  Amazing.




        I have one, I like it.  I also have a foam roller, which I never use.

        Bring it on.

          I always wonder, instead of paying bucks for a foam roller, wouldn't just a paint roller from Home Depot work just as well?  Some of them even look like those swim "noodles".


          And a whole lot cheaper than what you see in stores and on the internet.


          I've never used or tried one, so I don't know.




          And...now for the comfy chair.


           the clinic my friend works at hands out rollers at their stretch tent. theirs are pool noodles cut down to length with a plastic pvc pipe going through it. 

          i use the foam part for sore muscles and i can use the pipe for trigger point therapy and other precise stretches.

             the clinic my friend works at hands out rollers at their stretch tent. theirs are pool noodles cut down to length with a plastic pvc pipe going through it. 

            i use the foam part for sore muscles and i can use the pipe for trigger point therapy and other precise stretches.


            Yes, this might work.  The noodles my kids have are hollow in the center and would accept a piece of PVC pipe.


            My running buds and I used to make jokes that "the stick" should just really be a stick, with acorns on it to roll around.



            I've got a fever...

              I've had good luck with TP therapy products.  The TP Massage ball is pricey compared to a tennis ball, but it's more firm, and a lot more effective, especially on tight spots on calves and glutes.  Also, it doesn't look like a buttplug, which may or may not be a plus.


              On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

                looks like yours is better made Murphy, does it bend at all?  The 'stick' bends slightly.


                Seems like they made a plastic stick ($2), then realized that runners actually liked it ($35). 


                I'm not complaining though, I am kinkless  Joking

                 Yeah, it has a little give to it.


                  I've had good luck with TP therapy products.  The TP Massage ball is pricey compared to a tennis ball, but it's more firm, and a lot more effective, especially on tight spots on calves and glutes.  Also, it doesn't look like a buttplug, which may or may not be a plus.



                  25 bucks!  I'm really interested in this...but I'd like to know more about what makes it more effective than my super ball.


                    25 bucks!  I'm really interested in this...but I'd like to know more about what makes it more effective than my super ball.


                    Another alternative firm ball is this:


                    Julstro Perfect Ball


                    From julstro:  http://www.julstro.com/about_pink_ball.html


                    It's $11. 

                      Do Not Taunt Happy Fun Ball


                        Yeah but Happy Fun Ball is pink, which is a bonus for me.  Still not sure why/how it would be better than my super ball... except perhaps size.


                        Big ball.


                          Your stick is bendy.


                          not bad for mile 25

                            Ice bath and roller combo


                              so let me get this straight - you'll spend $120 on your shoes, but would rather make something out of offcuts at Home Depot than spend $35 on an overpriced, but loved, running stick?



                              sincerely silly

                                We had The Stick on my high school track team.  All the girls shared just the one. :-) Good memories.


                                But yeah in seriousness man, I can't get my shins and calves pounded out like I did with The Stick.  One of the smaller ones is on my Amazon wishlist...hope one of my friends checks it sometime. :-) I guess I could try that rolling pin idea.  I keep thinking I'll just go to a craft store and make one somehow.  It's just giant beads on a stick!

                                shin splints are my nemesis
